Four Year Progression for Bassoon
Freshman Fall Semester:
One movement of solo literature from list A
4-6 Technical studies from list A
All major scales one octave with arpeggio
Freshman Spring Semester:
One movement of solo literature from list A
4-6 technical studies from list A
Major scales 2 octaves through 3flats and sharps
All natural minor scales – one octave
Sophomore Fall Semester:
2 movements of solo literature from list B
4-6 technical studies from list A or B
Major scales 2 octaves all
All natural and harmonic minors - one octave
Sophomore Spring Semester:
2 movements of solo literature from list B
4-6 technical studies from list A or B
Major scales – expand to full range through 3 flats/sharps
All natural, harmonic, melodic minor scales one octave
Junior Fall Semester:
3 movements solo literature from list B or C
4 technical studies from list B or C
All major scales full range
All minors 2 octaves
Major scales in thirds – one octave
Junior Spring Semester:
3 movements solo literature from list B or C
4 technical studies from list B or C
All major scales full range
All minors 2 octaves
Major scales in thirds – two octave
Senior Fall and Spring Semesters:
Recital repertoire from list B or C or comparable level of literature
Technical studies as relating to solo literature
Suggested Solo and Technical Literature
Solo literature selected should include representative works of the major style periods by the students final semester.
A - Solo Literature A - Technical Literature
Eccles Sonata Kopprasch 60 Studies
Galliard Sonatas Rubank Advanced Method
Merci Sonatas Weissenborn 50 Advanced Studies
Gliere Humoresque and Impromptu Slama 66 Studies
Milde - Character Pieces
Telemann Sonata in F
Weissenborn - Character Pieces
B - Solo Literature B - Technical Literature
JC Bach Concertos Gambaro 18 Studies
Berwald Concert Piece Milde Concert Studies Vol I
Boismortier Sonatas Milde 25 Studies in Scales
David Concertino Orefici 20 Melodic Studies
Elgar Romance Oubradous Scales and Daily Studies
Fasch Sonata in C Rode 15 Caprices
Hindemith Sonata
Gordon Jacob Four Sketches
Kozeluh Concerto in C
Larsen Jazz Variations
Mozart Bassoon Concerto
Osboren Rhapsody
Pierne Concert Piece
Vivaldi Concerti or Sonatas
Weber Concerto, Andante and Rondo
C - Solo Literature C - Technical Literature
Bozza - Recit, Sicilienne Giampiere 16 Daily Studies
Bruns - Concertos Milde Concert Studies Vol II
Dard Sonata Piard Etudes Vol I and II
Etler Sonata
Hummel Concerto
Gordon Jacob Concerto
Persichetti Parable
St Saens Sonata
Tansman Sonatine
Double Bass
Four Year Progression for Double Bass
Repertoire and technical studies for a major in Double Bass will include a concentration on both the Jazz and Classical idioms. Technical and orchestral studies are found in List A and will be chosen and assigned by the instructor. Basic Classical repertoire for recital performance on Double Bass can be found in List B and includes intermediate through advanced repertoire to be chosen by the student and teacher. List C consists of the basic Jazz repertoire in which pieces will be assigned by the instructor for study. Jazz repertoire may also be considered for recital performance by instructor.
Freshman Fall Semester:
- Technical studies or orchestral excerpts assigned from List A
- Major scales one octave with arpeggios
- One movement of solo literature assigned from List B
- 1 selection assigned from List C
Freshman Spring Semester:
- Technical studies or orchestral excerpts assigned from List A
- Major, minor scales one octave
- One movement of solo literature from assigned List B
- 1 selection assigned from List C
Sophomore Fall Semester:
- Technical studies or orchestral excerpts assigned from List A
- Major scales and all minor scales two octaves, chord spelling
- Continue multi movement works from List B
- 1 solo piece assigned from List B
- 1 selection assigned from List C
Sophomore Spring Semester:
- Technical studies or orchestral excerpts assigned from List A
- Major scales and all minor scales two octaves, chord spelling
- Continue multi movement works from List B
- 1 solo piece assigned from List B
- 1 selection assigned from List C
Junior Fall Semester:
- Technical studies or orchestral excerpts assigned from List A
- Optional concentration on Electric Bass
- All major, minor scales full range, all chord spelling
- 1 movement assigned from List B
- 1 solo piece assigned from List B
- 2 selections assigned from List C
Junior Spring Semester:
- Technical studies or orchestral excerpts assigned from List A
- All major, minor scales full range, all chord spelling
- Consolidation of repertoire for recital performance
- Technical studies or orchestral excerpts assigned from List C
- Optional concentration on Electric Bass
- 1 solo piece assigned from List B
- 1 selections assigned from List C
Senior Fall and Spring Semesters:
- Recital repertoire, recital preparation, optional electric bass studies
- Technical studies as relating to solo literature
- Technical studies and orchestral excerpts assigned from List C
LIST A – Method and Orchestral Literature
- Baroque Basslines
- Progressive Repertoire for Double Bass, Vols 1-3, George Vance
- Progressive Jazz Repertoire for Double Bass, Robert Sabin
- The Ray Brown Bass Method
- The Music of Paul Chambers
- New Method for String Bass, Simandl
- Orchestral Excerpts TBA
LIST B – Classical Repertoire
One Movement Works
- Bottesini Elegy in D
- Bottesini Tarantella
- Bach Gavotte
- Miniature, Teppo Huata-aho
- Die Meistersinger, Wagner arr. Merle Isaac
- Sonata
- Eccles Sonata
- Vivaldi Six Sonatas, Sonata 1
- 1963 Sonata, Frank Proto
- Four Pieces for Double Bass and Piano, Gliere
- Four Pieces for Double Bass and Piano, Koussevitsky
- Sonata for Double Bass and Piano, Hindemith
Solo Works
- Bach Cello Suites, various
- Six Waltzes for Double Bass Alone, Dragonetti
- Solos for the Double Bassist, Rabbath
- Koussevitsky Concerto for Double Bass
- Dragonetti Concerto
- Vanhall Concerto
- Capuzzi Concerto
- Bottesini Concerto 2
LIST C – Jazz Repertoire
- Au Privave
- Billie’s Bounce
- Birks Works
- Blue Monk
- Mr. PC
- Sonnymoon for Two
- Straight No Chaser
- All Blues
- All the Things You Are
- All of Me
- Anthropology
- Autumn Leaves
- Body and Soul
- Cherokee
- Doxy
- Fly Me to the Moon
- Footprints
- Honeysuckle Rose
- I Love You
- I’ll Remember April
- Misty
- My Romance
- Night and Day
- Satin Doll
- Solar
- So What
- Stella By Starlight
- Take the A Train
- There is No Greater Love
- There Will Never Be Another You
Latin Standards
- A Night in Tunisia
- Blue Bossa
- Black Orpheus
- Corcovado
- Girl from Ipanema
- Green Dolphin St.
- My Little Suede Shoes
- Recordame
- Song for My Father
- St. Thomas
- Wave
Four Year Progression for Cello
MUAP 1100-3100
(B.M.E., B.M.T., B.A.)
Freshman Fall Semester:
Major scales and arpeggios one octave, to 2 sharps and 2 flats.
Popper – 15 Easy Studies
Deak – Modern Method for the Violoncello, Book 1
Sample Repertoire: (Total approx. 6 minutes)
Intermediate Bach for the Cello, ed. Krane
Suzuki Books 2 and 3
Freshman Spring Semester:
Major scales and arpeggios one or two octaves, to 3 sharps and flats.
Deak – Modern Method for the Violoncello, Book 1
Sample Repertoire: (Total approx. 6 minutes)
Breval – Sonata in C Major
Intermediate Bach for the Cello, ed. Krane
Bazelaire – Suite Francaise
Sophomore Fall Semester:
Major scales and arpeggios two octaves to 5 sharps and flats.
Deak – Modern Method for the Violoncello, Book 1
Mooney – Position Pieces for Cello, Book 1
Dotzauer – Exercises for the Violoncello, Book 2
Sample Repertoire: (Total approx. 8 minutes)
Bazelaire – Suite Francaise
Squire -- Bouree
Squire -- Danse Rustique
Romberg – Sonata in e
Sophomore Spring Semester:
All major scales and arpeggios two octaves.
Deak – Modern Method for the Violoncello, Book 1
Mooney – Position Pieces for Cello, Book 1
Dotzauer, Exercises for the Violoncello, Book 2
Sample Repertoire: (Total approx. 10 minutes)
Bach – Suite No. 1 in G Major
Popper – Happy Recollections
Junior Fall Semester
Major scales and arpeggios, two or three octaves.
Minor scales and arpeggios, two octaves to 2 sharps and flats.
Deak – Modern Method for the Violoncello, Book 1 or 2
Mooney – Position Pieces for Cello, Book 2
Sample Repertoire: (Total approx. 12 minutes)
Bazelaire – Second Concertino
Vivaldi – Sonatas
L. Mendelssohn – Student Concerto
Bach – Suites No. 1 in G, 2 in d, 3 in C
Junior Spring Semester:
All major scales and arpeggios to three octaves.
Minor scales and arpeggios two or three octaves, to 3 sharps and flats.
Deak – Modern Method for the Violoncello, Book 2
Mooney – Position Pieces for Cello, Book 2
Merk – 20 Studies, Op. 11
Sample Repertoire: (Total approx. 12 minutes)
Bach Suites No. 1, 2, and 3
St. Saens – The Swan
Squire – Tarantella
Faure – Sicilienne
Senior Fall Semester:
All major scales and arpeggios to three octaves..
Minor scales and arpeggios two or three octaves, to 4 sharps and flats.
Deak – Modern Method for the Violoncello, Book 2
Mooney – Position Pieces for Cello, Book 2 or Thumb Position for Cello, Book 1
Merk – 20 Studies, Op. 11
Sample Repertoire: (Total approx. 15 minutes)
St. Saens – Allegro Appassionato
Bach-Piatigorsky – Concerto in G
Senior Spring Semester:
All major scales and arpeggios, three or four octaves.
Minor scales and arpeggios three octaves, to 5 sharps and flats.
Deak – Modern Method for the Violoncello, Book 2
Mooney – Position Pieces for Cello, Book 2 or Thumb Position for Cello, Book 1
Sample Repertoire: (Total approx. 15 minutes)
Bruch – Kol Nidrei
Faure – Elegy
Popper – Gavotte
JC Bach – Concerto in c minor
MUAP 1200 – 3200 (BA)
Freshman Fall Semester:
Major scales and arpeggios, two or three octaves.
Minor scales and arpeggios, two octaves to 2 sharps and flats.
Deak – Modern Method for the Violoncello, Book 1 or 2
Mooney – Position Pieces for Cello, Book 2
Sample Repertoire: (Total approx. 10 minutes)
Bazelaire – Second Concertino
Vivaldi – Sonatas
L. Mendelssohn – Student Concerto
Bach – Suites No. 1 in G, 2 in d, 3 in C
Freshman Spring Semester:
All major scales and arpeggios to three octaves.
