If you are planning to earn a graduate degree in the John H. Lounsbury College of Education (COE) and want a graduate assistantship through the College of Education, please apply early. Priority deadline is March 15. The College of Education verifies that you are completely admitted to an COE program and meet the prerequisites for an assistantship. Most appointments are for 10 months beginning with the start of the academic year.
Job Descriptions
Graduate assistants (GA) provide educationally beneficial assistance to the departments which award the assistantships. By policy, graduate assistantship duties should be relevant to students' major field of study and shall be of academic value. The graduate assistant's supervisor should go over the job description with the student so that the GA is aware of what is expected by the department and university.
Students are eligible for the financial assistance provided by a graduate assistantship for a maximum of two years (24 months) applicable to the completion of one graduate degree. Once a student has completed a graduate degree, whether that program of study required one year or two, the student is no longer eligible for a graduate assistantship.
In the John H. Lounsbury College of Education we have four types of graduate assistantships:
- Assistantships at the Montessori Academy at the Early Learning Center
- General Graduate Assistantships (e.g. Dean's Office, Media or Curricular assistance)
- MAT-Middle Grades, Secondary, and Special Education Graduate Assistantships
- Click here to access forms for those that are already hired as Graduate Assistants.
Contact Information for the College of Education

Ms. Shanda Brand
Graduate Director CBX 70 Georgia College & State University
217A Kilpatrick Education Center
Milledgeville, GA 31061
478-445-1383 Fax: 478-445-6582