Each semester, we offer a broad range of courses that explore leadership and the public good. From our signature colloquium for students in the Leadership Certificate Program, "How to Change the World," to our affiliate courses, we offer classes on leadership and nursing, business ethics, journalism, international politics, and more.
Leadership Certificate Program
How to Change the World
We often see big problems in the world around us but feel powerless to address them. From pollution and global climate change to income inequality and poverty, we see how the challenges of our time are a tangled mess of competing interests and priorities. And as individuals, how do we respond to such compelling needs? In our course we will learn how to analyze those challenges, to leverage our resources, and to harness the power of political and social systems to address the needs around us.
Leadership Clinic
Georgia College's Leadership Clinics offer team-based analysis and problem-solving for organizations in our community and across Georgia. Through our Leadership Clinics, students work under the supervision of a faculty mentor to complete a project for a partner agency. Students work with the partner agency to gather data and to identify a central question to answer; they draft a scope of work and lay out of a timeline for execution and implementation.
Leadership Seminars
Grand Strategy
Affiliate Courses
Core Curriculum
Global Challenges
Dr. Steve Elliott-Gower
This introductory level course focuses on the development of critical thinking skills within various disciplinary, multidisciplinary, or interdisciplinary contexts.
Democracy and Leaders
Dr. William Risch
This course focuses on the development of global perspectives within various disciplinary, multidisciplinary, or interdisciplinary contexts.
Global Challenges
Dr. Steve Elliott-Gower
This course focuses on the development of global perspectives within various disciplinary, multidisciplinary, or interdisciplinary contexts.
College of Arts & Sciences
Intermediate Fiction Writing
Dr. Chika Unigwe
A practical study of the techniques and craft of fiction writing (emphasis on short fiction).
Comparative International Media Systems
This course is an introduction to media systems around the world and is designed to teach students how differing economic, political, social, and cultural systems produce different media structures.
Newscast Production
Practical course in the production of a local news program.
Introduction to Conducting
Dr. Jennifer Flory
Dr. Clifford Towner
Beginning conducting techniques, application of baton technique, terms for conductors, transposition interpretation and styles of different musical eras.
Dr. Hasitha Mahabaduge
This course provides an introduction to thermodynamics and to link thermodynamics to the micro description used in classical statistical mechanics.
Non-Profit Management I
Dr. Kelley Ditzel
An introduction to the nonprofit sector and the complex social, political, legal and economic environments in which they operate.
Non-Profit Management II
Dr. Kelley Ditzel
Continued study of the nonprofit sector with emphasis on case studies and specific application of nonprofit management including the complex social, political, legal and economic environments in which they operate.
National Security Policy
Dr. Steve Elliott-Gower
A study of contemporary American defense policy. Emphasis is placed on how and why national military policy is generated and its employment in international relationships.
Contemporary American Foreign Policy
Dr. Steve Elliott-Gower
Examines past and present American foreign policy challenges, as well as the ideas and political actors responsible for creating that foreign policy.
Politics of Climate Change
Dr. Steve Elliott-Gower
Examines the world politics of climate change and environmental degradation.
Election Administration
Prof. K. Claire Sanders
Georgia College’s undergraduate election administration certificate includes a selection of courses that examine the constitutional, legal, political, and administrative environment of American elections.
J. Whitney Bunting College of Business & Technology
Business Ethics
Prof. Jehan El-Jourbagy
An introduction to ethical theory and philosophy with special emphasis on developing an analytical perspective of ethical and social responsibility problems encountered within the firm and in business/society interactions.
Leadership in IT
Dr. Eric Kobbe
The course identifies important leadership roles and strategies in information technology-related careers.
Strategic Management Information Systems
Dr. Eric Kobbe
The course identifies technology and how its usage can be deployed in ways that assist management and organizations make timely strategic decisions.
Business Communication
Dr. Ward Risvold
The course provides an analysis of and practical experience with written and oral communications involving word and information processing systems, telecommunications, multimedia, mail systems, and computer-generated graphics.
School of Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program
One of the top ranked programs in the State of Georgia, our Bachelor of Science in Nursing program is committed to developing nursing leaders who demonstrate mastery of clinical reasoning, professional nursing skills and values.

School of Health & Human Performance
Group Development
Dr. Liz Speelman
This course provides theoretical and experiential understanding of the use of group development activities for facilitating individual and group learning.
Outdoor Leadership
Dr. Jeff Turner
This course provides theoretical and experiential understanding of the leadership of outdoor education activities for facilitating individual and group learning.
Challenge Course Leadership
Dr. Liz Speelman
This course provides theoretical and experiential understanding of the leadership of challenge course activities.
Experiential Education
Dr. Liz Speelman
Provides theoretical and experiential understanding of the design and delivery of experiential education.