Instructors & Faculty Members

We invite instructors and faculty members to join us in our commitment to leadership for the public good.

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Together, we can accomplish great things.

We invite instructors and faculty members to join us in our commitment to leadership for the public good.

Faculty Affiliates

Join us as a Faculty Affiliate

Join a multidisciplinary community of scholars committed to connecting their disciplines and scholarship with leadership, citizenship, democracy, and public affairs.

Carl Vinson House

Academic Partners

Join us as an Academic Partner

Showcase your commitment to innovation, thought-leadership, and inspiring new ideas by joining us as an Academic Partner for our Usery Forum on Leadership. 

Philip Breedlove on stage
Additional Opportunities for Faculty

Learn with Us

Showcase Your Expertise

  • Share your expertise through our GC Analysis service. 

Get Engaged with our Leadership Programs

  • Join us at an event.
  • Attend our regional events and encourage those in your Georgia College network to participate as well. 
  • Engage with us on social media. Follow us at @leadcreatively, and use the hashtag #forthepublicgood
  • Read our publications, and click on the social media icons to share with your networks. 

Faculty Affiliation

Join a multidisciplinary community of scholars committed to connecting their disciplines and scholarship with leadership, citizenship, democracy, and public affairs.

Faculty affiliates' most important role is to advance our Research & Public Service Priorities through their teaching and scholarship. We invite faculty affiliates to offer courses in their fields of expertise—courses that engage with leadership, citizenship, and democracy and that interpret questions of public interest through their own disciplinary contexts.

We invite our faculty affiliates to work collaboratively with our Research & Public Service team to establish our Research & Public Service agenda and to identify topics for publication in our Leadership Forecast.

Benefits to Our Faculty Affiliates


Faculty affiliates enjoy opportunities to partner on curriculum and research projects and access to our collaborative network for guidance, support, and feedback.

Support for Your Research & Scholarship 

Our faculty affiliates work to advance our Research & Public Service Priorities and to inform civil discourse and contribute meaningfully to the public good. We provide:

  • Research Assistance. Our Research & Public Service Team includes capable and committed research assistants. Students in our Leadership Clinics provide project-based work with community organizations across Georgia.
  • Access to Funding. We offer pooled resources and matching funds in service of our Research & Public Service Priorities, as well as strategic assistance discovering opportunities for external support, partnerships, and collaborations.
  • Leadership Ideas Festival. We offer opportunities for you and your students to showcase your expertise, research, and scholarship in our annual Leadership Ideas Festival.

Additionally, we proudly profile our faculty affiliates on our webpage and in other communications and offer tailored letters of support, upon request, attesting to affiliation status and documenting your activities as a faculty affiliate. We encourage our members to cite their affiliation in their publications, proposals, and on working titles.

Focused Learning and Faculty Development 

We offer specialized professional learning and development for our faculty affiliates.

  • Workshops. Faculty affiliates enjoy exclusive access to workshops and mentoring in placing op-eds and shaping public discourse, on legislative and public advocacy, and on communicating scholarly and research findings with the public and popular audiences.
  • Publication Opportunities. Our faculty affiliates have the opportunity to author publications in our Leadership Briefs series, which offer new insights in those areas and that are directly relevant to contemporary leadership challenges or problems.
  • Public Comment. Through our GCSU Analysis service, members of the public submit questions they would like answered. Our faculty affiliates have the opportunity to offer public comment or response, whether in writing or on video.
Additional Benefits to Faculty Affiliates

Exclusive Invitation to Our Leadership Ideas Festival and Annual Seminar 

Each year, we host more than a hundred events, including workshops, forums, and symposia— culminating in our annual Leadership Ideas Festival. Additional exclusive invitations include participation in receptions with our Community Partners, board and cabinet members, and alumni.

Priority Registration and Ticket Sales 

Faculty affiliates enjoy priority registration to our Usery Forum on Leadership, Leadership Ideas Festival, and other special events. Additionally, faculty affiliates enjoy priority tickets for TEDxGeorgiaCollege®.

Subscription to Our Leadership Forecast 

We offer subscription to our Leadership Forecast, and we provide exclusive invitations to our Forecast programming.

Staff and Material Support 

In support of our mission to provide teaching, research, and public service related to leadership, citizenship, democracy, and public affairs, we offer our faculty affiliates:

  • Staff Support. We offer limited staff support in organizing and hosting events, seminars, and symposia related to our Research & Public Service Priorities. 
  • ThinkTank. The Georgia College ThinkTank provides incubation space for research and public service projects, as well as a flexible, collaborative environment for related leadership work.
  • Communications and Public Relations Staff. Members of our Strategic Communications team profile our faculty affiliates in our print publications, through digital media, and our diverse communications platform.