Georgia College & State University Simulation and Translational Research Center
Georgia College’s Simulation and Translational Research Center (STRC) is internationally recognized for providing various types of high-quality simulation experiences to undergraduate and graduate nursing students and is provisionally accredited through the Society for Simulation in Healthcare.
Between the two locations, the STRC includes 13,000 square feet of learning opportunities that replicate a variety of clinical spaces to prepare nursing students to become registered nurses and for advanced clinical practice roles. The STRC features an array of simulation technology, simulated medical devices, and uses standardized participants as well to provide students with an average of 16,000+ total contact hours annually in simulation experiences.
The mission of the Georgia College Simulation and Translational Research Center (STRC) is to provide challenging, interdisciplinary, state-of-the-art simulations for all programs in an inclusive, supportive and safe environment. The STRC promotes student learning by integrating didactic content with deliberate, progressive, simulated clinical experiences that ensure mastery of essential nursing competencies. The STRC’s unique environment prepares learners to deliver care to diverse patient populations in a variety of care settings.
Our Vision
The STRC aspires to develop preeminent healthcare professionals using innovative educational strategies which will benefit our local, national, and international stakeholders.
Our Values
The STRC values are consistent with the Georgia College School of Nursing’s philosophy, including the development of nurse leaders engaged in evidence-based practice, lifelong learning, and civic participation to serve the healthcare needs of a diverse population.
Simulated Learning Experiences
SimMan 3G Human Patient Simulator (HPS)
The SimMan 3G is a high fidelity patient simulator. The simulator is capable of the following functions:
Reactive pupils
Crying, runny nose, and ear drainage
Oral cyanosis
Heart, lung, and bowel sounds
Chest rise and expansion, with the ability for needle decompression and chest tube training
Bilateral carotid, brachial, radial, femoral, popliteal, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis training
Vast bedside monitoring capability, such as ECG, SpO2, blood pressure, arterial line, end-title carbon dioxide, and central venour pressure
Assess 12-lead EKG, radiology studies and lab results from bedside monitor
Advanced ventilation management
CPR, code blue management and defibrillation
Vascular access for medication and fluid administration
Genitourinary system with urine output
Tetherless to allow for in-situ simulation capability (simulations conducted in the actual patient care area)
Birthing Simulator
Birthing simulators are high-fidelity manikins that can provide nursing students and seasoned nurses training with normal and high-risk deliveries that can result in many complications.
Heart, lung, bowel sounds, and fetal heart tones
Bilateral carotid and brachial pulses that correlate with patient monitor
Automatic or manual delivery mode
Can simulate breech, assisted deliveries such as with forceps, shoulder dystocia, cord prolapse, eclampsia, post-partum hemorrhage, uterine inversion, or rupture
Touch screen supporting monitoring systems that display, but not limited to EFM, SpO2, ECG, heart and respiratory rate, temperature, end-tidal carbon dioxide waveforms
Access 12-Lead ECG and radiology studies from monitor
CPR and code management with chest compressions, defibrillation, pacing and cardioversion, advanced airway management
IV, subcutaneous and intramuscular sites for medication administration
Pediatric Simulators
Interchangeable pupils
Heart, lung, and bowel sounds
Intravenous and interosseous vascular access
Bedside monitoring capability, such as ECG, Sp02, blood pressure, and end-title carbon dioxide levels
CPR, code blue management and defibrillation
Infant Simulator
SimNewB Simulator
Programmable infant simulator with appropriate physiology
Programmable heart and lung sounds
Airway training and management
CPR and infant code management
Intravenous and interosseous access
Harvey Cardiopulmonary Simulator
50 cardiac diseases programed from aortic valve stenosis to pulmonary embolism
Master stethoscope for auscultation, an addition to wireless stethoscopes for learners listening capability
Cardionics Bionic Hybrid Simulator
Wearable technology which can be used on live patients or manikins to simulate normal and abnormal heart, lung, and bowel sounds
Palpable carotid, radial, and brachial artery pulses
5-lead ECG connection
Simulates multiple physiological conditions
Real time diagnostics and treatment capabilities
Cardionics SimScope WiFi capability
Cervical & GYN Simulator
Bi-manual pelvic examination
Vaginal Speculum examination
Six cervices with cervical abnormalities
Anatomically accurate fimbriae and ovaries
IUD insertion
MEDiC Mobile Exam Device
Telehealth system that allows access to healthcare from outside the clinical and hospital setting by transmitting remotely over Wi-Fi from anywhere in the world. Georgia College nursing students have traveled abroad to remote populations in Honduras and Africa that have enabled the communities to access specialized care such as cardiology.
