Georgia College & State University has a First-Year On-Campus Requirement for all students under the age of 21 (as of the first day of classes of their entering semester), which requires all first-year students to live in university housing for a minimum of two consecutive semesters. This policy is based upon the university's belief in the importance of the educational benefits in self-government, community living, group discipline and the opportunity for relationships with faculty and staff members that campus housing provides.

A student may request an exception to Georgia College's First-Year Residency Requirement based upon one of the following:
- being married;
- being the primary caretaker of dependent children;
- being a transfer student with 12 or more earned hours of coursework (not including joint enrollment and advanced placement credits);
- taking fewer than seven semester hours of Georgia College academic or institutional credit;
- being strictly a dual enrollment student;
- qualifying for a Pell Grant AND residing with a parent or legal guardian at one's permanent residence located within Baldwin, Jones, Wilkinson, Putnam, Washington or Hancock counties;
- having unique hardship, including but not limited to students with disabilities that cannot be reasonably accommodated in student housing.
Any request for an exemption must be made in writing to the executive director of University Housing at least 30 days prior to the start of the semester in which the student intends to enroll.
Send your request to:
University Housing
Georgia College & State University
Campus Box 60
Milledgeville, GA 31061