Minor scales and arpeggios two or three octaves, to 3 sharps and flats.
Deak – Modern Method for the Violoncello, Book 2
Mooney – Position Pieces for Cello, Book 2
Merk – 20 Studies, Op. 11
Sample Repertoire; (Total approx. 10 minutes)
Bach Suites No. 1, 2, and 3
St. Saens – The Swan
Squire – Tarantella
Faure – Sicilienne
Sophomore Fall Semester:
All major scales and arpeggios to three octaves..
Minor scales and arpeggios two or three octaves, to 4 sharps and flats.
Deak – Modern Method for the Violoncello, Book 2
Mooney – Position Pieces for Cello, Book 2 or Thumb Position for Cello, Book 1
Merk – 20 Studies, Op. 11
Sample Repertoire: (Total approx. 15 minutes)
St. Saens – Allegro Appassionato
Bach-Piatigorsky – Concerto in G
Sophomore Spring Semester:
All major scales and arpeggios, three or four octaves.
Minor scales and arpeggios three octaves, to 5 sharps and flats.
Deak – Modern Method for the Violoncello, Book 2
Mooney – Position Pieces for Cello, Book 2 or Thumb Position for Cello, Book 1
Sample Repertoire: (Total approx. 15 minutes)
Faure – Elegy
Popper – Gavotte
JC Bach – Concerto in c minor
Junior Fall Semester:
Major scales and arpeggios three or four octaves.
Minor scales and arpeggios three or four octaves, to 5 sharps and flats.
Deak – Modern Method for the Violoncello, Book 2
Mooney – Thumb Position for Cello, Book 1
Sample Repertoire: (Total approx. 20 minutes)
Rachmaninoff – Vocalise
Bach – Gamba Sonatas 1 and 2
Sammartini – Sonata in G
Junior Spring Semester:
All major and minor scales and arpeggios three or four octaves.
Deak – Modern Method for the Violoncello, Book 2
Mooney – Thumb Position for Cello, Book 1
Franchomme – 12 Caprices, Op. 7
Sample Repertoire: (Total approx. 20 minutes)
Breval – Sonata in G
Mendelssohn – Sonata in G
Dvorak – Silent Woods
Senior Fall Semester:
All major and minor scales and arpeggios, three or four octaves
Deak – Modern Method for the Violoncello, Book 2
Mooney – Thumb Position for Cello, Book 1 or 2
Franchomme – 12 Caprices
Sample Repertoire: (Total approx. 25 minutes)
Haydn - Piatigorsky – Divertimento
Bloch – Nigun
Lalo – Concerto in d
Senior Spring Semester:
All major and minor scales and arpeggios, three or four octaves.
Mooney – Thumb Position for Cello, Book 2
Popper – High School of Cello Playing
Sample Repertoire: (Total approx. 30 minutes)
Haydn – Concerto in C
St. Saens – Concerto in a
Four Year Progression for Euphonium
The Methods/Etudes and Solo sections of this document are lists from which the instructor and student can choose. Note that there is some overlap of material between the years. Etude books are often used over several years, and solos can be appropriate at more than one level. Other material at the appropriate level can also be substituted by the instructor. BA and BMT majors would be expected to work from 2-3 etude books each semester, as well as learn two movements from a solo, or a solo piece that has contrasting sections. Performance majors would be expected to cover more ground in the etude books, and to learn an entire multi-movement work, or two contrasting solos each semester.
* indicates repertoire most commonly used. Euphonium players may also use the Trombone List.
Freshman Year:
All major scales and arpeggios – 1 or 2 octaves (teacher's discretion)
Chromatic scale – two or more octaves at teacher's discretion
Remington – Warm-ups
Arban – Complete Method for Trombone/Euphonium (Alessi, Bowman)*
Beeler - Method for Baritone, Book 1
Bordner - Second Book of Practical Studies (Trb.)*
Bordogni/Rochut - Melodious Etudes Vol. 1 (Trb.)*
Concone/Schumaker - Legato Etudes (Trb.)*
Fink - Treble to Bass Clef Baritone (if needed)
Hering – 40 Progressive Etudes, 32 Etudes
Mead – Studies
Tyrell - 40 Progressive Studies (Trb.)*
Barat - Introduction and Dance*
Bordogni/Rochut - Melodious Etudes Vol. 1 (with piano) (Trb.)
Cryder (arr.) - Three Vocalises (Trb.)
Curnow – Rhapsody*
DeLuca – Beautiful Colorado
Gretry/Marteau – Ariette
Hindemith - Drei Leichte Stucke (Cello)
Hutchinson – Sonatina*
Marcello/Merriman - Largo and Allegro, Sonata in F Major*
Mozart/Voxman - Concert Aria
Ropartz - Andante and Allegro (Trb.)*
Schumann – Five Pieces in Folk Style*
Telemann - Sonata in F minor (Trb.)*
Holst – First Suite in Eb, Second Suite in F
Sophomore Year:
All natural minor scales and arpeggios – 2 or 3 octaves (teacher's discretion)
Chromatic scale – up to 3 octaves
Clark – Technical Studies for Cornet
Arban – Complete Method for Trombone/Euphonium (Alessi, Bowman)*
Beeler - Method for Baritone, Book 2
Bordogni/Rochut - Melodious Etudes Vol. 1 (Trb.)*
Blume - 36 Studies (Trb.)*
Fink - Introducing Tenor Clef
Kopprasch - 60 Etudes (Trb.)*
Tyrell - 40 Progressive Studies (Trb.)*
Barat - Andante et Allegro (Trb.)*
Barat - Morceau de Concours (Bb treble clef)*
Bellstedt – Napoli*
Busch - Recitative, Arioso, and Polonaise
Clarke - Carnival of Venice, Bride of the Waves, From the Shores of the Mighty Pacific*
Ewald – Romance*
Gower - Three Short Pieces
Guilmant - Morceau Symphonique (Trb.)*
Haddad - Suite for Baritone*
Handel/Little - Suite in A for Baritone
Hartley - Two Pieces for Euphonium
Israel - Dance Suite
Presser - Sonatina
Ross - Bagatelles
Rousseau - Piece Concertante (Trb.)
Vaughan Williams – Folk Song Suite
Grainger – Lincolnshire Posy
Junior Year
Minor scales, all three forms – 2-3 octaves (teacher's discretion)
Chromatic scale, full range of the instrument
Clarke - Technical Studies for the Cornet
Schlossberg - Daily Drills and Technical Studies for Trumpet
Arban – Complete Method for Trombone/Euphonium (Alessi, Bowman)*
Bordogni/Rochut - Melodious Etudes, Vol. 2 (Trb.)*
Bozza - Quinze Etudes (Trb.)
Charlier - 32 Etudes*
Charlier - Trente-six Etudes Transcendantes (Tr.)
Kopprasch - 60 Selected Studies (Trb.)*
Milde - Concert Studies (Bassoon)
Milde - 25 Studies in All Keys (Bassoon)
Miller - 60 Studies (Trb.)
Adler - 4 Dialogues for Euphonium and Marimba
Barat - Morceau de Concours (Bb treble clef)
Berghmans - La Femme e Barbe (Trb.)
Boccalari - Fantasia di Concerto
Brubaker – Rhapsody for Euphonium*
Clarke - Carnival of Venice, Bride of the Waves, From the Shores of the Mighty Pacific*
Corelli/Gibson – Sonata in d minor
Clinard – Sonata (unaccomp)*
David - Concertino (Trb.)
Frackenpohl – Sonata*
Gaubert - Cantabile et Scherzetto
Hartley - Euphonium Concerto
Hartley - Sonata Euphonica
Horowitz - Euphonium Concerto*
Jacob – Fantasia*
Larssen - Concerto (Trb.)
Ponchielli - Concerto per Flicorno Basso*
Presser – Rondo*
Ropartz – Piece en mi Bemol*
Ross - Concerto
White - Lyric Suite*
Wilder - Concerto
Wilder - Sonata
Shostakovich – Festive Overture
Mussorgsky – Bydlo
Senior Year:
Diatonic and chromatic scale patterns, expand range
Clarke – Technical Studies for the Cornet
Schlossberg – Daily Drills and Technical Studies for Trumpet
Bordogni/Rochut - Melodious Etudes, Vol. 3 (Trb.)*
Bitsch - Quinze Etudes (Trb.)*
Bozza - Treize Etudes (Trb.)
Charlier - 32 Etudes*
Kietzer - Schule for Tenor horn
Milde - 25 Studies for Bassoon
Reynolds - 48 Etudes for Trumpet
Adler - 4 Dialogues for Euphonium and Marimba
Boccalari - Fantasia di Concerto*
Bozza – Prelude & Allegro*
Curnow - Symphonic Variants*
Hartley - Euphonium Concerto
Hartley - Sonata Euphonica
Horowitz - Euphonium Concerto*
Ponchielli - Concerto per Flicorno Basso *
Ritter-George - Sonata
Ross – Concerto
Stevens – Soliloquies
White - Lyric Suite*
Wilder - Concerto
Wilder - Sonata
Barber - Third Essay for Orchestra
Hindemith - Symphony for Band
Holst - The Planets
Janacek - Capriccio
Mahler - Symphony No. 7
Schoenberg - Theme and Variations
Strauss - Don Quixote
Senior Recital:
The Senior Recital must include one of the above level 4 solos; other solos are the choice of the student and teacher. It is strongly suggested that one piece on the Senior Recital be a work of chamber music. Students are reminded of the required hearing for this recital.
Kleinhammer - The Art of Trombone Playing
Farkas - The Art of Brass Playing
Bate - The Trumpet and Trombone
Instrumentalist Brass Anthology
Louder - Euphonium Music Guide
Winter - Euphonium Music Guide
Other etudes
Pederson – Elementary Studies
Sauer – Clef Studies
Other Solos
Alexander – Requiem and Coda
Bach, Jan – Concert Variations
Bach/Marsteller – Sonata #1
Bach/Marsteller – Sonata #2
Beasley – Fantasy for Bar horn & pno
Capuzzi – Andante and Rondo
Gumpert – Voxman, Romanze
Latham - Eidelons
McKay – Suite for Bass Clef Instruments
Senaille – Introduction and Allegro Spirtuoso.
Four Year Progression for Flute
The following repertoire applies primarily to flute majors, although some selections may be appropriate for flute minors as well.
Freshman Fall Semester:
Correct hand and body position, concept of tone, and understanding of the embouchure.
Chromatic and all major scales and arpeggios from memory, two octaves.
Long tones, etc. from De La Sonorite by M. Moyse.
Harmonics and other exercises for the embouchure.
4 pages of etudes; 1-2 solos or individual movements.
Freshman Spring Semester:
Major scales in thirds from memory, two octaves.
Long tones and vibrato exercises.
4 pages of etudes; 1-2 solos or individual movements.
