Conference Funding


  • Register for the MURACE Georgia View course (click) by following these steps, complete the modules, and download the certificates. 

The Office of Mentored Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors provides up to $500 in an academic year in travel support for no more than two presenters per project to be presented at an academic conference.  Travel support is available only for those presenting their original mentored research at a research conference or creative endeavors scholarly event/scholarly conference. 

Before you begin

Please read the information below carefully before submitting your travel application. Incorrect submission information may affect reimbursements. 


  1. Current Enrollment: You must be a currently enrolled undergraduate student at GCSU.
  2. Research or Project Supervision: Your research or project must be conducted under the guidance of GCSU faculty or teaching staff, showcasing your original contributions and innovations in the field. 
  3. Event Participation: The purpose of your research must be to present at a scholarly event or conference.
  4. Funding from MURACE: The first two authors on a project can receive up to $500 in funding from MURACE to support your presentation and participation in the event.
  5. Additional Funding: If the $500 provided by MURACE does not fully cover your travel expenses, you may apply for additional funding from the Student Government Association (SGA).
Funding Eligibility and Stipulations

The following expenses are eligible for reimbursement with MURACE funds in the context of student conference travel: 

  • Conference Registration Fee: receipt required for reimbursement 
  • Hotel Room: check-out receipt with student name required for reimbursement (no private lodging, Airbnb, VRBO, Home Away, etc.). Parking at the hotel is also reimbursable with receipt. If you are splitting a room with another presenter, you will need to ask the front desk to split your bill at check-in.  It is not always possible to do this at check-out.  Only the student listed on the bill can be reimbursed.
  • Flights: email confirmation from airline required for reimbursement. Baggage fees can also be reimbursed (but not seat upgrades or travel insurance). 
  • Mileage: Retain and upload ALL of your gas receipts to the reimbursement form once you return from your conference. 
  • Car Rental: receipt required for reimbursement 
  • Meals: The per diem meal limit for MURACE student travel support is $36/day ($27/day for non-conference travel days).  In-state and out-of-state limits are the same. Students DO NOT need to submit meal receipts.  Meals provided by the conference or those provided by the hotel (e.g. continental breakfast) are not covered by this travel support and should be deducted from the meal per diem amount.  When an overnight stay is not required, a per diem cannot be distributed.
  • Taxis/Uber/Lyft: receipt required for reimbursement 


Per diem is the maximum allowance for meals that be reimbursed per day. The General Services Administration (GSA) establishes per diem rates for destinations within the lower 48 Continental United States (CONUS). 


There are a number of things that you should do before applying for funding:

  • Register for the MURACE Georgia View course (click) by following these steps, complete the modules, and download the certificates: 
  • In consultation with your research mentor, apply to present your research at an appropriate conference. 
  • If the research you want to present requires INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD (IRB) approval, please have a copy of the approval notification to submit with your application.
  • Upon receipt of confirmation that your proposal has been accepted, save your confirmation and create a PDF copy. You will need to submit a copy of the confirmation with your travel support application.
  • Download to create a pdf, sign it in your own handwriting, have your witness sign and date a GCSU Travel Waiver in his or her handwriting; then, include it with the other required documents that accompany the application.WAIVER


You must complete and submit your application at least two weeks prior to the conference date. 


You will need to disclose this information during the application process. MURACE can only provide up to $500 per student in one academic year. Your college or department may have additional funding to supplement the travel support you receive from MURACE. Once you have received approval for your proposal from MURACE and you need additional funding support, please contact the Honor’s program if you are an Honor’s student; your Dean’s Office if you are in the College of Business, the College of Education, or the College of Health Sciences; your Department Chairperson if your major is in the College of Arts and Sciences.


In order to receive MURACE funding, you must complete the MURACE Georgia View course and download three (3) certificates (Certificate A, Certificate P, and Certificate N). Attach these to your funding application. Instructions on how to register for the course can be found here


It is important to save originals of all of your travel-related receipts, a copy of the conference program, a copy of the conference schedule, and a copy of the page listing your presentation that includes your name and title of your presentation. Please ensure the copy of the conference program also shows what meals (if any) were provided by the conference. All bills such as the hotel must be in the person paying's name. Only the person with his or her name on the bill will receive the reimbursement regardless of who pays the bill.


