Words matter.
Writing has the power to open our eyes and widen our horizons. And in their ability to inspire us and move us to action, skillful writers transform our world.
The Georgia College & State University English Department is committed to helping students explore the richness of our literary traditions and the empowering possibilities of engaging writing. The department offers a rigorous curriculum in four degree programs: a B.A. in English with a concentration in literature, a B.A. in English with a concentration in creative writing, an M.A. in English, and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing. Each program is designed to equip students to develop their passion for literature and written expression into skills that last a lifetime—in any career, and in every walk of life.
Our accomplished faculty are published scholars and creative writers, but we are first and foremost teachers. We believe deeply in our discipline’s role as a cornerstone of a liberal-arts education. English majors learn and practice a variety of important transferable skills, such as critical and theoretical thinking; analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of information; research skills; writing and editing skills; communication skills; teamwork; time management; lifelong learning; and global and diverse perspectives. Our graduates have gone on to careers in media companies, advertising agencies, government agencies, public and private schools, colleges and universities, libraries, publishing houses and newspapers and magazines, public relations and law firms, nonprofit organizations and public service agencies.
See the video below for a preview of the department:
Department of English Featured News
View more featured newsWhat's Going on in the Department of English?
View more announcementsWords Matter, Race Matters Slide Show
Meet a Graduate in English
Alina Venick, staff attorney with Georgia Legal Services, says her education as an English major at Georgia College was essential to her success: "Teaching me to be a better writer was huge, because the legal profession is also writing intensive. Just developing those writing skills was incredibly important.”