Selected etudes and methods by Clardy, Andersen (Opp. 33, 30, 63), Taffanel-Gaubert, Moyse, etc.; Telemann Fantasies; Godard Suite Op. 116; Handel Sonatas; Marcello Sonatas; Molique Andante; Mozart Andante and Rondo; J.S. Bach Sonatas; Hindemith Sonata; Selected works from Flute Music By French Composers; additional repertoire as selected.
Freshman Recital: Refer to departmental handbook for requirements.
Sophomore Fall Semester:
Major and Natural minor scales and arpeggios from memory, extended range.
Double and triple tonguing.
5 pages of etudes; 2 solos.
Sophomore Spring Semester:
Major and Natural / Harmonic / Melodic minor scales and arpeggios from memory, extended range.
5 pages of etudes; 2 solos.
Selected etudes by Clardy, Andersen (Opp. 33, 30, 63), Taffanel-Gaubert, Moyse, etc.; J.S. Bach Sonatas; Barber Canzone; Burton Sonatina; Doppler Pastorale Fantasie Hongroise; Debussy Syrinx; Godard Suite Op. 116; Mozart Andante and Rondo; Poulenc Sonata; Selected works from Flute Music By French Composers; additional repertoire as selected including excerpts.
Sophomore Recital: Refer to departmental handbook for requirements.
Junior Fall Semester:
Arpeggios, broken intervals, all major and minor scales in various rhythms, covering the entire range of the instrument.
6 pages of etudes; 3 solos; 2-3 excerpts.
Junior Spring Semester:
Arpeggios, broken intervals, all major and minor scales in various rhythms, covering the entire range of the instrument.
6 pages of etudes; 3 solos; 2-3 excerpts.
Etudes by Clardy or Andersen (Op. 15); Karg Elert Caprices; Jean-Jean Etudes; J.S.Bach Sonatas; Caplet Reverie & Petite Valse; Debussy Syrinx; Griffes Poem; Heiden Sonata; Hue Fantasie; Ibert Piece; Martinu Sonata; Mozart Concerti; Roussel Joueurs de Flute; Varese Density 21.5; additional repertoire as selected including orchestral excerpts.
Junior Recital: Refer to departmental handbook for requirements.
Senior Fall Semester:
Arpeggios, broken intervals, all major and minor scales, whole tone scales in various rhythms and articulations, covering the entire range of the instrument.
8-10 pages of etudes; 3-4 solos; 3-4 excerpts.
Senior Spring Semester:
Arpeggios, broken intervals, all major and minor scales, whole tone scales in various rhythms and articulations, covering the entire range of the instrument.
8-10 pages of etudes; 3-4 solos; 3-4 excerpts.
Selected studies by Andersen, Piazolla, Moyse; Barber Canzone; Telemann Fantasies; Griffes Poem; Milhaud Sonata; Mozart Concerti; Reinecke Sonata Undine; Copland Duo; additional repertoire as selected including orchestral excerpts. Advanced works may include: J.S. Bach A Minor Partita; Prokofiev Sonata; Ibert Concerto; Berio Sequenza; Schubert Introduction and Variations; Borne Carmen Fantasy; Jolivet Chant de Linos; Nielson Concerto.
Senior Recital: Refer to departmental handbook for requirements
French Horn
Four Year Progression for French Horn
The Methods/Etudes and Solo sections of this document are lists from which the instructor and student can choose. Note that there is some overlap of material between the years. Etude books are often used over several years, and solos can be appropriate at more than one level. Other material at the appropriate level can also be substituted by the instructor. BA and BMT majors would be expected to work from 2-3 etude books each semester, as well as learn two movements from a solo, or a solo piece that has contrasting sections. BA majors would be expected to cover more ground in the etude books, and to learn an entire multi-movement work, or two contrasting solos each semester.
Freshman year:
Etudes/ Unaccompanied Horn:
Kopprasch: 60 Selected Studies for Horn, Book 1*
Concone: Lyrical Studies*
Maxime-Alphonse: 200 New Studies for Horn, Book 1*, 2*, 3
Bach: Cello Suites
Mozart: Horn Concerto 3 in E flat major, K 447*
Mozart: Concert Rondo
Richard Strauss: Concerto No 1, first movement
Saint-Saens: Romance*
Gliere: Valse Triste*
Franz Strauss: Nocturno, Op 7*
Borodin: Intermezzo: No 1 from Five Pieces from Little Suite*
Glazunov: Reverie
Arnold Cooke: Rondo in B flat
Paul Hindemith: Horn Sonata, first movement*
Malcolm Arnold: Fantasy for Horn
Sophomore year:
Etudes/ Unaccompanied Horn:
Kopprasch: 60 Selected Studies for Horn, Book 1/ 2
Maxime-Alphonse: 200 New Studies for Horn, Book 3
Gallay: 12 Etudes for Horn
Verne Reynolds: 48 Etudes for French Horn
Bach: Cello Suites
Mozart: Horn Concerto 1 , K412* and 2, K 417
Beethoven: Horn Sonata in F, Op 17*
Haydn: Horn Concerto No 1 in D, Hob VIId*, first movement
Richard Strauss: Concerto No 1, first and second movements
Hindemith: Horn Concerto, first and second* movements
Hindemith: Horn Sonata, third movement
Poulenc: Elegie
Franz Strauss: Fantasie* or Introduction, Theme and Variations
Bernard Krol: Laudatio for Solo Horn
Gliere: Romance or Intermezzo*
Jean-Michel Damase: Pavan Varie
Vaclav Nelhybel: Scherzo Concertante
Junior Year:
Etudes/ Unaccompanied Horn:
Kopprasch: 60 Selected Studies for Horn, Book 2
Belloli: Etudes for Horn
Gallay: 12 Etudes for Horn, Grand Caprices
Verne Reynolds: 48 Etudes for French Horn
Bach: Cello Suites
Mozart: Horn Concertos 2 *, K417 and 4, K495
Franz Strauss: Concerto for Horn in C Minor, Op 8*
Dukas: Villanelle*
Bernhard Heiden: Sonata for Horn*
Saint-Saens: Morceau de Concert
Telemann: Concerto in D
Otto Ketting: Intrada
David Amram: Blues and Variation for Monk*
Senior Year:
Etudes/ Unaccompanied Horn:
Kopprasch: 60 Selected Studies for Horn, Book 2
Belloli: Etudes for Horn
Gallay: Grand Caprices
Verne Reynolds: 48 Etudes for French Horn
Bach: Cello Suites
Schumann: Adagio and Allegro
Carl Maria von Weber: Concertino in E flat
G. Jacob: Concerto
Richard Strauss: Concerto No. 1*
Richard Strauss: Concerto No. 2
Rossini: Prelude, Theme and Variations*
Persichetti: Parable for Solo Horn
Sigmund Berge: Horn Lokk*
Haydn: Concerto in D, Hob VIId *
Bozza: En Foret*
Francaix: Divertimento
* indicates suitable pieces for music minor students.
Suggested CD List:
Russian Horn Concertos (Marie Luise Neunecker)
Dennis Brain ~ Strauss - The Two Horn Concertos & Hindemith - Horn Concerto / Sawallisch
Brain – BBC Legends
Mozart: The Horn Concertos (Peter Damm)
Mozart Horn Concertos (Lowell Greer)
Virtuoso Music for Horn and Piano (Eric Ruske)
Perspectives (Hermann Baumann)
The Art of Barry Tuckwell
French Music for Horn and Piano (Peter Damm)
Adagio and Allegro: German Romantic Works for Horn (David Jolley)
Sonatas by Beethoven, Hindemith and Heiden, (John Cerminaro)
Horn Trios by Brahms and Ligeti (William Purvis)
Orchestral Excerpts (David Krehbiel) – Summit
London Horn Sound
Take 9 – Works for Horn Ensembles
Guitar Standards
Eight Semester Progression for Guitar
Semester MUAP 1218 / 3218
(Performance Track) MUAP 1118 / 3118
(BA and BMT)
Fresh 1 Review of fundamental technique
Position scales (Major) – 4/72
Simple Arpeggios – 4/90; 3/120
10 minutes of repertory (RCM 4-5) Review of fundamental technique
Position scales (VII / Major) – 4/40
Simple Arpeggios – 4/66; 3/90
6 minutes of repertory (RCM 3)
Fresh 2 Complex stroking, dynamic control, slurs, complex barres; articulation
Position scales (Major & minor) – 4/76
Complex Arpeggios – 4/90; 3/120
10 minutes of repertory (RCM 4-6) Simple barre and slur work, simple dynamic and color control, position change technique
Position scales ( all / Major & minor) – 4/48
Simple Arpeggios – 4/72; 3/96
6 minutes of repertory (RCM 3)
Soph 1 Extended barres, slurs, complex articulation
Position scales – 4/88; Single String Scales
Arpeggios – 4/108; 3/136
Tremolo – 4/108
12 minutes of repertory (RCM 5-6) Review of fundamental technique
Position scales – 4/60; Single String Scales
Simple Arpeggios – 4/90; 3/120
10 minutes of repertory (RCM 4-5)
Soph 2 Advanced techniques, complex articulation
Full Fretboard Scales – 4/90
Arpeggios – 4/116; 3/154
Tremolo – 4/116
12 minutes of repertory (RCM 5-7) Complex stroking, dynamic control, slurs, complex barres; articulation
Full Fretboard Scales – 4/60
Arpeggios – 4/90; 3/120
10 minutes of repertory (RCM 4-6)
Junior 1 Advanced independence
Full Fretboard Scales – 4/96
Arpeggios – 4/124; 3/160
Tremolo – 4/124
15 minutes of repertory (RCM 5-7)
(includes Concerto movement) Extended barres, slurs, complex articulation
Full Fretboard Scales – 4/72
Arpeggios – 4/108; 3/136
Tremolo – 4/108
12 minutes of repertory (RCM 5-6)
Junior 2 Full Fretboard Scales – 4/104
Counterpoint Scales
Arpeggios – 4/136; 3/168
Tremolo – 4/128
15 minutes of repertory (RCM 6-8)
Junior Recital (30 mins. RCM 5-8) Advanced techniques, complex articulation
Full Fretboard Scales – 4/90
Arpeggios – 4/116; 3/154
Tremolo – 4/116
12 minutes of repertory (RCM 5-7)
Senior 1 Full Fretboard Scales – 4/112
Arpeggios – 4/144; 3/176
Tremolo – 4/132
20 minutes of repertory (RCM 7-9)
(includes Concerto movement) Advanced independence
Full Fretboard Scales – 4/96
Arpeggios – 4/124; 3/160
Tremolo – 4/120
15 minutes of repertory (RCM 6-8)
Senior 2 Full Fretboard Scales – 4/120
Arpeggios – 4/144; 3/184
Tremolo – 4/136
25 minutes of repertory (RCM 7-10)
Senior Recital (50 mins. RCM 6-10) Full Fretboard Scales – 4/104
Counterpoint Scales
Arpeggios – 4/136; 3/168
Tremolo – 4/128
15 minutes of repertory (RCM 6-8)
Optional Junior Recital (30 mins. RCM 5-8)
1. If you are accepted into the classical guitar program it means we believe you can get through the syllabus with an A.
2. The syllabus lists minimum standards and work to be done. You MUST achieve the minimum before you will be allowed to move to the next level. The grades of A and B represent sufficient achievement to move to the next level. The grade of C represents borderline work. Only one C is allowed, and unless you make up the deficit by the end of the next semester you will not be allowed to move to the next level of the syllabus. The grade of D, while representing some progress, is NOT sufficient to move you to the next level, and you will have to consider another major. Under special circumstances (injury, illness or family emergency) students will be given an incomplete and allowed to complete a semester's work in the following semester. Students who receive D or F must understand that their work is judged to be insufficient to complete the syllabus, and these students must consider another major.