All documentation and requirements need to be completed and submitted to MURACE within ten days from your presentation date from the conference or competition. 

Travel Reimbursement Requirements

Follow these steps BEFORE completing and submitting your Post-Travel request for reimbursement:


  1.  Before attending your conference, you will need to register for and complete the MURACE modules on Georgia View. Completion of the learning modules will generate three (3) certificates for you to include in your application-- Certificate A (abstract writing), Certificate P (presentation tips), and Certificate N (navigating the travel application). There is also a module pertaining to post-conference reimbursement procedures. Information on how to register for the MURACE Georgia View course can be found here


  1. Save originals of all of your travel-related receipts, including your conference registration receipt, air and ground travel (taxis, airport shuttles) receipts, hotel receipt, etc. You do not need to submit receipts for meals, as these are reimbursed based on the Georgia per diem.  For gas, please save ALL gas receipts and upload them with your reimbursement information.
  2. Save a copy of the conference program. You will need to provide a copy of the conference schedule, usually listed near the front of the program, and a copy of the page listing your presentation that includes your name and title of your presentation.


  1. Fill out the reimbursement form NON-GC EMPLOYEE TRAVEL EXPENSE FORM. Meet with your faculty mentor for assistance with completing the form. You should include the travel dates and the costs for the registration fee, meals not covered by conference or hotel at Georgia per diem rates, and fuel costs. 
  2. Photocopy or print all of your receipts (registration fee, hotel receipt, airfare receipt, ground transportation (if approved)) and a copy of the travel fund approval letter.
  3. Photocopy or print the conference agenda page and the conference program page that indicates your name as a presenter and the time and date of your presentation.
  4. Complete and sign a W-9 FORM: When you complete the W-9 form, check the "individual/sole proprietor or single-member LLC" box in section 3 of the form. You will need to either email this form to or hand deliver it to the Center for Teaching and Learning (Library 375)
  5. Sign the completed travel reimbursement form. 
  6. View the post-conference reimbursement module on the MURACE Georgia View course for an in-depth explanation of what documentation is needed to properly process your reimbursement. 

Students who have received or are expecting to receive funding from MURACE should also submit their project to Georgia College Research Day. Information about Research Day 2025 can be found here. The application can be found here

If you have any questions about the travel grant application or reimbursement process, please contact us at

Travel Funding Applications 

Acceptance of applications for undergraduate student research travel funding happens on a rolling basis until funding is exhausted.  To assure the review of an application in time to go through the approval process, the application must be received a minimum of 14 days prior to the beginning conference travel date.  NO application will be approved after travel has been completed.

Student Travel Funding Application

Student Post-Travel Reimbursement Form

Summer Research Funding

About MURACE Summer research funding

Access the application at the link here or down below-- Summer Funding Application 

The opportunity for undergraduate students to participate in mentored research or creative activities is an important part of Georgia College & State University’s emphasis on transformative learning experiences. Many students engage in scholarship during the academic year, but the most intensive and rewarding work often occurs during the summer months when both the student and their mentor can devote more attention to their work without the pressures of regular semester commitments. This can be very challenging for students who need to earn income over the summer to support themselves.

MURACE Summer Scholarship Funding gives up to four (4) Georgia College & State University undergraduate students the opportunity to work on mentored research or creative projects for 8-weeks over the summer while getting compensated for their time. By the end of the summer, students should be prepared to share their work at the Georgia Undergraduate Research Conference AND a conference in the discipline of the project. Projects from all disciplines are welcome.

The 2024 MURACE Summer Scholarship award amount is $2500 (before taxes and mandated deductions) for each student recipient and $500 (before taxes and mandated deductions) for mentors. Any full-time or part-time member of the teaching faculty is eligible to serve as mentors for undergraduate students. Faculty may mentor any number of student research projects, but can only receive a maximum of $1,000 for mentoring multiple students who receive funding. An additional $500 is available to purchase supplies related to the project. The applications are double blind. 

Application Information Details

Clink the link to open the application with detailed information -- Summer Funding Application

If you and/or your faculty mentor needs assistance with writing this application, please contact the Dr. Tsu-Ming Chiang via email at murace@gcsu.eduContact should be made at least one week prior to the application deadline to ensure appropriate review. Application completion assistance is NOT provided by personnel of MURACE.


Recipient Notification Deadline TBD