Georgia College Admission Status Information

The bar highlighted in green on your application status check indicates your current admissions status.  The list below offers an explanation for the different status types:  

Please be advised that separate and sometimes higher requirements exist for admission into a particular college, school, or major. Admission requirements are described in the Georgia College Catalogs.

First-Time Freshman


Indicates that the Georgia College Office of Admissions has received all documents needed to make an admissions decision on your file. At this time your application is in line for review. All complete files are reviewed in the order in which they became complete. Please check back later to see if an admissions decision has been made on your file.


Indicates that the Georgia College Office of Admissions has accepted you for the term indicated in the Term of Entry box. A package including important forms and other information will be mailed to the address indicated in the Name/Address section of your student portal. Final admission will be granted after receipt of final transcripts. 


The waitlist is comprised of applicants who we are currently unable to admit due to the competitive nature of our applicant pool, combined with the limited number of spaces in the freshman class. Students who are given a waitlist decision have the opportunity to apply for the Bridge Scholars Program, but should be advised that this summer program has limited space. Waitlisted students can submit updated test scores, transcripts, and letters of recommendation at any time.

Possible Summer Candidate

Although we are unable to extend an admission offer for Fall semester, applicants with a 'Possible Summer Candidate' decision are being offered the opportunity to apply for Georgia College's Bridge Scholars Program.  The Bridge Scholars Program is a year-long learning community which begins with an intensive four-week summer session.  The summer program gives students the opportunity to begin their enrollment at Georgia College in a smaller 'cohort' environment and will provide support and resources to make sure these freshmen are successful in their transition to college, while earning 7 academic credits.  The Bridge Scholars Program will be limited to 132 students, and an interview will be required as a part of the application process. The student will receive information via email and mail on how to schedule their interview.

Recommended for further review

The application has been deferred to our regular admission process which will begin in January and continue until April 1 or until the freshman class is full. Applications are deferred to the regular process to give the Admissions Committee more time to thoroughly evaluate the student's credentials. Decisions will be based on the strength of the academic curriculum, grade point average, SAT or ACT test scores and essay, as compared to the rest of the applicant pool. During this time, students are encouraged to submit first semester grades from their high school, any new SAT or ACT test score results and any other items they feel will be helpful in the review of their application (resume of activities, letters of recommendation, etc.). Final decisions for these applications will be posted by the end of January. 

Gordon, Georgia Highlands, or Coastal Georgia Referral

The university is unable to extend an offer of admission to the applicant at this time, but believes that the applicant would be a good candidate for participation in the Pathways to Georgia College program. Through this program, a student begins their studies at one of the colleges mentioned above and transfers seamlessly to Georgia College after completing their Associate’s degree with a 2.5 transfer GPA or higher.


The university is unable to extend an offer of admission to the applicant at this time. Applicants may submit improved credentials (such as updated transcripts or additional test scores) for reconsideration if spaces remain the class. Freshman applicants are encouraged to take advantage of a transfer option for admission to Georgia College. Students can be considered for transfer admission after earning a minimum of 30 transferable semester credit hours at another accredited institution with an appropriate transfer GPA for the student's desired major.


Complete and Ready for Review

Indicates that the Georgia College Office of Admissions has received all documents needed to make an admissions decision on your file.  At this time your application is in line for review.  All complete files are reviewed in the order in which they became complete.  We will send an email once a decision is posted in your student portal.

Admit conditional-Articulation Pending 

Acceptance is pending the entry of all college coursework you have submitted.

Notification: You will receive an official acceptance packet which will include your GCID and Bobcats email address.

* Class registration is available at this admissions stage after INTRO is received.

** Decision can be rescinded if your cumulative GPA falls below the required minimum.

Admit Conditional 

-- The coursework you’ve submitted has been articulated, but acceptance is conditional on you submitting your FINAL transcript after your final semester/quarter grades at your current institution have been entered. Please send an official, updated transcript to the Office of Admissions once your final grades have been posted.

If the transcript you submitted is the final transcript that shows your final grades, then you move directly to Admit Final after the transcript has been articulated.

*You CANNOT be enrolled at two institutions for the same term. Make sure your final transcript doesn't show any courses in progress at your current institution for the same term you are applying to Georgia College. If “in progress” courses are on your final transcript, please drop the courses and re-send an updated transcript.

Notification: An email and official letter will be sent to your mailing address alerting you of the status change.

* Class registration is available at this admissions stage. Contact the Registrar’s Office for transfer registration start dates at 478-445-6286.