3. To get an A you must demonstrate both technical development and musical/interpretive skill. It takes more than fast scales to make an A, and it takes more than good musicianship as well. You must be able to demonstrate good musicianship with good technique.
3. Students are expected to practice a minimum of one hour a day in the 1118 / 3118 sequence, and a minimum of two hours each day in the 1218 / 3218 sequence.
4. Students should not expect to be able to keep up with their studies with less practice time. Grading is based on achievement, not good intentions, nor time spent. If it takes you four hours a day to get the job done, plan on it.
5. All repertory must be memorized except for chamber music and unusual 20th century repertory.
6. All majors and minors are expected to attend Guitar Studio weekly as scheduled. Minors who have an unavoidable schedule conflict will be excused for that semester.
7. All students are expected to go to as many recitals as possible – of all kinds. Chamber music recitals are especially significant. Expect to pay for good guitar recitals.
8. Your grade is based on work done in lessons and your jury grade. Generally, if you don't complete at least 70% of the work contracted for a given semester, don't expect to pass. Minimum work completed at a minimum level will earn you a C. An A is earned only by completing minimum work at extraordinary levels of technical and musical skill; or more than minimum work at high levels of technical and musical skill.
9. If you get through the 1118 / 3118 sequence with an A it means you have a very respectable musicianship and technique. I expect you to be out there playing now!
10. If you get through the 1218 / 3218 sequence with an A you should be able to get into most decent graduate programs in the country. Go for it!
Four Year Progression for Oboe
The following is a sample list of repertoire to be studied over four years. Many of the books are sequential and may be used at multiple levels. All levels of study will include the following: development of tone production, intonation, breathing techniques, overall range up to high F, all major and minor scales with arpeggios, chromatic scale, long tones, and reed making skills.
Freshman Year
Long tones - Barret Oboe Method - pages 19 – 21; Major and minor scales in long tones
Vade-Mecum - pages3-6; emphasis on accuracy and steady beat - not speed
Chromatic scale to high F
Barret Oboe Method – Forty Progressive Melodies
Handel Sonatas
Cimarosa Concerto
Marcello Concerto in c minor
Reed Making Skills
Tie reed correctly with tip started
Sophomore Year
Long tones – Barret Oboe Method; Whole note Major and minor scales in thirds and with arpeggios; emphasis on vibrato development
Vade-Mecum – review – emphasis on speed while maintaining accuracy
Barret Oboe Method – articulation studies pages 54 – 56
Chromatic – full range of instrument
Barret Oboe Method – Forty Progressive Melodies and begin Sonatas
Haydn Concerto
Telemann Sonata in a minor
Hindemith Sonata
Reed Making Skills
Reed tied correctly, tip almost completed, back started.
Junior Year
Long Tones
Hite – Foundation Studies
Barret Oboe Method – Sonatas and Fifteen Grand Studies
Ferling – Forty-eight Famous Etudes
Schumann Three Romances
Vaughn Williams Concerto
Orchestral Excerpts
Begin working on standard excerpts from Vade-Mecum and Rothwell excerpt books
Reed Making Skills
Reed tied correctly, tip completed, back almost finished, and reed should be able to crow.
Senior Year
Long Tones
Vade-Mecum (expand study to trill exercises, technical etudes, melodic studies, and orchestral excerpts)
Hite – Foundation Studies
Barret Oboe Method – Fifteen Grand Studies
Strauss Concerto
Poulenc Sonata
Mozart Concerto
Orchestral Excerpts
Vade Mecum
Reed Making Skills
Reeds must be completed and playable.
Andraud, Albert J. Vade-Macum of the Oboist
Barret, A.M.R. A Complete Method for the Oboe
Debondue, Albert. 24 Etude Melodies
Ferling W. 48 Famous Studies
Hite, David Foundation Studies for the Oboe patterned after C. Baermann
Prestini, Giuseppe Raccolta di Studi per Oboe
Rothwell, Evelyn. Dificult Passages for Oboe and Cor Anglias
Sellner, Joseph. Method for Oboe or Saxophone
Albinoni, Concertos
Albinoni, Concerto for 2 oboes
Arnold, Fantasy for Oboe
Bach, Concerto in g minor
Bach, Siciliano and Arioso
Britten, Metamorphoses
Boni, Sonata in G
Cimarosa, Concerto
Francaix, The Flower Clock
Handel, Concerto in g minor
Handel, Sonatas
Haydn, Concerto
Head, Three Pieces
Hindemith, Sonata
Hummel, Theme and Variations
Ibert, Symphonie Concertante
Marcello, Sonata
Mozart, Concerto
Nielsen, Romance and Humoresque
Piston, Sonata
Poulenc, Sonata
Saint-Saens, Sonata
Schumann, Romances
Strauss, Concerto
Telemann, Concerto in f minor
Telemann, Sonata
Vaughn Williams, Concerto
Vivaldi, Sonata
Percussion Performance Standards
The sequence and order of these principles for percussion may be adjusted according to the percussion area in which a particular student has strengths and weaknesses as determined by the instructor. The sequence may also include several instruments working concurrently as determined by the instructor.
First Semester- Snare Drum
1) Review of all rudiments with emphasis on correct grip and
fundamental technique.
2) Studies in selected method books to be chosen from:
Modern School for Snare Drum - Morris Goldenberg
Stick Control - George Stone
Orchestral Snare Drummer - Anthony Cirone
3) Repertoire: Two prepared solos for snare drum.
Second Semester - Snare Drum
1) Reading compound meters, mixed meters.
2) Continuation of etude studies in selected method books.
3) Orchestral repertoire for snare drum
4) One prepared solo for snare drum
First Semester - Timpani
1) Ranges, sizes and styles of drums, stick selection, tuning,
preparing the heads, and types of grips. Emphasis will
be on fundamental technique and tone production.
2) Studies in selected method books to be chosen from:
Modern Method for Timpani - Saul Goodman
The Solo Timpanist - Vic Firth
The Orchestral Timpanist - Anthony Cirone
4) Legato and staccato strokes, muffling, rolls, cross hammering
techniques on two and three drums.
5) Two prepared solos.
Second Semester - Timpani
1) Grace notes, technique on four and five drums, glissandos.
2) Continuation of etude studies.
3) Two prepared solos.
First Semester - Mallet percussion
1) All major scales and arpeggios two octaves with emphasis
on correct 2 mallet grip, striking areas, tone production;
Introduction to ranges and techniques on various mallet
2) Studies in selected method books to be chosen from:
Fundamental Studies for Mallets - Garwood Whaley
Modern School for Xylophone - Morris Goldenberg
Method of Movement for Marimba - Leigh Stevens
3) Introduction to 4 mallet technique.
4) Preparation of one 2 mallet solo and one 4 mallet solo
Second Semester - Mallet percussion
1) One-half recital (25 min.) with selections on snare, timpani
and mallet instruments for Bachelor of Music majors.
2) All natural, harmonic and melodic minor scales and arpeggios
two octaves.
3) Continuation of 4 mallet technique.
First Semester - Multi-percussion (including drum set)
1) History, definitions, technique and notational systems for
multi-percussion repertoire.
2) Studies from selected method books or materials supplied by
the instructor.
3) One prepared multi-percussion solo.
4) Bachelor of Music Education students may give a half-recital
in addition to the requirements for the degree. A senior
recital may not be given during the quarter in which a
student is student teaching.
Second Semester - Multi-percussion
1) Bachelor of Music students are required to give a 50-minute
2) Bachelor of Music Education students are encouraged to give
a 50 minute recital.
3) Continuation of various studies from above.
All percussion majors need to have the following books and equipment before beginning applied lessons: (other books and equipment may be required as lessons progress)
- Modern School for Snare Drum - Morris Goldberg
- Modern Method for Timpani - Saul Goodman
- Intermediate Studies for Mallets - Garwood Whaley
Stick bag with at least the following:
- 1 pair of Firth general snare sticks (or similar pair of another brand)
- 1 pair of Firth general timpani mallets
- 1 pair of Firth cartwheel timpani mallets
- 2 matching pairs of medium yarn mallets (such as Balter 13R)
- 1 pair of general xylophone mallets (such as Musser M4)
To order music and equipment go to:
- Steve Weiss Music - http://www.steveweissmusic.com/
- Lonestar Percussion - https://www.lonestarproduction.com/
- Musician's Friend - http://drums-percussion.musiciansfriend.com/
- Or your local music store
Georgia College Department of Music
Freshmen: You should have at least this equipment when you come to school
Recommended: (any of these are ok)
Choose one from each category
Basic stick bag
Steve Weiss pro stick bag – 18" X 22" or
Promark DSB1 Deluxe-14" X 17" or
Promark JSB5 Jumbo – 17" X 19" or
snare sticks
Firth General SD1 or
Cooperman "Mike Rosen #6" or
Promark TX2B – Hickory
Marimba mallets
(2 pair)
Mike Balter Ensemble series -13 blue yarn w/ birch handles
Mike Balter Ultimate series – 113 blue cord with birch handles
Steve Weiss R3 med hard marimba
Timpani mallets
Firth VFT1 general mallets or
Balter MBT3 general mallets or
Black Swamp David Gross DG2 general or
Encore Payson General T103
Choose at least one from each category if more than one is listed
snare sticks
Promark RB or
Regal Tip 5A or 7A nylon tip
xylophone mallets
Musser M4 or
Malletech Or42B or
Mike Balter black birch 04BB med
Bell mallets
Musser M24 or
Malletech Or39R or
Musser M1 yellow (soft)
Timpani mallets
Firth T2 Cartwheel or
Balter legato mallet or
Encore Payson soft mallet T104
Snare sticks
Firth Bolero sticks SD2
marimba mallets
Balter 84 B medium soft blue
Balter xsoft burgundy
xylophone mallets
Balter Grandioso Unwound XL Birch – Med. Lgreen rubber (Bal-104B)
Timpani mallets
Firth American Custom Timpani – Staccato
Saul Goodman Timpani mallets - #2 Staccato
Specialty sticks, brushes, bass drum mallets, gong mallet, triangles, triangle beaters, etc.