Ear Exam Models
Allows for practicing proper use of an otoscope
Anatomically correct ear model facilitates student practice in clinical procedures
Includes: 11 ear pairs, 1 normal and 9 tympanic membrane pathologies, and 1 foreign body/cerumen removal
Eye Exam Models
Facilitates students learning using direct ophthalmoscopes
3 fundal depths
Includes: 10 retinal slides, 1 normal and 9 retinal pathologies
Joint, Knee, & Shoulder Injectors
Facilitates student learning with normal anatomy (both superficial and subdermal) for palpation purposes
Feedback technology to support student learning
Skills Acquisition Lab
The Skills Acquisition Lab has over 4400 square feet of learning/skills stations to support the ongoing development of nursing student competencies. Equipped with a functional nursing station and 5 bays that house 21 beds of task trainers, simulators, and various skill stations. Students gain competency by practicing skills and make didactic content connections in a supportive, supervised environment.
Birthing Simulator
Birthing simulators are high-fidelity manikins that can provide nursing students and seasoned nurses training with normal and high-risk deliveries that can result in many complications.
Smooth full-body skin and seamless joints
Lifelike eyes with programmable eyelid and eye movement, automatic object tracking, and reactive pupils
Births life-like newborn baby of realistic weight, length, proportion, and joint articulation
Manual Operation or Modeled Physiology: Modeled physiology responds automatically to treatments and interventions.
Auscultation of brachial/radial pulse
IM Medication Administration
Neurological Assessment
Lung and Heart Sounds
Blood Pressure Assessment
IV insertion/medication administration
Foley insertion
Pupil reaction assessment
NG tube placement
Foley insertion
Airway management
Trach care
IV insertion/assessment
Simulated wound care
Pre-hospital chest trauma management, ongoing chest tube maintenance, and assessment.
Two cut-away viewing areas to provide learner visualization of the anatomical relationships between the skin surface, musculature, ribs, and lungs.
Left side pressurized tension pneumothorax site.
Surgically placed chest tube site.
Perfect for teaching the concepts and mechanics of closed water-seal drainage systems.
The right chest area of the Chester Chest™ model has a 9.6Fr tunneled central catheter that is visible up to the clavicle. The Dacron cuff on this catheter is also discernable.
Central line care skills, competency, and assessment.
External jugular vein with attached triple lumen catheter.
Subclavian catheter site
Features a dual 5Fr PICC exiting the basilic vein from the inner bicep area.
Forearm IV catheter
SANE Training Room
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) are registered nurses who have completed specialized education and clinical preparation to provide forensic medical care to the patient who has experienced sexual assault or abuse. The GCSU ANE-SANE program provides comprehensive didactic and clinical skills training for nurses in Georgia who wish to expand their repertoire and delve into the forensic nurse specialty. The hands-on portion of the training includes simulated experiences with Forensic Teaching Associates, standardized patients that are specially trained in sexual assault cases, making for the most realistic, evidence-based experience possible. The program also offers Forensic Refresher Exams (FRE) for SANEs desiring to brush up on their skills.
