About Us
The Georgia College & State University Aquatic Sciences Club was recently founded in the Spring of 2024. The club works in collaboration with the university's Aquatic Sciences Center. The hopes of the club are to bring student interests in aquatic sciences and community outreach to those around them. We can't wait to meet more of you and grow our club and passion for aquatic science!
President - Anna Agi
Anna Agi is a biology graduate student who is researching in Dr. Kalina Manoylov's research lab. As president, she oversees meetings and works with her committee to schedule events for the club.
Vice President - Wiley Bundy
Wiley Bundy is a biology graduate student who is researching in Dr. Samuel Mutiti's research lab. As vice president, she assists the president any upcoming events and helps the president with anything that they may need help with.
Secretary - Shannon Northen
Shannon Northen is a biology graduate student who is researching in Dr. Samuel Mutiti's research lab. Her role as secretary is to make sure that all of the notes for each meeting are recorded and shared with the members. This allows for those who missed the meeting or just want to confirm information, to be able to look back and see what was discussed.
Treasurer - Jacob King
Jacob King is an undergraduate finance major. As treasurer, he oversees all finances within the club and is responsible for any fundraising that we may have. This includes making sure that we remain within our allowed budget for the year. Because of his finance background, it suits him well for this role.
Community Service Representative - Megan Martin
Megan Martin is a biology graduate student who is researching in Dr. Samuel Mutiti's research lab. As the community service representative, she focuses expanding our club's involvement in the community and pursuing other possible outreach events. She will also help in our collaboration with Georgia College's Academic Outreach.
Latest Activity
First meeting of the semester
Join us for the first meeting of the semester to meet old AND new faces!! We can't wait to meet everyone to discuss some exciting events that we have planned for the semester. We will meet in Herty Hall Room 210 at 6:30 PM on Thursday, September 12th.
Meeting Minutes
Click the image below for all of our meeting minutes!