Snare sticks
Any that you want for your own personal playing.
marimba mallets
get a second pair of each of the mallets listed in the junior year so that you have two pairs of each hardness of mallet: Balter 84 B medium soft blue
and Balter xsoft burgundy
Xylophone mallets
Balter Grandioso Unwound XL Birch hard Grey rubber (BAL 1065B) AND
Balter Grandioso Unwound XL Birch soft tan rubber
(BAL 102B)
Balter Grandioso Unwound XL Birch – Hard 7/8" brass (BAL 109B)
Timpani mallets
Firth American Custom wood mallet (VIC VFT 5)
Piano Performance Standards
Each semester, students will be expected to master a minimum of four repertoire items appropriate to their level of study. These pieces must belong to the standard classical repertoire. Normally, at least two historical periods will be represented. Exceptions will be made for those semesters in which an extended work is in progress or a specialized area of repertoire is being pursued. Repertoire items should be contrasting and complementary in terms of their technical and musical challenges. At least one of these selections must be learned from memory. Those students who are fulfilling their departmental piano proficiency requirement through applied lessons are expected to satisfy this requirement by the end of their fourth semester of applied study (i.e. second semester, sophomore year), at which time a comprehensive piano proficiency exam will be administered by their applied instructor. In addition to repertoire requirements and keyboard theory skills, students will be responsible for assigned technical studies each semester. At an end-of-semester jury, students will asked to perform one piece from memory and one other selection chosen from their repertoire list by the jury members. The eight semester program of study will be distributed as follows:
Note: The following guidelines represent minimum standards. Students who enter the program with advanced skills and repertoire, as assessed by their applied instructor, will be expected to develop according to their particular abilities.
During their Freshman year, students will normally study eighteenth century dance movements and sonatinas and nineteenth or twentieth century miniatures. Repertoire assignments will be supplemented with appropriate technical exercises and assignments relating to the departmental piano proficiency requirement.
In their Sophomore year, students will normally be expected to move beyond the sonatina level to the mastery of full-fledged Classical sonatas. They will also be assigned a representative sample of American art music from the Federalist era to the present. Repertoire assignments will be supplemented with appropriate technical exercises and students will be expected to complete their piano proficiency requirement.
During their Junior year, students will explore repertoire at the level of the Two Part Inventions of J. S. Bach and move from the Romantic miniature to Romantic character pieces and twentieth century works of comparable difficulty. Appropriate technical exercises from Part III of Hanon's The Virtuoso Pianist will be stressed.
In their Senior year, students will be expected to master at least one movement from a Beethoven sonata and/or a Baroque/Classical concerto. At this stage, work on more peripheral repertoire items (e.g. transcriptions or ensemble music) may be undertaken. Piano performance majors will emphasize senior recital preparation and continue to work on appropriate technical studies.
Freshman Year, Semester I:
1) Sample repertoire: A Clementi Sonatina (complete) and three Romantic miniatures
2) Scales & Chord Inversions: CMm (harmonic) - Gmm, D Mm - (hands together, parallel motion, one octave, minimum tempo requirement MM. eighth note = 60 2
3) Five-finger exercise, hands separately (Placing the thumb on middle C, hold down five consecutive keys. Beginning with the thumb, stroke each key ten times while continuing to depress the keys with those fingers that are not playing. In C and C-sharp
Freshman Year, Semester II:
1) Sample repertoire: a Baroque dance movement and three miniatures, two from the nineteenth and one from the twentieth century
2) Scales & Chord Inversions (same format as above): A Mm - E Mm - BMm
3) Finger independence: Depress five consecutive keys. Beginning with either the thumb or the little finger, play an arpeggiated triad while continuing to depress the keys that are not involved. Then reverse the pattern by depressing the triad while playing the remaining two pitches comprising a minor third. C, C-sharp
Sophomore Year, Semester I:
1) Sample repertoire: R. Schumann's Sonata for the Young No. 1, Op. 118a (complete) or at least two movements from a Sonata by Haydn or Mozart
2) Scales and Chords (same format): Fmm, B-flat Mm, E-flat Mm
3) Technique: Major 7th arpeggio, same octave, hands separately, and hands together in both parallel and contrary motion
4) Transposition: major key melody in all keys up to and including four sharps & four flats
Sophomore Year, Semester II:
1) Sample repertoire: American music (Reinegle, Hewitt, Carr, Paine, Gottschalk, MacDowell, Hanson, Copland, Barber etc.)
2) Scales and Chords: A-flat Mm, D-flat Mm, G-flat Mm (harmonic minor, one octave, hands together, MM. eighth note = 60)
3) Technique: Major 7th chord, hands separately, two octaves, C, C-sharp
4) Transposition: minor key melody in all keys up to and including four sharps & four flats
Junior Year, Semester I: Students should purchase The Virtuoso Pianist (Hanon)
Part III
1) Sample repertoire: J. S. Bach Two-Part Inventions, Impressionist character piece, 20th century character pieces or miniatures (other than American)
2) Rhythmic exercise (complex rhythms): the middle section of Brahm's Intermezzo Op. 118 No. 2 3
3) Technique: parallel intervals (double thirds): Hanon exercise # 50, etc.
4) Wrist exercise: Hanon # 48, etc.
5) Scales & arpeggios: Mm, minimum two octaves
Junior Year, Semester II:
1) Sample Repertoire: a substantial, single-movement Romantic character piece (Schumann's Arabesque, an early Chopin Polonaise, or a Brahms Intermezzo exclusive of Op. 118 No. 2, Rhapsody, or Ballade) Three of the following: Bartok - Six Rumanian Folk Dances (complete) Gershwin - Preludes (complete) Shostakovich - Preludes & Fugues Howard Hanson - Three Miniatures (complete)
2) Technique (parallel intervals): Hanon #49, etc.
3) Technique (complex rhythms): Debussy Arabesque No. 1, opening, etc.
4) Technique (octaves): Hanon #51 etc., l.h. broken octaves (stationary repetitions & C scale)
5) Scales & arpeggios: Mm, minimum two octaves
Senior Year, Semester I:
1) Sample repertoire: J. S. Bach, a Prelude and Fugue from W. T. C, at least two movements from a Sonata by Beethoven (exclusive of the Op. 49 Sonatas), and/or a movement of a student concerto.
2) Technique (Parallel chords): passages from Beethoven's Sonata Op. 2 No. 3, Movt. IV, etc.
3) Technique (widely spaced textures): Prokovief - Op. 65 No. 1 "Morning," etc.
4) Technique (voicing): Brahms - Intermezzo Op. 118 No. 2 (chorale section), etc.
5) Scales & arpeggios: Mm, minimum two octaves
Senior Year, Semester II:
1) Sample repertoire: Complete the Beethoven Sonata started in the previous semester, Brahms Intermezzo Op, 118 No. 2 (complete), and either a piano ensemble items or two unorthodox selections, e.g. music from the Renaissance or a transcription
2) Technique (leap exercise): C scale, hands separately, pitch repetition between thumb and little finger with a two octave spread, in rhythm, MM. eighth note = 60, plus except from cadenza of Beethoven Op. 2 No. 3, Movt. I
3) Senior recital prep (optional except for piano performance majors) 4
4) Scales & arpeggios: Mm, minimum two octaves
Four Year Progression for Saxophone
Freshman Year
All Major Scales (Full Range)
All Major Arpeggios (Full Range)
Chromatic Scale (Full Range)
Methods / Etudes
Teal- The Saxophonists Workbook
Ferling- Forty-eight Etudes
Lacour- Fifty Easy Etudes Book 1 & 2
Chanson et Passepied Jeanne Rueff
Sonata #4 J.S. Bach
Sonata #6 J.S. Bach
Sonatine Sportive Tcherpnine
Aria Eugene Bozza
Sarabande and Gigue Lantier
Concerto Alexander Glazounov
Three Romances Schumann/arr. Hemke
Diversion Bernhard Heiden
Sonata Bernhard Heiden
Sonata Paul Creston
Improvisation I Ryo Noda
Light of Sothis Amy Quate
Poem Walter Hartley
Sonata Burnett Tuthill
Sonatina William Schmidt
Sophomore Year
All Harmonic and Melodic Scales (Full Range)
All Minor Arpeggios (Full Range)
Methods / Etudes
Teal- The Saxophonists Workbook
Teal- Daily Studies for the Saxophone
Ferling- Forty-eight Etudes
Lacour- Fifty Easy Etudes Book 1 & 2
Sonata #4 J.S. Bach
Sonata #6 J.S. Bach
Sonatine Sportive Tcherpnine
Concerto Alexander Glazounov
Three Romances Schumann/arr. Hemke
Sonata Bernhard Heiden
Sonata Paul Creston
Improvisation I Ryo Noda
Light of Sothis Amy Quate
Poem Walter Hartley
Sonata Burnett Tuthill
Sonatina William Schmidt
Sarabande and Gigue Fischer Tull
Sonata Henry Eccles
Histoires… Jacques Ibert
Junior Year
Major Scales in Thirds (Full Range)
Methods / Etudes
Teal- The Saxophonists Workbook
Teal- Daily Studies for the Saxophone
Ferling- Forty-eight Etudes
Lacour- 28 Etudes on Modes Literature
Concerto Alexander Glazounov
Three Romances Schumann/arr. Hemke
Sonata Bernhard Heiden
Sonata Paul Creston
Improvisation I, II, III Ryo Noda
Light of Sothis Amy Quate
Poem Walter Hartley
Sonata Burnett Tuthill
Sonatina William Schmidt
Sarabande and Gigue Fischer Tull
Sonata Henry Eccles
Histoires… Jacques Ibert
Concerto Paul Creston
Tableaux de Provence Paule Maurice
Music William Karlins
Trigon Michael Cunningham
Senior Year
Minor Scales in Thirds (Full Range)
Methods / Etudes
Teal- The Saxophonists Workbook
Teal- Daily Studies for the Saxophone
Ferling- Forty-eight Etudes
Lacour- 28 Etudes on Modes
Concerto Alexander Glazounov
Three Romances Schumann/arr. Hemke
Sonata Bernhard Heiden
Sonata Paul Creston
Improvisation I, II, III Ryo Noda
Light of Sothis Amy Quate
Poem Walter Hartley
Sonata Burnett Tuthill
Sonatina William Schmidt
Sarabande and Gigue Fischer Tull
Sonata Henry Eccles
Histoires… Jacques Ibert
Concerto Paul Creston
Tableaux de Provence Paule Maurice
Music William Karlins
Trigon Michael Cunningham
Blue Caprice Victor Morosco
Elegie et Rondeau Karel Husa
Music for Saxophone Leslie Bassett
Sonata Robert Mucynski
Additional sources to be used:
Saxophone High Tones Eugene Rousseau
Les Gammes Jean-Marie Londeix
The Etudes/Methods and Solo sections of this document are lists from which the instructor and student can choose. Note that there is some overlap of material between the years. Etude/Method books are often used over several years, and solos can be appropriate at more than one level. Other material at the appropriate level can also be substituted by the instructor.