** Decision can be rescinded if your cumulative GPA falls below the required minimum. 

Admit Final

The coursework you’ve submitted has been reviewed and you have been fully admitted.

Notification: An official email will be sent to your personal email address alerting you of the status change.

* Class registration is available at this admissions stage. Contact the Registrar’s Office for transfer registration start dates at 478-445-6286. 


The university is unable to extend an offer of admission to the applicant at this time. Applicants may submit improved credentials (such as updated transcripts or additional test scores) for reconsideration if spaces remain in our classes.  

If you have any questions about your decision, please make contact with our transfer admissions counselor, Ashlee Brown, at or by office phone: (478) 445-3651, work cell: (478) 234-6727. 


Complete and Ready for Review -- Indicates that the Georgia College Office of Admissions has received all documents needed to make an admissions decision on your file.  At this time your application is in line for review.  All complete files are reviewed in the order in which they became complete.  Please check back later to see if an admissions decision has been made on your file.

Admit Transient -- Indicates that the Georgia College Office of Admissions has admitted you as a transient student for the term indicated in the Term of Entry box.  A transient student is admitted for one term only.  If you choose to continue your education with Georgia College after your term enrolled as a transient, you must notify the Georgia College Office of Admissions so that your application can be updated for readmission as a transfer student and the proper materials can be requested.  A package including important forms and other information will be mailed to the address indicated in the Name/Address section of the previous page.

Denied -- The university is unable to extend an offer of admission to the applicant at this time.


Pending Decision --At this stage, all items necessary to comprise a complete file have been received and preliminary data has been entered into the tracking system. “Pending Decision” indicates that a complete file has been forwarded to the Admissions Committee for review.  Each file is individually evaluated by a member or members of the Admissions Committee.  A decision will be forthcoming after this holistic evaluation is finalized.

Complete and Ready for Review -- Indicates that the Georgia College Office of Admissions has received all documents needed to make an admissions decision on your file.  At this time your application is in line for review.  All complete files are reviewed in the order in which they became complete.  Please check back later to see if an admissions decision has been made on your file.

Admit-Articulation Pending -- This acceptance is pending the entry of all college coursework. Once Georgia College has entered all of your college coursework, an admissions decision of "final" or "conditional" will be issued. An admissions decision of "final" indicates that you meet all of the minimum requirements for admissions and you have no courses in progress at your previous institution. An admissions decision of "conditional" indicates that you meet the minimum requirements for admission; however, you will need to submit your FINAL transcripts. Note: An Admit-Articulation Pending decision can be rescinded if your cumulative GPA falls below the required minimum.

Admit Conditional -- A student has been accepted for the term indicated in the Term of Entry box based on credentials presented to date, but is still currently enrolled in high school or at another college. A package including important forms and other information will be mailed to the address indicated in the Name/Address section of the previous page. Once the student's FINAL transcript has been received showing continued eligibility for admission, the student's acceptance is then finalized. For a new freshman, the final transcript must include the date of graduation and indicate completion of the College Preparatory Curriculum with a minimum of 16 academic units. For a transfer student, the final college transcript must indicate a satisfactory minimum GPA (some majors require a higher GPAs for program admission) based on all college coursework attempted. Note: Transcripts are only accepted as official when mailed directly to Georgia College from the issuing institution. Fax and student provided copies are not used for admission purposes. 

Admit Final -- Indicates that the Georgia College Office of Admissions has fully admitted you for the term indicated in the Term of Entry box.  A package including important forms and other information will be mailed to the address indicated in the Name/Address section of the previous page.

Denied -- The university is unable to extend an offer of admission to the applicant at this time. Applicants may submit improved credentials (such as updated transcripts or additional test scores) for reconsideration if spaces remain the class.

Contact Information 

Please feel free to contact the Georgia College Office of Admissions with questions, comments, concerns, and compliments.  You may contact the appropriate person below:

Freshman, Dual Enrollment, Transfer, Transient, Post Baccalaureate, Second Undergraduate Degree, and Returning Student Admissions
Office of Admissions
1-800-342-0471 (in Georgia) 
(478) 445-1283
Georgia College Office of Admissions
CBX 023 
Milledgeville, GA 31061

Graduate Admissions
Graduate Admissions
1-800-342-0471 (in Georgia)
(478) 445-6289
 Georgia College Office of Admissions
CBX 107 
Milledgeville, GA 31061

International Admissions
International Education Center 
Tel: (1) (478) 445-4789
Fax: (1) (478) 445-2623
Georgia College & State University
Campus Box 049
Milledgeville, GA 31061 USA