Find yourself along the path towards your future
The Philosophy Program emphasizes issues which are relevant to students' lives such as how to live, the nature of justice, the role of reason and emotion in a good life and the meaning and role of art in our lives while simultaneously preparing students for graduate school, law school, nonprofit organizations, and private industry.
Key Benefits of this Degree
- Gain new perspectives on today's current issues through the lens of both western and non-western philosophies.
- Pair your education with our extensive list of unique minors such as Black Studies, International Studies, Philosophy, Urban Studies, Women's Studies and more.
- After graduation our students have gone on to graduate school, law school, the Peace Corps, nonprofit organizations and private industry.
- Our students also have been successful in graduate programs both in here in the U.S. and overseas.
What can my career look like with this degree?
Entry-Level Avg Salary
Different Career Options
Complementary Minors

City of light illuminates art, history and culture
Georgia College & State University students got a taste of the good life in Paris during a study abroad program in Summer 2022.
Career Paths for Philosophy Majors
Our small class sizes allow faculty to mentor students in ways that are highly conducive to student success at GC as well as after graduation:
- Our majors are highly successful in the LSAT and have been successful in some of the most important Law Schools in the nation, such as University of Chicago, University of Georgia, Georgia State University, and Mercer. Meet Caitlin Banks at UGA Law School.
- Our majors have been highly successful in getting into, and thriving, in excellent PhD programs such as Pennsylvania State University and University of Hawaii. Some of our alumni include Maria Bermudez, Brooke Judie, Kailah Jeffries.
- Our majors have been successful in attending Seminary and Theology programs after graduation. Learn more about Courtney Henry, who is attending Columbia Theological Seminary.
- Our majors have been highly successful in attending Graduate Programs internationally, such as the highly acclaimed Fudan University in China. Meet Bobby McCullough, MA Fudan University, China; and is currently a PhD student at University of Hawaii.
- Our students have been successful in careers in the private sector, non-profit organizations, and starting their own businesses. Get to know Jennifer Nguyen, who is pursuing a career in Political and Legislative Affairs in Washington DC.
Additional Career Information
Learn more about careers available to philosophy majors.