General Study Texts
Campos, Trumpet Technique
Farkas, The Art of Brass Playing
Hickman, Trumpet Pedagogy: A Compendium of Modern Teaching Techniques
K. Johnson, The Art of Trumpet Playing
R. Sherman, The Trumpeter’s Handbook
Freshman Year
Major scales, chromatic scales, full range
Arban, Complete Conservatory Method
Irons, 27 Groups of Exercises
Schlossberg, Daily Drills and Technical Studies
St. Jacomme, Grand Conservatory Method
Stamp, Warm-up plus Studies
Vizzutti, Trumpet Method (Book 1-Technical Studies), (Book 3- Melodic Studies)
L. Anderson, Trumpeter’s Lullaby
G. Balay, Petite Piece Concertante
G. Balay, Prelude et Ballade
G. Ropartz, Andante and Allegro
F.J. Haydn, Concerto in E-flat
J.N. Hummel, Concerto in E
Mills and Romm, ed., Intermediate Trumpet Solos
Sophomore Year
All forms (natural, harmonic, and melodic) minor scales and chromatic scales, full range
Nagle, Speed Studies
Vizzutti, Trumpet Method (Book 2-Technical Studies, Book 3- Melodic Studies)
Bousquet, 36 Celebrated Studies
Brandt, 34 Studies and 24 Last Etudes
Small, 27 Melodious and Rhythmical Exercises
T. Hansen, Sonata
A. Goedicke, Concert Etude
Corelli-Fitzgerald, Sonata VII
Hovhaness, Prayer of St. Gregory
K. Kennan, Sonata for Trumpet and Piano
Copland, Quiet City
Latham, Suite
Rachmaninoff, Vocalise
J. Turrin, 2 Protraits
Junior Year
Minor scales, all three forms – full range
Chromatic scale, full range of the instrument
Balay, 15 Etudes
Bartold, ed. Classical and Modern Works, Vols. IV – V-VI
Bordogni, Vingt-Quatres Vocalise
Clarke, Technical Studies for Trumpet
Hickman, The Piccolo Trumpet
Vizzutti, Trumpet Method Books I, II, III
A. Arutunian, Concerto
Bozza, Caprice
J.G. Neruda, Concerto in E-flat
Barat, Andante et Scherzo
H.L. Clarke, Best of Herbert Clarke
Plog, Animal Ditties
Peeters, Sonata
Reed, Ode for Trumpet
Bohme, Russian Dance
Senior Year
Diminished and Whole-tone scales, full range
Bitsch, Vingt Etudes
Charlier, 36 Etudes Transcendantes
Chavanne, 25 Etudes of Virtuosity
Clarke, Technical Studies
Dubois, Twelve Various Studies
Hickman, Essential Orchestral Excerpts Vol. 1-16
Plog, 16 Contemporary Etudes
Stevens, Contemporary Trumpet Studies
Stevens, Contemporary Interval Studies
J. Francaix, Sonatine pour Tpt & Piano
J. F. Fasch, Concerto in D
A. Pachmutova, Concerto
O. Bohme, Concerto in F Minor
Bloch, Proclamation
Charlier, Solo de Concours
Ibert, Impromptu
Enesco, Legend
Stevens, Sonata
Hindemith, Sonate
Continue as directed.
Senior Recital
The Senior Recital must include one of Level II solos below; other solos are the choice of the student and teacher. It is strongly suggested that one piece on the Senior Recital be a work of chamber music. Students are reminded of the required hearing for this recital.
Four Year Progression for Trombone
The Methods/Etudes and Solo sections of this document are lists from which the instructor and student can choose. Note that there is some overlap of material between the years. Etude books are often used over several years, and solos can be appropriate at more than one level. Other material at the appropriate level can also be substituted by the instructor. BA and BMT majors would be expected to work from 2-3 etude books each semester, as well as learn two movements from a solo, or a solo piece that has contrasting sections. BA majors would be expected to cover more ground in the etude books, and to learn an entire multi-movement work, or two contrasting solos each semester.
* indicates repertoire most commonly used.
Preliminary/Remedial Studies
Bordner - First Book of Practical Studies
Bower - Rhythms
Concone - 40 Legato Studies
Fink - Introducing Legato, Legato Studies
Hering, - 40 Progressive Etudes
Hering - 32 Etudes for Trombone
Freshman Year
All major scales and arpeggios – 1 or 2 octaves (teacher's discretion)
Chromatic scale – two or more octaves at teacher's discretion
Remington – Warm-up Exercises (adapted, supplemented)
Arban - Complete Method for Trombone (Alessi/Bowman ed)
Bordner - Second Book of Practical Studies
Bordogni/Rochut - Melodious Etudes Book 1
Bower - Rhythms
Concone - 40 Legato Studies
Fink - Introducing Legato
Hering - 32 Etudes for Trombone
Kopprasch - 60 Studies Book 1
Tyrrell - 40 Progressive Studies
Barat - Andante and Allegro
Berlioz - Recitative and Prayer
Blazhevich - Concert Piece No. 5
Galliard - Six Sonatas
Hasse - Hasse Suite
Marcello - Sonata III
Masso - Suite for Louise
Ropartz - Andante and Allegro
Telemann - Sonata in f minor
Sophomore Year
All natural minor scales and arpeggios – 2 or 3 octaves (teacher's discretion)
Chromatic scale – up to 3 octaves
Remington - Warm-up Exercises (adapted, supplemented)
Allessi - Warm-ups
Arban - Complete Method
Blume - 36 Studies
Bordogni/Rochut - Melodious Etudes Vol I
Concone/Shoemaker - Legato Etudes for Trombone
Fink - Introducing Tenor Clef
Kopprasch - 60 Studies Books I & II
Tyrrell - 40 Progressive Studies
Barat - Andante and Allegro
Berhmmans - La Femme a Barbe
Blazhevich – Concerto No. 2
Brahms - Four Serious Songs
Dvadrionas - Theme & Variations
Handel - Suite in Ab
Rimsky-Korsakov - Concerto
Marcello - Suite in a minor
Pryor - Thoughts of Love
Rachmaninoff - Vocalise Op 34, No. 14
Simons - Atlantic Zephyrs
Telemann - Sonata in f minor
Berlioz - Hungarian March from Damnation of the Faust
Mozart - Tuba Mirum from Requiem Mass
Junior Year
Minor scales, all three forms – 2-3 octaves (teacher's discretion)
Chromatic scale, full range of the instrument
Alessi - Warm-ups
Marsteller - Basic Routines
Schlossburg - Daily Drills
Arban - Complete Method
Bordogni/Rochut - Melodious Etudes, Vols I & II
Blume - 36 Studies
Clarke - Technical Studies for Trumpet
Bernstein - Elegy for Mippy II
David - Concertino
Gräfe - Grand Concert
Guilmant - Morceau Symphonique
Hindemith - Sonata
Kreisler - Liebeslied
Pryor - Annie Laurie
Saint Saens - Cavatine
Serocki - Sonatina
Sulek - Sonata
Weber - Romance
Brahms - Symphony No.'s 1 & 2
Wagner - Prelude to Act III of Lohengrin
Senior Year
Diatonic and chromatic scale patterns, expand range
Alessi - Warm-ups
Marsteller - Basic Routines
Schlossburg - Daily Drills
Blazhevich - Clef Studies
Bitsch - 15 Rhythm Etudes
Blume - 36 Studies
Bordogni/Rochut - Melodious Etudes, Vols. II & III
Bozza - Etudes
Charlier - Etudes for Trumpet
Fink - Introducing Alto Clef
Smith – Top Tones for the Trumpet
Albrechtsberger - Concerto for Alto Trombone
Grondahl - Concerto
Jacob - Concerto
Lars Erik-Larsson - Concertino
Martin - Ballade
Mozart - Concerto in Bb K. 191
Phillips - T Rex
Pryor - Blue Bells of Scotland
Salzedo - Piece Concertante
Tomasi - Concerto
Dorsey - I'm Getting Sentimental
Mahler - Symphonies No.'s 1 & 3
Ravel - Bolero
Rossinni - William Tell Overture
Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries
Senior Recital
The Senior Recital must include one of the above level 4 solos; other solos are the choice of the student and teacher. It is strongly suggested that one piece on the Senior Recital be a work of chamber music. Students are reminded of the required hearing for this recital.
Kleinhammer/Yeo - Mastering the Trombone
Farkas - The Art of Brass Playing
Bate - The Trumpet and Trombone
Instrumentalist Brass Anthology
Bass Trombone
Ahoroni - New Method
Bitsch – Quartorze Etudes de Rhythme
Blazhevich - 70 Studies for Tuba (vol. 1 & 2)
Blume - 36 Studies for Trombone with F Attachment
Bordogni/Rochut - Melodious Etudes (vol. 2) 8va basso
Fink - Studies in Legato for Bass Trombone
Gillis - 70 Progressive Studies, 20 Etudes
Knaub - Pi a la Bone
Kopprasch - Studies
Ostrander - Shifting Meters Study
Pederson - Elementary, Intermediate Etudes for Bass Trombone
Stephanovsky – 20 Studies for Bass Trombone
Tyrrell - 40 Advanced Studies for Bb Bass
Beaucamp - Cortege
Bozza - Allegro et Finale
Casterede - Fantasie Concertante
Galliard/Marx - Six Sonatas
George - Concerto
Gotkovsk - Lied
Haddad - Suite
Hartley - Sonata Breve
Hindemith - Drei Leichte Stuecke (3 Easy Pieces), Sonata (Tuba)
Jacob - Cameos
Concerto - Lebedev,
Koetsier - Allegro maestoso
McCarty - Sonata for Bass Trombone
Pilss - Concerto
Spillman - 2 Songs, Concerto
Stevens - Sonatina
Tcherepnine - Andante
White -Tetra Ergon
Wilder - Sonata
Jazz Studies
Aebersold, New Approach Series
Coker - Patterns for Jazz
Gale – Twenty-Four Jazz Etudes (optional tape)
Grey - Plunger Techniques
Raph, Dance Band Reading
Snidero - Easy Jazz Conception w/CD
Band-In-A-Box (if computer hardware is accessible)
Clef Studies (begin with the Fink books, tenor then alto)
Blazhevich, Studies in Clefs
Fink, Introducing Tenor Clef, Introducing Alto Clef
Sauer, Clef Studies
Four Year Progression for Tuba
The Methods/Etudes and Solo sections of this document are lists from which the instructor and student can choose. Note that there is some overlap of material between the years. Etude books are often used over several years, and solos can be appropriate at more than one level. Other material at the appropriate level can also be substituted by the instructor. BA and BMT majors would be expected to work from 2-3 etude books each semester, as well as learn two movements from a solo, or a solo piece that has contrasting sections. BA majors would be expected to cover more ground in the etude books, and to learn an entire multi-movement work, or two contrasting solos each semester.
