To have a repair made in your room, please complete the form below. Most repairs are completed within 24 hours.
The password to submit the form is "bobcats".
First time placing a work order?
If you have not registered, click the “Never Submitted a SchoolDude Request, Register Here!” option on Maintenance Direct form to create a personal password for your account.
Connecting to Bobcats Wireless:
Students will connect to the Bobcats wireless network and use their @bobcats.gcsu.edu address and password to authenticate.
Campus residents may have to register the device to gain access to the network.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the wireless networks, please email IT Help Desk at askit@gcsu.edu or call 478-445-7378.
Vending and Laundry Issues
To report problems with vending machines or laundry machines, call the FixIt Line, 478-445- FIXIT (3494).