For Credit Internships

Career Center - Headshot

Georgia College students interested in receiving an internship for academic credit will report their internship through Handshake. The Career Center currently tracks internships for the College of Arts & Sciences and Public Health students. 

Current Internship and Practicum Courses for Academic Credit

Accounting: ACCT 4605

Art: ARTS 4960 ARTS 4970 

Biology: BIOL 4960BIOL 4961 

Environmental Sciences: ENSC 4961

Chemistry: CHEM 4960

Computer Science: CSCI 4960

Criminal Justice: CRJU 4960

Economics: ECON 4605

English: ENGL 4960

Environmental Science: ENSC 4960

Exercise Science: KINS 4206

Geography: GEOG 4960

History: HIST 4960

Liberal Studies: IDST 4960

Management: MGMT 4605

Marketing: MKTG 4605

Mass Communication: MSCM 4960 (Internship Website)

Math: MATH 4960

Music: MUSC 4960

Music Therapy: MUST 4990

Nursing: NRSG 4980

Outdoor Education: ODED 4908

Physics: PHYS 4960

Political Science: POLS 4960 (Internship Website) (GC in DC Internship Program)

Psychology: PSYC 3960 (Practicum) & PSYC 4960

Public Health: KINS 4306 (Internship in Public Health) & KINS 4806

Sociology: SOCI 4960

Spanish: SPAN 4960

Theatre: THEA 4960

Women's and Gender Studies : WMST 4960

Starting an Internship Program

Are you interested in created an internship program for your organization? We can help with that! We have an Employer Internship Guidebook as a resource for employers to develop transformative experiences to support learning and professional development for Georgia College students. If your organization or office is interested in a consultation meeting, please contact Chelsey Scoggins to schedule an appointment.