* indicates repertoire most commonly used
Freshman Year
All major scales and arpeggios – 1 or 2 octaves (teacher's discretion)
Chromatic scale – two or more octaves at teacher's discretion
Remington – Warm-ups
Pilafian and Sheridan – Brass Gym
Arban – Famous Method for Tuba (or Trombone, 8va basso)
Blazhevich - 70 Studies, Vol. 1 (Robert King edition)*
Bordogni/Rochut - Melodious Etudes for Trombone, Vol. 1, 8vabasso*
Getchell - Practical Studies
Kopprasch – 60 Selected Studies
Tyrell - 40 Advanced Studies*
Vasiliev – 24 Melodious Etudes
Bach - Air and Bouree*
Buchtel – Introduction and Rondo
Capuzzi – Andante & Rondo*
Haddad – Suite*, Two Pieces
Handel/Little – Larghetto & Allegro
Holmes – Lento
Marcello/Little – Sonata No. 1 in F Major, Sonata in C Major, Sonata in a minor*
Mozart/Swanson – Menuetto
Rachmaninoff/Allen – Vocalise*
Schubert/Fischer - Frhlingsglaube
Sowerby – Chaccone
Telemann/Chidester – Andante and Allegro, Adagio and Allegro, Prelude and Allegretto*
Vaughan - Concert piece No. 1
York – Sea Dreams
Holst – First Suite in Eb, Second Suite in F
Sophomore Year
All natural minor scales and arpeggios – 2 octaves (teacher's discretion)
Chromatic scale – up to 3 octaves
Clark – Technical Studies for Cornet
Arban – Famous Method for Tuba (or Trombone, 8va basso)
Bordogni/Rochut - Melodious Etudes for Trombone, Vol. 1, 8va basso*
Blazhevich - 70 Studies, Vol. 1 (& II) (Robert King edition)*
Cimera – 73 Advanced Etudes*
Kopprasch – 60 Selected Studies*
Tyrell - 40 Advanced Studies
Vasiliev – 24 Melodious Etudes
Barat - Introduction and Dance*
Bencriscutto – Concertino (1969)*
Beversdorf – Sonata*
Brahms/Little – Five Songs
Buchtel – Introduction and Rondo
Capuzzi – Andante & Rondo*
Corwell – New England Reveries (tape)*
Curnow – Concertino*
Frackenpohl – Concertino, Variations
Galliard - Sonata No. 6
Hartley – Sonata, Sonatina*
Haydn/Bowles – Sonata No. 7 (1st mvt.)
Holmes – Lento
Marcello/Little – Sonata No. 1 in F Major, Sonata No 5 in C Major, Sonata in a minor*
Mozart/Barnes – Per Questa Bella Mano
Saint-Saëns/Fischer - Romance, Op. 36*
Schubert/Fischer – Frhlingsglaube
Tcherepnine – Andante*
Vaughan Williams - 6 Studies in English Folk Song (Cello)*
Vivaldi – Sonata in A minor (No 3?) Morris *
York – Sea Dreams
Berlioz – Hungarian March
Brahms – Symphony No. 2
Respighi – Fountains of Rome
Tchaikovsky – Symphony No. 4, No. 6
Junior Year
Minor scales, all three forms – 2-3 octaves (teacher's discretion)
Chromatic scale, full range of the instrument
Clarke - Technical Studies for the Cornet
Schlossberg - Daily Drills and Technical Studies for Trumpet
Blazhevich - 70 Studies, Vol. 2 (Robert King edition)
Bordogni/Rochut - Melodious Etudes for Trombone, Vol. 2, 8va basso*
Cimera – 73 Advanced Etudes*
Kopprasch - 60 Selected Studies*
Sear – Etudes for Tuba*
Snedecor - Low Etudes for Tuba*
Beversdorf – Sonata*
Brahms/Fischer - Zigeunerlieder, Op. 103, Vier ernste Gesangs (Four Serious Songs)
Broughton - Sonata (also called Concerto)*
Corwell – Aboriginal Voices (tape)
Dufaye – Suite Marine*
Frackenpohl – Concertino
Gabrieli, D – Ricercar unacc
Gregson – Concerto*
Handel – Sonata No. 6 in F Major*
Hartley – Suite
Hindemith – Sonata*
Lebedev - Konzert (European edition)*
Marcello/Little – Sonata No. 1 in F Major, Sonata No 5 in C Major, Sonata in a minor*
Mozart/Barnes – Horn Concerto No. 3, No. 4
Muczynski – Impromptus
Nelhybel - Suite
Painpa/Voxman – Concert piece
Persichetti - Serenade No. 12*
Telemann - Sonata in f (Cello)*
Tcherepnine – Andante*
Vaughan Williams - 6 Studies in English Folk Song (Cello)*
Bruckner – Symphony No. 7
Strauss – Ein Heldenleben, Til Eulenspiegel
Wagner – Die Meistersinger
Wagner – Prelude to Act III of Lohengrin
Senior Year
Diatonic and chromatic scale patterns, expand range
Clarke – Technical Studies for the Cornet
Schlossberg – Daily Drills and Technical Studies for Trumpet
Bordogni/Rochut - Melodious Etudes for Trombone, Vols. 2 & 3, 8vabasso*
Fritze – 20 Characteristic Studies*
Maenz - 12 Spezial Studien
Sear – Etudes for Tuba*
Snedecor – Low Etudes*
Arnold – Fantasy
Barnes – Yorkshire Ballad
Beversdorf – Sonata*
Broughton - Sonata (also called Concerto)*
Elgar/Fischer - Chanson de nuit, Op. 15, No. 1
Elgar/Fischer - Chanson de matin, Op. 15, No. 2
Elgar/Fischer - Salut d'amour, Op. 12
Frackenpohl – Sonata
Gregson – Concerto*
Handel – Sonata No. 6 in F Major*
Hartley – Sonata*
Hindemith – Sonata*
Jacob – Suite
Koetsier – Sonatina*
Lebedev - Konzert (European edition)*
McFarland - Sketches
Muczynski – Impromptus
Persichetti - Serenade No. 12 (unacc)*
Spillman – Four Greek Preludes (unacc)
Stevens – Sonatina*
Strauss – Nocturne*, Concerto for Horn op 11
Torchinsky - Orchestral Excerpts
Vaughan Williams – Concerto*
Wilder - Suite No. 1 ("Effie")*, Sonata, Elegy for a Whale
York – Arioso Gloria
Berlioz – Symphonie Fantastique
Mahler – Symphony No. 1, mvt. 3
Prokofiev – Symphony No. 5, mvt. 1
Stravinsky – Petrouchka "Peasant with Bear"
Wagner – Die Walkre
Four Year Progression for Viola
The Methods/Etudes and Solo sections of this document are samples of materials that are appropriate at the various levels. Note that there is some overlap of material between the years. Etude books are often used over several years, and solos can be appropriate at more than one level. Other material at the appropriate level can also be substituted by the instructor. The tables below describe minimum requirements.
Semester MUAP 1200/3200
(BA) MUAP 1100/3100
(BA and BMT)
Fresh 1
Review of fundamental technique
3-octave scales and arpeggios
Grade 1 and 2 studies (2) and Grade 2 repertoire (1 mvt.)
Review of fundamental technique
3-octave C scale and arpeggios
Grade 1 studies (1) and repertoire
(1 mvt.)
Fresh 2
3-oct. scales, arpeggios, 7ths
Grade 2 and 3 studies (2) and repertoire (1 mvt.)
Review of fundamental technique
3-octave scales and arpeggios
Grade 1 and 2 studies (2) and repertoire
(1 mvt.)
Soph 1
3-oct. scales, arpeggios, 7ths
Simple double stops
Grade 3 studies (1) and repertoire (1 mvt.)
3-oct. scales, arpeggios, 7ths
Grade 1 and 2 studies (2) and repertoire
(1 mvt.)
Soph 2
3-oct. scales, arpeggios, 7ths
Simple double stops
Grade 3 and 4 studies (1) and repertoire
(1 mvt.)
3-octave scales, arpeggios, 7ths
Grade 2 studies (2) and repertoire (1 mvt.)
Junior 1
3- or 4-oct. scales, arpeggios, 7ths
Double stops
Grade 3 and 4 studies (1) and repertoire (2 mvts.)
3-octave scales, arpeggios, 7ths
Grade 2 and 3 studies (2) and repertoire
(1 mvt.)
Junior 2
3- or 4-oct. scales, arpeggios, 7ths
Double stops
Grade 4 and 5 studies (1) and repertoire (2 mvts.)
Junior recital (30 minutes. Includes concerto movement or concert piece)
3-octave scales, arpeggios, 7ths
Grade 2 and 3 studies and repertoire
Senior Year
Preparation for senior recital/auditions.
Technical studies as appropriate.
Three movements from Grade 4-5 repertoire performed at senior recital (50 minutes. Includes concerto movement performed from memory).
1st semester: 3- or 4-oct. (C) scales, arpeggios, 7ths, simple double stops.
Grade 3 and 4 studies and repertoire (2 mvts)
2nd semester: 3- or 4-oct. (C, Db, D) scales, arpeggios, 7ths, simple double stops. Grade 3 and 4 studies and repertoire (2 mvts.)
Optional junior recital (30 minutes).
Sample Graded Methods/Etudes and Solos
Grade 1 Repertoire
Marcello, Sonata in E
Doktor, First Solos for the Viola Player
Eccles, Sonata in G
Grade 1 Technical Literature
Hoffman, Viola Studies, op. 86
Kreutzer, 42 Etudes, no. 2
Schradieck, School of Viola Technics, vol. 1,
no. 1
Whistler, Introducing the Positions v. 1
Wohlfahrt, Foundation Studies
Grade 2 Repertoire
Bruch, Kol Nidrei
Handel, Sonatas
Liszt, Romance Oubliee
Seitz, Student Concerto no. 3
Telemann, Concerto in G
Vivaldi, Concerto in D, Op. 3/6
Grade 2 Technical Literature
Don't, 24 Preparatory Studies, Op. 37
Kreutzer, 42 Etudes, nos. 9, 11, 13
Mazas, Etudes Speciales, Op. 36, vol. 1
Schradieck, School of Viola Technics, vol. 1
Whistler, Introducing the Positions, v. 1-2
Grade 3 Repertoire
Bach, J.C. (Casadesus) Concerto in C
Benda, Concerto in F
Bloch, Meditation and Processional
Faure, Elegy
Handel (Casadesus), Concerto in B
Hindemith, Trauermusik
Sitt, Romance
Grade 3 Technical literature
Kreutzer, 42 Etudes
Mazas, Etudes Brillantes, Op. 36, vol. 2
Sevcik, School of Technique, Op. 1, part 2-3
Schradieck, School of Viola Technique,
vol. 1-3
Sitt, 15 Etudes, Op. 116
Grade 4 Repertoire
Bach, J. S. Six Cello Suites (selected mvts.)
