GCEC Class of 2023
Georgia College Early College (GCEC) is a 7th-grade through 12th-grade public educational institution that is located on GC's campus. GCEC is an alternative to the traditional middle and high school with partnerships among Baldwin County and Putnam County schools, Oconee RESA (Regional Educational Service Agency), and the John H. Lounsbury College of Education. Early College's Legacy Class began in the fall of 2006 with an enrollment of 53 students. Early College prepares students to complete high school, gives them an opportunity to earn college credit, and assists them in becoming eligible for the Hope Scholarship.
The Early College Initiative
Currently, Georgia has several Early Colleges. Each school is uniquely designed to meet the needs of the students in the local communities it serves. Early Colleges may be found on high school or college campuses or in rural, suburban or urban settings. The curriculum varies among schools to meet the requirements of the Department of Education and the school's local partner college or university. Seed money for the Early College initiatives came from grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Our Constitution
We, the participants of Early College,
in order to form a more perfect learning community,
establish justice,
ensure a meaningful learning experience,
and promote a commitment to excellence,
do agree to honor these principles:
- Respect,
- Caring,
- Integrity, and
- Personal Responsibility
The mission of GCEC is to optimize our unique access to higher education for learners' continuous development.
Our vision is to build a model early college that guarantees the development of intellectual and creative habits of world-class leaders who contribute to a strong community.
Early College is committed to:
Providing meaningful experiences to support students in finding relevance in learning.
Building relationships through the exchange of ideas.
Utilizing a rigorous, flexible curriculum to develop character, intellect, and creativity.
Accessing a range of resources for multiple opportunities for students' development.
Challenging everyone to work from their strengths and take positive risks.
We are all teachers, all learners, and all leaders.
Greatness Comes from Exceptional Challenges (by Tiffany Bass- Class of 2013)