Kappa Delta Pi

Kappa Delta Pi (KDP), International Honor Society in Education, was founded in 1911 to foster excellence in education and promote fellowship among those dedicated to teaching. For over a century, the Society has consistently grown, starting with a local chapter to become the international organization it is today, with an initiated membership that exceeds 1.2 million!
Undergraduate Student Requirements: Be enrolled in an institution offering an education degree and have the intent to continue academically and professionally in the field of education; Demonstrate leadership attributes and commitment to equity; Have completed at least 24 credits of collegiate course work; Have at least 6 credit hours in education course work programmed, in progress, or completed; Demonstrate a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater or ranking in the upper 20% of the school; and Receive an invitation to membership from the chapter at Georgia College.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Roddran Grimes
College Middle Level Association (CMLA)

The Georgia College Collegiate Middle Level Association (CMLA) is a student-led professional education organization for college students preparing to become middle level teachers. It is an affiliate of the Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE) and serves to network local GCSU students with middle level educators and teacher candidates across the state and country. The primary functions of CMLA are to provide professional development for future middle level educators and to engage candidates in service to area middle level schools and programs.
CMLA at Georgia College is open to all college students interested in working with middle grades students ages 10-15.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Nancy B. Mizelle
Dean's Student Advisory Committee (DSAC)

The Dean's Student Advisory Committee (DSAC) is an organization of students committed to improving the academic, social, and professional quality of education in the John H. Lounsbury College of Education. DSAC facilitates interaction among students, student organizations, faculty members, alumni and administration. It assists in fulfillment of the mission of the College. The committee responds to students' needs and serves as their voice within the John H. Lounsbury College of Education, the education community and the community at large.
DSAC is composed of the presidents of each student organization and representatives from each program who are selected by the departments.
Contact: Dean Joe Peters, joseph.peters@gcsu.edu
Georgia Association of Educators (GAE)

The GCSU student program of GAE is a pre-professional organization sponsored by the Georgia Association of Educations and the National Education Association. The group exists to support, protect and strengthen those who are planning to become teachers and nurture Georgia's children.
Membership shall be granted to any student who is interested in becoming a professional educator.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Roddran Grimes
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

The NAEYC Chapter of Georgia College & State University is a group of students and faculty who are dedicated to improving the well-being of all young children, with particular focus on the quality of education and developmental services for all children from Pre-K-5.
Membership shall be granted to any full-time student who is a member of a COE early childhood cohort.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Stacy Schwartz
Student Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC)

The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is dedicated to improving the educational success of individuals with disabilities and/or gifts and talents. CEC advocates for appropriate governmental policies, sets professional standards, provides professional development, advocates for individuals with exceptionalities and helps professionals obtain conditions and resources for effective professional practice.
Professional membership is granted to any full-time student enrolled in a Special Education Cohort. Georgia College & State University's local CEC Chapter is Chapter 996.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Stephen Wills
Student Professional Association of Georgia Educators (SPAGE)

SPAGE is the student program of PAGE, Georgia’s largest association for professional educators. Through PAGE's publications, services and statewide meetings SPAGE members receive up-to-date information on education legislation, salary schedules, and current "hot" issues in the teaching field. SPAGE provides many services and benefits, including workshops on topics such as classroom management and the state code of ethics, and assistance with preparation for the GACE exams. We also offer digital professional learning opportunities via podcasts and webinars. One of the most important benefits SPAGE members receive is professional liability insurance for their work with children in student teaching and other field experiences.
Membership in SPAGE is open to any student who is pursuing a career in education.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Lyndall Muschell