The private, fully equipped training room includes the following supplies, equipment and resources:
Gynecological examination table
High quality forensic camera systems (CortexFlo, SDFI, DSLR)
Advanced Pelvic exam and GYN Simulator
LED Forensic Alternative Light Sources
Epson Smart Glasses for Telehealth use
Forensic Evidence Collection Kits
Cordless speculum illuminators
Swab dryer
Variety of vaginal specula
Other necessary supplies for evidence collection
Patient interviewing area
For further information, please contact: Shantee Henry, DNP, RN, SANE-A ANE-SANE Program Director
Standardized Participant Program
The Simulation and Translational Research Center at Georgia College offers a variety of standardized participant (SP) experiences to support an array of healthcare educational needs. We have a repository of SPs of various ages, gender, and ethnicities to provide authentic SP experiences to future and practicing healthcare professionals. The GCSU Simulation Coordinator trains standardized participants to portray specific medical backgrounds, physical conditions, and emotional states found in patients in various healthcare settings. We apply moulage and other simulation technology to SPs to portray injuries or medical conditions to support the realism of the learning experience.
Dr. Roberts is a Georgia College & State University alumna, where she received her Doctor of Nursing Practice, Master's in Nursing Education, and Bachelor of Science in Nursing. During her doctoral studies she was signified as a Jonas Scholar. She has worked in various clinical areas as a registered nurse including intensive care, pain management, and emergency care services. Dr. Roberts received the Laurie Hendrickson McMillan Award in 2020 for excellence in teaching, research, and campus and community service. She holds a certification as a Healthcare Simulation Educator from the Society for Simulation in Healthcare and Standardized Participant Methodology certification through the Association of Standardized Patient Educator. In addition to being a 2022 alumna of National League for Nursing Lead Institutes Simulation Education Program and the 2022-2023 recipient of the College of Health Science Excellence in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award.
As the director of the Simulation and Translational Research Center at Georgia College & State University she provides leadership, development of faculty/staff, metrics, and integration of simulation technology into the nursing curriculum. Additionally, Dr. Roberts is the Program Coordinator for the year long, healthcare simulation certificate program that teaches healthcare educators about simulation pedagogy, best-practices, and operations.
Dr. Roberts has secured grant funding from various sources at Georgia College. Her current research focuses on using simulation to support the learning needs of undergraduate and graduate healthcare disciplines. She has published simulation related research in various nursing journals. Dr. Roberts has also presented on simulation research and simulation center management at the local, state, national, and international levels.
MSN, Nursing Education, Georgia College & State University
Tormechi Chambliss has been a nurse for 17 years with experience in medical/surgical, cardiac ICU and telemetry, radiology nursing, endoscopy, and case management. She graduated in 2007 with an associate degree in nursing from Macon State College. She then completed the RN-BSN program at Georgia College & State University and received a bachelor's degree in 2018 and a master's degree in nurse education in 2021. While pursuing her master's degree, Tormechi worked as a graduate assistant in the School of Nursing for the 2019-2020 academic year. She is starting her third year at Georgia State University pursuing a Ph.D. Tormechi’s research interests include African-American veteran women and the barriers to health-seeking behaviors for PTSD treatment.
BS Health Information Management, Macon State College
Ms. Tiffany M. Bell is an alumna of Macon State College where she received her Bachelor of Science in Health Information Management. She has over 20 years of healthcare experience in the Central Georgia area. Ms. Bell specializes in Simulation Activity Coordination and Standardized Participant experience. She has completed training and received certifications in Standardized Participant Methodology through the Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) and in Healthcare Simulation through Georgia College & State University.
Patsy Hicks is a Georgia College & State University alum with a BS in Nursing and a BS in Community Health Education. She has over 36 years of medical-surgical nursing experience as well as two years of infection prevention experience. Patsy received her education in Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing from Emory University and holds a certification in Medical-Surgical Nursing. She is a member of the Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nursing Society. Patsy also holds a certification in the Fundamentals of Standardized Patient Methodology through the Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) and in Healthcare Simulation through Georgia College & State University and has received training in All Hazards/Medical Moulage through Moulage Concepts. Patsy’s submission of Pin PPE on a Healthcare Worker was accepted for publication to the National League for Nursing-Simulation Innovation Resources Center HomeGrown Solutions website.
