The Center for Teaching and Learning offers course feedback programs, including the Peer Teaching Observation Program, currently referred to as "Peer Feedback on Teaching (PFoT)" and the Small Group Instructional Diagnostic (SGID), also referred to as Group Instructional Feedback Technique (GIFT). Each semester, you may request a Peer Feedback on Teaching for one of your courses, a Small Group Instructional Diagnostic for one of your courses, or both.
Both processes provide you with confidential, formative feedback on your teaching. Once paired with a facilitator, they will meet with you to discuss your goals for that specific class and review the process with you.
Peer Feedback on Teaching Only
The Peer Feedback on Teaching provides you with confidential, formative feedback on your teaching. The results of the peer observation will only be shared with you, the instructor. If you request Peer Feedback on Teaching, a trained observer will observe and take notes for a full class period. We conduct PFoT from week three (3) thru week six (6) then from week nine (9) thru twelve (12) each semester.
The reviewer will:
- Meet with you before the classroom visit to discuss your goals,
- Take notes during the observation, highlighting your strengths and what went well, and
- Meet with you following the observation to share their feedback and help you set goals for using your strengths to improve your classroom's quantity and quality of learning.
Small Group Instructional Diagnosis Feedback Only
If you elect to have the SGID classroom visit only, your faculty peer will come to your class approximately 30 minutes before the end of the period on the appointed date. You may briefly introduce the facilitator to your class and then leave. The facilitator will guide your students through a 20-25 minute group consensus-building process in which they address the following four questions:
- What do you like about any aspect of this course that helps you learn the material?
- What suggestions do you have for improving any aspect of this course that would help you learn more?
- How could those suggestions be implemented?
- What can students do to improve this course?
A week or so after the classroom visit, the facilitator will make arrangements to meet with you to share the assessment findings orally and in writing. These findings are yours and yours alone; they will not be shared with anyone else. You may, if you wish, include them in your Individual Faculty Report. We conduct the SGID during weeks seven (7) and eight (8) each semester.
Peer Feedback on Teaching & SGID Feedback
If you request the peer observation with the SGID visit, please plan to teach the class for the first 25 minutes or so for the observation and allow 20-30 minutes for the group facilitation. Your faculty peer will share the results of both the observation and the SGID discussion with you in the follow-up visit.
Submit Your Request for Feedback
For the Spring 2025 semester, Course Feedback dates are as follows:
- PFoT: Part I - January 27 through February 21
- SGID: February 24 through March 7
- PFoT: Part II - March 10 through April 4
Request your feedback. The request form will open in a new window.
Please contact the Center for Teaching and Learning at (478) 445-2520 or if you have any questions.