Call Me MiSTER

MiSTER Zavan Hurt

What is Call Me MiSTER?

The Call Me MiSTER (Mentors Instructing Students Toward Effective Role models) program was founded originally at Clemson University in 2000. The program strives to increase the pool of available teachers from a more diverse background, particularly among the State's lowest performing elementary schools. Student participants are largely selected from among under-served, socio-economically disadvantaged and educationally at-risk communities. Call Me MiSTER serves students at 18 participating colleges within South Carolina and 8 national partner institutions, including Georgia College & State University!

Director's Message

Call Me Mister Program - Message from the Interim Director

I am Eric Carlyle, PhD, Accreditation and Assessment Coordinator,  a recently retired K-12 educator who spent 29 years in public education as a High and Middle School teacher (6 years), Elementary Assistant Principal (6 years), Elementary Principal (3 years), Middle School Principal (10 years), and as a district office official (Coordinator and Director - 4 years). 

I have worked at schools in rural, suburban and urban at district levels throughout the State of Georgia. I am  passionate about educator development and look forward to engaging with current and prospective educators in supporting the mission of the Call Me MISTER program. Some of the mission of the CMM initiative are:

  • Increasing the number of Georgia teaches from diverse backgrounds and experiences 

    • Call Me Mister aims to select and support future teachers from socioeconomically and culturally diverse communities.

  • Recruiting, retaining, and nurturing participants

    • Call Me Mister is a cohort model, emphasizing networking, leadership, camaraderies, and achievement under the guideline and support of adult advocates.

  • Building educator talent in high need areas talent in high need areas

    • Call Me Mister recruits outstanding future educators for teaching certification in elementary education.



Undergraduate MiSTERs are strongly preferred to major in early childhood, special education, or middle grades education. However, applicants may choose alternate pathways towards attaining a teaching certification, such as math with a teaching concentration. Graduate students are encouraged to apply and are considered on a case-by-case basis as well.

Program participants will complete a bachelor’s degree in one of the College of Education’s field-based cohort programs.


Call Me MiSTER students will benefit from:

  • Financial assistance through tuition assistance, stipends for books/meals/housing and/or loan forgiveness
  • An academic support system to help assure their success
  • A cohort model for social and cultural support within the College of Education and through activities specific to Call Me MiSTER
  • Mentorship through Team MiSTER and African-American Male Initiative Programs
  • Immediate exposure to a classroom environment during their freshman year
  • Support and preparation for the GACE Program Admission Assessment
  • Assistance with job placement

Vision Statement

Students within the Call Me MiSTER program are guided by the following vision statement:

I am a dedicated Servant Leader who is perpetuating a sorely needed concept - Servant-Leaders as role models in elementary schools. I am devoted to planting seeds of dignity and respect in children and inspiring them to cultivate those seeds producing a crop of unprecedented success. I will teach reading, writing and arithmetic and progress to self-esteem, imagination and determination. Because of my immeasurable promise, not only have I earned your respect, I demand it! A title is only important if ones' character and integrity dictate its use. When you address me, please verbalize my destiny... please do not call me by my first name... call me in reference to my great vision... call me MiSTER!

Application Process

Call Me Mister candidates must be accepted to GCSU and enroll as an education major in one of the available programs.

All applicants, including transfer students are encouraged to apply. Student participants are largely selected from among underserved, socioeconomically disadvantaged and educationally at-risk communities.

The application process requires 

  1. Application
  2. Two Letters of recommendation
  3. A brief essay outlining your your reasons(s) for wanting to teach, as well as why you would like to participate in the call Call Me Mister Program.

Eligible candidates will be selected based upon their potential for teaching and their motivation for participation in the program.

**Following the submission of the items above, an interview will be scheduled with prospective program participants to ascertain their potential for teaching and their motivations for participation in the program, as well as to provide an opportunity for clarification of any information submitted through the application process.


Once accepted into the Call Me MiSTER program, students are expected to adhere to the following expectations.

  • MiSTERS are strongly preferred to major in either Early Childhood Education, Special Education, or Middle Grades Education. However, applicants who are choosing alternate pathways toward teaching, such as Music Education, Math with a Teaching Concentration, etc. are encouraged to apply and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Graduate students pursuing teaching careers through our College of Education are encouraged to apply as well.
  • Maintain a 3.00 GPA
  • Maintain full-time enrollment at Georgia College & State University
  • Attend all Call Me MiSTER-related activities and meet regularly with the Director to discuss progress
  • Maintain frequent interaction/involvement with their respective College of Education cohorts and fulfill all associated requirements
  • While not required, MiSTERs are strongly encouraged to reside in the on-campus residence halls

Each MiSTER is expected to complete his program of study, obtain a teacher certification and assume a teaching position in a Georgia public school. The MiSTER will teach at least one year for each year he receives financial support from the Call Me MISTER program.


It is the policy of Call Me MiSTER that no person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or in any way be subjected to, discrimination in any program or activity of the university. Participation in the Call Me MiSTER program is open to anybody, regardless of race, ethnicity or gender, if they are capable of facilitating the achievement of its objectives.

Discrimination based on age, color, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation or veterans status is prohibited.

Make a Gift

When you give to Call Me MiSTER, you're contributing to the future. Making a gift to Call Me MISTER via our Georgia College & State University Foundation is easy, and there are several ways of giving from which to choose.


You can contribute to Call Me MiSTER online with your credit or debit card using our secure online giving webpage. Under the “Designation” field, select “Other.” Then, type “Call Me MiSTER” in the “Other” field. Then, fill out the necessary information.


You can make a gift by telephone using your American Express, MasterCard, Visa or Discover card by calling 478-445-5400 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Make sure you verbally tell the representative that you wish for your gift to be restricted to Call Me MiSTER.


Personal or business checks may be written to the Georgia College & State University Foundation and mailed to:

Office of University Advancement
Campus Box 96
Milledgeville, GA 31061

Please be sure to indicate that the donation is for the Georgia College & State University Call Me MiSTER program.


Call Me MiSTER

Eric Carlyle's headshot

Dr. Eric Carlyle

Coordinator of Accreditation/ Director of Call Me MiSTER
220B Kilpatrick Hall

PhD, Walden University; Ed.S, Columbus State University; MEd, Georgia Southern University; BA, Georgia Southern University


Organizational Effectiveness, Educational Leadership, PBIS, School Culture and School Climate, School/Continuous Improvement, Education Policy