In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, sewing, working in her garden, and spending time with her family.
MSN, Nursing Education, Georgia College & State University BSN, Georgia College & State University
Melanie Hammond graduated from Georgia College & State University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2019 and a Master's in Nursing Education in 2024. She also completed her healthcare simulation certificate at GCSU. Her background is in emergency department nursing and clinical research where she specialized in studies with an emphasis in endocrinology. She fell in love with nursing education and simulation and is now pursuing her DNP with an expected graduation date of 2026.
AS General Studies, Georgia Military College Certificate in Standardize Patient Methodology, Association of Standardized Patient Educators
Tyler Laster is a graduate of Georgia Military College where he received his degree in general studies. Mr. Laster has over ten years IT/ audio visual experience and four years in healthcare Simulation.
Krystal Canady
Assistant Director – Graduate Programs and Associate Professor - Nursing
Dr. Canady received her BSN from Georgia College & State University, graduating as vice president of her class. She returned shortly after to pursue her master’s degree as a Family Nurse Practitioner. She practiced family medicine for several years before returning to the emergency room, where she had also spent most of her time as a BSN-RN. Dr. Canady completed her post-master’s in nursing education and her Doctor of Nursing Practice degrees at Georgia Southern University, where she received a recognition award for demonstrating exemplary promise in improving patient care.
Dr. Canady has multiple publications and presentations. Her research interests include stressors in the working environment of nurses and the role of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) in nursing education. She currently practices as an FNP at a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) clinic and is passionate about caring for underserved and vulnerable patient populations.
Dr. Coke received her PhD in Nursing from Georgia State University, her Post Master’s as a Family Nurse Practitioner from University of Massachusetts, her MSN as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner from Emory University, and her BSN in Nursing from Georgia College & State University. She has published in a number of peer reviewed journals and presented nationally and internationally on her research related to innovative teaching techniques and using service learning to enhance nursing education. Dr. Coke has received numerous research grants that are focused on improving access to healthcare in rural areas of Georgia and her international service-learning work. She currently has an ANEW HRSA grant where she serves as lead researcher. Dr. Coke actively practices as a Family Nurse Practitioner in rural Georgia in a medically underserved county. Her role as International Coordinator for the College of Health Sciences has led to the development of a Global Health Minor for Georgia College and service learning and exchange opportunities for Georgia College & State University's nursing students in Sweden, Honduras, and Tanzania.
Dr. Copeland received her Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP) degree in 2013 and was awarded the Outstanding DNP student for her cohort. She holds degrees from Western Carolina University and Georgia College. She has taught undergraduate and graduate nursing courses since 1998. Her research work includes Magnet hospital, nursing research, informatics, and clinical practice guidelines. She has authored and co-authored nursing journal articles, presented her research at national and international venues, and lobbied at the local, state, and national levels for health care issues. Dr. Copeland also serves as the Volunteer Coordinator for Doctors of Nursing Practice, Inc.
Dr. Culpa-Bondal is a Professor of Nursing and has more than 25 years of experience in the area of psychiatric/mental health. She is board-certified as a psychiatric mental health clinical nurse specialist and nurse practitioner. She received her Ph.D. in Nursing from Texas Woman’s University, her Post Master’s in Healthcare Informatics from Georgia College & State University, her MSN in Family Mental Health from Georgia College & State University, and her BSN in Nursing from Holy Name University, in Bohol, Philippines. Her clinical practice serves underserved populations around the Middle Georgia area and encompasses several clinical sites from correctional facilities to outpatient community mental health centers and crisis stabilization units. She has numerous papers/presentations including adult mental health, psychiatric nursing education, and the use of informatics in healthcare and nursing education. Dr. Bondal leads a summer study abroad program that teaches undergraduate research to nursing students while exploring the Filipino culture. She uses problem-based learning, service-learning and evidence-based learning pedagogies.
