Cathy Cox and Anna Whiteside holding a trophy


Making Excellence Inclusive Day is a day-long event held at the beginning of the fall semester that gives faculty and staff the opportunity to receive information that helps them to understand current diversity issues impacting our campus. The program features a plenary session with a guest speaker followed by breakout sessions on topics designed to help improve teaching strategies, foster better interpersonal relationships, and sustain a welcoming climate for diversity at Georgia College & State University.

Dr. Michael Snowden presenting
A presenter at Making Excellence Inclusive Day
President Cathy Cox with guests at Making Excellence Inclusive Day


Every January, the Georgia College & State University Cultural Center and the Office of Inclusive Excellence celebrates the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The theme for 2024 aligned with the King Center's theme: “King Week: Forget Us Not A Path to Love?” The commemoration began with a breakfast ceremony Friday, Jan. 12 in Magnolia Ballroom. 

MLK Jr. events continued with Day of Service Saturday on Jan. 13. The GCSU community signed up to put the teachings of Dr. King into action through community service. The week concluded Tuesday, Jan. 16 with the National Day of Racial Healing "Open Mic Read Out," Reading of Dr. King's writings followed by Circle Conversation both held in Donahoo Lounge.   The GCSU community extended to engage in service. They also shared reflections and ways they are implementing Dr. King's philosophies in their own lives on social media using the hashtag #Forget Us: Not A Path to Love.  

We hope you will join us next year in our efforts to honor Dr. King, his legacy, and the future of inclusive excellence at Georgia College.  

A presenter at MLK Community Brunch
Singers perform at MLK Community Brunch
Singers perform at MLK Community Brunch
Patrons getting breakfast
A wideshot of the crowd at the MLK Community Brunch

Dinner with 12 Strangers

During the fall and spring semesters, there are two dinners that will include a delicious meal, fun icebreakers, personal introductions, and an engaging conversation about how we can make GCSU a more welcoming community for all.  Twelve selected individuals from all areas of campus will be invited to be one of the twelve strangers who meet for dinner.  

If you are interested in being considered as one of our dinner guests this semester, please follow this link to complete and submit the following form. Dinner guests will be selected by the Office of Inclusion and Belonging and notified at least a week before the dinner is scheduled. Thank you for participating in this exciting new community-building program.

Twelve strangers enjoy dinner on the Atkinson Hall porch