Bloch, Suite Hebraique
Brahms, Sonatas Op. 120, nos. 1-2
Britten, Lachrymae
Hoffmeister, Concerto in D
Schumann, Marchenbilder, Op. 113
Vanhal, Concerto in F
Weber, Andante e Rondo Ongarese
Grade 4 Technical Literature
Bruni, 25 Studies
Campagnoli, 41 Caprices
Kreutzer, 42 Etudes
Rode, 24 Caprices
Grade 5 Repertoire
Bach, J. S. Six Cello Suites
Clarke, Sonata
Hindemith, Der Schawanendreher
Mozart, Symphonie Concertante in Eb
Walton, Concerto
Grade 5 Technical Literature
Don't, 24 Etudes and Caprices, Op. 35
Rode, 24 Caprices
Four Year Progression for Violin
The Methods/Etudes and Solo sections of this document are samples of materials that are appropriate at the various levels. Note that there is some overlap of material between the years. Etude books are often used over several years, and solos can be appropriate at more than one level. Other material at the appropriate level can also be substituted by the instructor. The tables below describe minimum requirements.
MUAP 1200/3200
MUAP 1100/3100
(BA and BMT)
F 1
Review of fundamental technique
3-octave scales and arpeggios
Grade 1 and 2 studies (2) and Grade 2 repertoire (1 mvt.)
Review of fundamental technique
3-octave G scale and arpeggios
Grade 1 studies (1) and repertoire
(1 mvt.)
F 2
3- or 4-oct. scales, arpeggios, 7ths
Grade 2 and 3 studies (2) and repertoire (1 mvt.)
Review of fundamental technique
3-octave scales and arpeggios
Grade 1 and 2 studies (2) and repertoire
(1 mvt.)
S 1
3- or 4-oct. scales, arpeggios, 7ths
Simple double stops
Grade 3 studies (1) and repertoire (1 mvt.)
3-octave scales, arpeggios, 7ths
Grade 1 and 2 studies (2) and repertoire
(1 mvt.)
S 2
3- or 4-oct. scales, arpeggios, 7ths
Simple double stops
Grade 3 and 4 studies (1) and repertoire
(1 mvt.)
3-octave scales, arpeggios, 7ths
Grade 2 studies (2) and repertoire (1 mvt.)
Jr 1
3- or 4-oct. scales, arpeggios, 7ths
Double stops
Grade 3 and 4 studies (1) and repertoire (2 mvts.)
3-octave scales, arpeggios, 7ths
Simple double stops
Grade 2 and 3 studies (2) and repertoire
(1 mvt.)
Jr 2
3- or 4-oct. scales, arpeggios, 7ths
Double stops
Grade 4 and 5 studies (1) and repertoire (2 mvts.)
Junior recital (30 minutes. Includes concerto movement or concert piece)
3-octave scales, arpeggios, 7ths
Simple double stops
Grade 2 and 3 studies and repertoire
Preparation for senior recital/auditions.
Technical studies as appropriate.
Three movements from Grade 4-5 repertoire performed at senior recital (50 minutes. Includes concerto movement performed from memory).
1st semester: 3- or 4-oct. (G) scales, arpeggios, 7ths, double stops.
Grade 3 and 4 studies and repertoire (2 movements/pieces).
2nd semester: 3- or 4-oct. (G, Ab, A) scales, arpeggios, 7ths, double stops. Grade 3 and 4 studies and repertoire (2 mvts.)
Optional junior recital (30 minutes).
Sample Graded Methods/Etudes and Solos
Grade 1 Repertoire
Beethoven, Minuet in G
Handel, Sonata in E (I-II)
Rieding, Concerto in B
Seitz, Concerto no. 4
Vivaldi, Concerto in A, Op. 3/6
Mozart, Concerto no. 2, K 211 (arr. Rokos)
Grade 1 Technical Literature
Kreutzer, 42 Etudes, no. 2
Kayser, 36 Studies, Op. 20
Schradieck, School of Violin Technics, vol. 1,
no. 1
Sitt, Studies for Violin, Op. 32
Whistler, Introducing the Positions
Wohlfahrt, 60 Etudes, Op. 45
Grade 2 Repertoire
Bartok, Rumanian Folk Dances
Handel, 6 Sonatas
Fiocco, Allegro
Kreisler, Sicilienne and Rigaudon
Ortmans, Concertino
Grade 2 Technical Literature
Don't, 24 Preparatory Studies, Op. 37
Kreutzer, 42 Etudes, nos. 9, 11, 13
Schradieck, School of Violin Technics, vol. 1
Sevcik, School of Bowing, Op. 2, Bk. 1
Sevcik, Shifting the Position, Op. 8
Grade 3 Repertoire
Accolay, Concerto no. 1 in A
Bach, J. S., Concerto no. 1 in A
Beethoven, Romance in F
Gluck, Melodie
Kreisler, Liebesleid
Mozart, Violin Sonatas in Bb, G or E
Rieding, Concertino in Hungarian Style
Grade 3 Technical literature
Kreutzer, 42 Etudes
Mazas, Etudes Speciales, Op. 36, vol. 1
Mazas, Etudes Brillantes, Op. 36, vol. 2
Grade 4 Repertoire
Mozart, Concerto no. 3 in G (K. 216)
Bach, J. S. Concerto no. 2 in E
Beethoven, Violin Sonatas, nos. 1, 4, 5
Beriot, Concerto no. 9
Lalo, Symphonie Espagnole
Rachmaninov, Vocalise
Schumann, Sonata in A
Tartini, Sonata in G ("Didona")
Vitali, Chaconne
Wieniawski, Legende
Grade 4 Technical Literature
Kreutzer, 42 Etudes
Rode, 24 Caprices
Grade 5 Repertoire
Bach, J. S. Six Sonatas and Partitas (selected movements)
Beethoven, Violin Sonatas
Bruch, Violin Concerto no. 1
Mendelssohn, Concerto in E minor
Mozart, Concerto no. 4
Mozart, Concerto no. 5
Saint-Saens, Introduction et Rondo
Wieniawski, Concerto no. 2
Grade 5 Technical Literature
Don't, 24 Etudes and Caprices, Op. 35
Rode, 24 Caprices
Guidelines for voice students:
I. Vocal study
1. Students enrolled in applied voice will complete a contract within one month of the beginning of the term. This document outlines the requirements of the class as well as the literature that should be learned during the term.
II. Studio Class
1. Studio class meets Tuesdays 12:30-1:45.
2. All students enrolled in MUAP 1000, 1119, 1219, 3119, 3219 and 5100 must attend studio class where they will have the opportunity to discuss vocal issues and perform for one another. Studio class will be conducted by the full-time voice faculty and any adjunct faculty who are able to attend.
3. Attendance policy: Students are allowed to miss 2 studio classes. Roll will be taken at each studio class.
4. All students must sing in studio class as assigned.
5. Accompanist: An accompanist will be provided for studio class.
III. Recital attendance: Vocal students must follow the departmental guidelines for this course (MUSC 1990).
1. Recital class
a. Recital class meets Thursdays 12:30-1:45.
b. Students must attend the announced required amount of classes per semester to receive credit for the class. They will have an assigned number of outside recitals to attend that will be indicated at the beginning of the term. Students will be given a Recital Card, which will be punched with each performance and class attended.
c. Music therapy students are required to complete four semesters of recital class. (Note: MT students must perform in Recital Class once a semester, regardless of whether or not they are enrolled).
d. Music minors must enroll in three semesters of recital class, but they are not required to attend or perform in the 12:30 class. However, they are required to attend a designated amount of outside recitals, indicated by a punch on their recital card that will be given to the office at the end of term.
2. Outside recital attendance
a. Students must attend the semester's designated number of recitals outside of recital class.
b. Students must turn in punched card to office at the end of the semester.
IV. Recital appearance – This is part of the performance requirements for the applied studio as stated in departmental guidelines – Each performance must be scheduled with the approval of the teacher.
1. Students should complete the recital class form, which lists the works to be performed and requires the applied teacher's signature. Forms are available in the music office. Students must perform the selections as approved by the applied teacher and as indicated on the form. No substitutions will be allowed.
2. First semester freshmen are exempt from performing in recital class.
3. Second semester freshmen, all sophomores, juniors and seniors must perform in recital class.
4. An authorized junior or senior recital fulfills one recital appearance.
5. Recital appearance performance – Failure to turn in paperwork will result in losing your place on the program, which will affect your applied grade. Failure to adequately prepare for your performance will also affect your applied grade.
V. Recital critique
1. Students must write a one-page critique of one professional vocal performance per semester. Papers must be given to the applied teacher no later than two weeks following the performance, or the student will not receive credit for that assignment.
VI. Juries
1. All students enrolled in MUSC 1119, 1219, 3119, 3219, and 5100 must perform a jury at the end of the semester.
2. Students enrolled in MUSC 1000 will perform a jury upon teacher recommendation.
3. The jury panel will consist of all members of the voice faculty.
4.The student will perform one selection of his/her own choosing. The remainder of the selections will be heard at the discretion of the jury panel.
5. All students must memorize the minimum requirement of songs for juries.
6. In a given semester, if all of the literature presented in a recital includes the minimum requirement of new songs for that semester, the jury will be waived.
7. In order to gain acceptance into upper division vocal study (MUAP 3119 or 3219), the student must pass a hearing consisting of vocal repertoire in a minimum of three languages. This hearing usually will occur during the jury for the fourth semester of MUAP 1119 or MUAP 1219.
8. Even though a student may pass the upper division jury in voice, they must pass the other music requirements to be allowed into upper division study.
VII. Accompanists
1. An accompanist will be provided for half (25 minutes) of the lesson.
2. Rehearsals outside of the lesson may be scheduled with the accompanist as the accompanist schedule allows. Extra sessions are not guaranteed, and students must make an appointment for each session requested. The accompanist is not provided to teach notes and diction to the student, but to rehearse ensemble and musicality of the literature.
VIII. Junior Recital and Senior Recital: When planning a recital, students must follow the departmental policy concerning applied studios.
1. Before scheduling a recital, a student must have the approval of the applied teacher and confirmation from your
accompanist. A Recital Application Form must be obtained from the music office and correctly completed. While there may be changes in the program along the way, the program should be complete on the application form. The form must be turned in no later than the beginning of the semester in which the recital is to take place.
2. When several possible dates have been chosen, the student checks with the Department Secretary for availability in Max Noah Hall. When a date has been chosen, the student files a space reservation request. The student should also schedule a hearing date at this time (be sure that all full-time applied voice faculty, the applied teacher, and the accompanist is available for the hearing).
3. Students must pass a recital hearing two or more weeks before the proposed date of the performance. The hearing committee may choose to hear any portion of the recital program. The student must pass the hearing in order to present the recital.
4. If a student does not pass the hearing, a second hearing may be scheduled upon the applied teacher's recommendation.