Josie Doss
Interim Associate Dean, Chief Nurse Administrator, and Professor
Simulation, Forensic Science, Transformational Learning, Maternal/Infant Health
Dr. Doss received a BSN from Troy University (2001), an MSN with a focus in maternal-infant nursing education from Troy University (2002), and a research doctorate (PhD) from Georgia State University (2017). Dr. Doss has worked in maternal and infant health as a clinician and educator for over 20 years and is a trained forensic nurse. She maintains certification in inpatient obstetrics (RNC-OB, 2003), as an Advanced Forensics Nurse (AFN-C, 2022), and as an Adult/Adolescent Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE-A, 2020). She has presented regionally, nationally, and internationally on women’s health, forensic nursing, and nursing education/research.
MPA, Georgia College
BS, Sociology, Georgia College
Tracy is a double alumna of GCSU and has worked in the School of Nursing since 2012. She oversees the day-to-day operations of the SON administrative office and provides budgetary oversight.
Dr. Claxton graduated with a BSN from Armstrong State University and MSN and DNP from Georgia Southern University. His clinical background includes mental health nursing and advance practice mental health nursing in both outpatient and inpatient settings. A large portion of his career has been spent in community mental health working with indigent and underserved patients. Dr. Claxton's special interests include bullying behaviors, suicide prevention, and child/adolescent mental health nursing.
Dr. Fowler received her BSN from Boston College, a Master of Science in nursing education degree from Sacred Heart University, and her doctorate from Nova Southeastern University. She completed active duty service in the United States Air Force and was a volunteer at Ronald MacDonald House. Dr. Fowler is also trained as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE). Her hobbies include reading and travel.
Debbie Greene
Professor - Nursing and MSN Nurse Educator Program Coordinator
Healthcare Safety and Quality, Informatics, and Technology in Nursing/Nursing Education
Dr. Greene arrived at Georgia College & State University in 2011 and holds the rank of Professor. She coordinates the MSN Nurse Educator program. Her teaching interests include patient safety, informatics, leadership, research, and nursing education. Dr. Greene received the Outstanding Service Award for the College of Health Sciences in 2019. The Georgia Association for Nursing Education (GANE) recognized Dr. Greene with the Nursing Innovation in Education Award in 2018. Dr. Greene has multiple presentations and publications. Dr. Greene holds certification as a nurse educator from the American Nurses Credentialing Center. Dr. Greene’s history of service to the profession includes serving in numerous roles for the Georgia Association for Nursing Education (past president 2011-2013) and the Theta Tau Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International (Treasurer, 2017-2021). As a registered nurse, Dr. Greene has practiced in medical, rehabilitation, surgical, and ICU specialty areas.
Dr. Henry is a “Triple Cat” having graduated from Georgia College & State University with her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (1985), Master of Science in Nursing with a concentration in Nursing Education (2018), and Doctor of Nursing Practice (2020). Her background includes critical care, management, and education. She has maintained her instructor certifications in BLS, ACLS, and PALS for more than 15 years. In 2018, she began working with a federal grant to train sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs) and currently holds SANE-A certification. Her forensic work includes multiple presentations and journal and book publications. In addition to her role as the SANE grant’s program director, Dr. Henry is an Assistant Professor at the school of nursing. She is active in her church where she serves on the Medical Response Team.
Dr. Haley received her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree from the Medical College of Georgia in 2009. Her translational and clinical research project focused on improving adherence to core measures for heart-failure treatment in the hospital setting. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Master of Science in Nursing in Family Nurse Practitioner Degrees from Georgia College & State University. Her nursing background is in pediatric and adult critical care. Her advanced practice experience includes internal medicine and the specialties of hematology/oncology and cardiology. She teaches in both the undergraduate and graduate nursing programs.
