Frequently Asked Questions
What courses will I be taking during the summer?
All students will be enrolled in three courses for a total of seven credit hours. Two courses count toward the academic core and one is a student success seminar. Potential CORE courses include GC1Y Critical Thinking, Music & Civilization, Human Geography, Sociological Perspectives, America's Diverse Cultural Heritage, and Fine and Applied Arts in Civilization. The Student Success Seminar is a course that focuses on strategies for academic and life skills to promote success in college.
BSP staff will enroll students in their summer courses based on intended major and AP/Dual Enrollment credit. Students must pass ALL courses with a "C" or better.
Can I request to be in a specific course for the summer program?
No, BSP staff will enroll students in their summer courses based on intended major and AP/Dual Enrollment credit.
How long will I be in class each day?
Classes will be held from approximately 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
When will I be able to meet my roommates and other BSP students?
Roommates will be assigned at the conclusion of interviews and determined by the program coordinator based primarily on academic factors such as major and cohort assignment. Once assignments are made, students will be able to view their apartment and roommates online.
Can I make a roommate request?
No. All roommate assignments for the Bridge Scholars Program are determined by the BSP Coordinator.
Can I go home on the weekends during the summer?
Due to the intensive nature of the program, required weekend events, and fall admission being contingent upon doing well academically, students are required to remain on campus, for the duration of the 5-week program. Overnight visitors are not allowed during the summer session and BSP participants are required to stay in their own apartments each night during the week and weekends.
How will I get to my classes? Can I bring my car?
Yes, you can bring your car. A parking pass for The Village and the GC Main Campus is included in your student fees. Students can also use the GC Shuttle Service for travel to and from class. For more information, please visit the Transportation Services website:
Is financial aid available for the summer program?
Yes! Those who are eligible for financial aid can use it towards the BSP summer program. For more information, visit or contact the GCSU Office of Financial Aid at 478-445-5149 or
Do we get a break for Fourth of July?
Yes. Students will not have class on July 4th or 5th. Classes resume Monday, July 8th.
Do I have to purchase a meal plan during the summer program?
Yes, all BSP students must purchase a meal plan for the summer program. For more information on available Meal Plans, please visit the Sodexo website.
If I'm in BSP, can I participate in varsity athletics, a sorority, or other campus activities?
Absolutely! While BSP is an intensive summer program, the participation requirements are significantly scaled back during the academic year. Students are encouraged to participate in all the great organizations Georgia College & State University offers. BSP students have been members of nearly every athletic team, participated in Fraternity and Sorority Life and were elected as leaders of numerous student organizations throughout campus.
What is the cost of the Bridge Scholars Program?
The estimated cost for the summer session of the BSP is as follows:
Program Fee $300
Tuition (in-state) $1,750
Student Fees $745
Housing Pre-Payment Fee (will be applied to Fall 2024 housing costs) $200
Housing Application Fee (non-refundable) $35
Housing (4-person apartment) $968
Meals (25 Block Meal Plan) $300
What are the dates of the summer 2024 Bridge Scholars Program?
June 15, 2024 BSP Orientation & Move In
June 16, 2024 Team Building and Social Programs
June 17 - July 18, 2024 Classes
July 4 & 5, 2024 Holiday Break (no classes and students may return home)
July 18, 2024 Closing Programs
July 19, 2024 Apartment Checkout*
*Please note that students will be allowed to leave belongings in their apartment until they return for the fall semester in August.