Chemistry Club
The Chemistry Club is a group of chemistry majors at Georgia College & State University who engage in personal and professional development. A large component of the organization's activities entails outreach in the rural middle Georgia area. Some of these activities include peer tutoring on campus, monthly visits to the Georgia War Veterans' Home, participating with hands-on activities with local elementary and middle schools, volunteering as science fair judges at local schools and monitoring water quality through Georgia's Adopt-A-Stream program. Throughout the year, the Chemistry Club teams up with other organizations to successfully coordinate National Chemistry Week in the fall and Earth Day in the spring. Along with working hard, the organization also makes time to socialize and engage in various team building activities.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Catrena Lisse
Astronomy Club & Society of Physics Students (SPS)
The Astronomy Club and SPS provide students with an environment for sharing an enthusiasm for physics, astronomy and science fiction with meetings, movie nights and social functions. The Astronomy Club also hosts public stargazing events.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ralph France