Monica Ketchie
Associate Professor - Nursing; WHNP and Nurse Midwifery Coordinator
Dr. Ketchie's educational background includes earning a Doctorate in Nursing Practice from Augusta University, a Post Master’s Certificate as an Adult Nurse Practitioner (ANP) from Northern Kentucky University, a MSN concentrating in Nurse -Midwifery from East Carolina University, and a BSN from the University of Connecticut. With over 30 years of experience as a certified nurse-midwife (CNM), she has dedicated the past decade to nursing education while continuing to practice as a CNM.
Dr. Ketchie is a Fellow of the American College of Nurse-Midwives (FACNM), an honor bestowed upon midwives who have demonstrated leadership, clinical excellence, outstanding scholarship, and professional achievement that has merited special recognition both within and outside the midwifery profession. As a co-principal investigator, she helped to secure $2.7 million from the HRSA ANEW grant to advance APRN practice in rural Georgia.
She is passionate about fostering student growth and encouraging them to reach their full potential. Her current research focuses on the transition of new APRN graduates into rural practice and initiatives to reduce maternal mortality rates in the state. Dr. Ketchie initiated and directs the Nurse-Midwifery and Women's Health Nurse Practitioner Program at GCSU, where she continues to inspire and educate future healthcare providers.
Dr. MacMillan received her Ph.D. in Nursing from Georgia State University, her MSN as a nurse midwife from Emory University, and her BSN in Nursing from Georgia College. Her nursing career and research trajectory has been dedicated to providing optimal care for women, adolescents, and babies. She is a member of the American Academy of Nurse-Midwives. Dr. MacMillan has been the recipient of three ARRA National Institute of Health Summer Research Grants that enabled her to work as an Associate Nurse Researcher on a RO3 Grant investigating the increase in primary elective cesarean delivery with an inter-professional research team at Johns Hopkins Medical School. Her current clinical practice and research focuses on providing care to women who are homeless and in situations where they have limited choices about their healthcare. Dr. MacMillan’s research has lead to numerous national and international publications in peer-reviewed journals and national conferences.
Dr. Smith began his nursing career in the medical-surgical setting before transitioning to critical care. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Georgia College & State University and returned to complete his MSN and DNP. A board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner, he also holds certification as a Critical Care Registered Nurse. He currently teaches medical-surgical nursing within the undergraduate nursing program and enjoys working in the clinical setting with both undergraduate and graduate-level nursing students.
Dr. Warren earned both her Doctor of Nursing Practice and Master of Science in Nursing with a concentration in Nursing Education from Georgia College. She previously received her Bachelor and Associate Degrees in Nursing from Excelsior College and completed the U.S. Army Practical Nurse Course. Previously in the clinical setting, she has practiced in the Intensive Care, Step-down, Hospice, Telemetry, Postpartum, and Labor & Delivery settings. Most recently she has practiced as a staff Emergency Room Nurse. She maintains Advanced Cardiac Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support certifications. Her teaching assignments within the undergraduate baccalaureate nursing program focus on transition to nursing practice, research, and simulation while her graduate courses focus on nursing theory and simulation. Her research interests include prevention of unrecognized clinical deterioration, the use of simulation as a teaching modality, and the training impact of clinical faculty.
MSN: Adulty NP/CNS, Emory University, Atlanta, GA
DNP, Georgia Southern, Statesboro, GA
Dr. Winn has a Doctorate in Nursing Practice from Georgia Southern University, where she also completed a cognate in Public Health. Her DNP research focused on the use of Motivational Interviewing for Diabetes Prevention in Adult African American males. She has been board certified as an Adult Nurse Practitioner since 1997. She graduated from Emory University School of Nursing in 1996 with her Master's in Nursing ANP/CNS, with an education minor. She has been a nurse educator since 1996. Her nursing background is in Cardiac nursing and Cardiothoracic surgery, including Heart Transplants. Dr. Winn works as an Adult NP in a homeless clinic and provides clinical experience for FNP students there.