Our mentor-led, field-based cohort will prepare graduates for a Georgia Professional Standards teaching certificate, level-4 (or T-4), and graduate with a teaching certificate in Dyslexia Endorsement.
Embedded Dyslexia Endorsement. The endorsement appears on your teaching certificate when you graduate.
Join a mentor-led, field-based cohort program. With small cohort sizes and professors who also serve as advisors, field supervisors, and mentors, you will receive a personalized education that meets your needs.
Alumna wants to end late diagnoses of disabilities
When her friend was diagnosed with a learning disability in high school, special education major Ileana DeJesus was ignited with passion for children with learning disabilities—and supporting them in the classroom.
The College of Education was nationally accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) in May 2022. Accreditation is a nongovernmental activity based on peer review that serves the dual functions of assuring quality and promoting continuous improvement.
PhD, Texas A&M University; MA, University of St. Thomas; BA, Salem College
Instructional coaching methods that positively impact the implementation of research based instructional practices; Call to vocation’s impact on teacher retention; Teacher knowledge and beliefs about pedagogical principles and the impact on the provision of differentiated instruction.