Multicultural Student Leadership Conference

A group of students walk on through the pergola on campus.

July 9-11, 2025

About the Program

The Multicultural Student Leadership Conference (MSLC) is a program that allows participants to learn about leadership at GCSU through interactive sessions, student panels, and collaborative projects. They will be given an opportunity to see a little of what college life is like by staying in the GCSU residence halls, interacting with current students, and eating at the cafeteria. Student participants will leave with strengthened leadership skills and gain a deeper understanding of how the GCSU liberal arts mission enhances leadership.

Students must be nominated by a school administrator and complete a brief application in order to be selected to attend. Information on the nomination and application process is below. Space for this event is limited and there will be a $25 registration fee for students who are chosen to attend. This program has been designed to encourage African American, Latino/Latina, and other underrepresented students to pursue higher education opportunities at GCSU, but is open to all students.

Nomination & Requirements - Deadline March 1

Last year, Georgia College & State University hosted its third annual Multicultural Student Leadership Conference (MSLC), which was a great success and beneficial for everyone involved. High school principals and guidance counselors are invited to nominate students to participate in the 2025 program who have expressed an interest in attending. Each high school can nominate one male and one female student to attend this robust leadership development opportunity.

The requirements are listed below: 

  • Required cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher
  • Student shows leadership potential or is an active leader in their school or community
  • Student is planning to attend college 
  • Student has a May 2027 projected high school graduation date (current sophomore)

Once the nomination form has been received by the Office of Admissions, nominated students will be asked to complete a brief application. 

Submit a Nomination Form

How to identify Leadership potential

Consider the experiences students may have had, particularly those they identify as important moments in their education. Examples include:

  • Community-based leadership programs, often sponsored by chambers of commerce (e.g. Youth Leadership Baldwin, Youth Leadership Greene, etc.)
  • Scouting, including Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Eagle Scouts
  • Membership or leadership in community-based civic or service organizations, such as Rotaract, Interact, Key Club, and Leo
  • Student government roles, including student councils, etc. in high school
  • Civic or service-oriented clubs in high school, including 4-H and FBL