About Posters at the Capitol
The Georgia Undergraduate Research Collective is excited to present the Posters at the Capitol event on February 25, 2025, from 1-3 p.m. in the Rotunda of the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta, GA. This prestigious event will highlight numerous promising and accomplished undergraduate students as well as the innovative research they are conducting. In previous years, this event has successfully provided a platform for students to demonstrate the significance and influence of undergraduate research to Georgia’s constituents, state officials, and policymakers. This year’s event promises to be a remarkable opportunity for students to engage with influential community leaders and share their research findings on a public stage.
Selection Criteria & Application Information
All participating institutions are asked to identify two primary undergraduate research projects (and up to two alternates) to represent their university at the event. Any undergraduate student who is selected by their public or private college or university located in the State of Georgia is eligible to submit. Submissions must be mentored undergraduate research by faculty or teaching staff (masters students cannot be a co-author). Additionally, the number of presenters is limited to two students per poster. Experienced presenters across a variety of audiences receive priority. Research that crosses disciplines or has multiple disciplinary implications are preferred; however, other quality research will be included as well. If you are a student who is interested in participating in this event, contact your institution's Undergraduate Research (UR) representative (e.g., UR program director/coordinator) for the application form.
Students submitting their undergraduate research projects for consideration will be required to provide the following information on their application form:
- Institution
Project title, discipline
Authors’ names, email addresses, home county, zip code
Mentor’s name, email address
Institution undergraduate research representative's name, email
Abstract (up to 250 words)
Submissions will be due on February 3, 2025.
Poster Requirements
Poster Presentation
A poster is a static, visual medium (usually of the paper or board variety) that students use to communicate their research. An oral presentation can be converted to a poster presentation. The difference between poster and paper presentations is that students should let their posters do most of the "talking." The material presented on the poster should convey the essence of their message. However, students MUST be present during the designated time to answer questions and provide further details.
Poster requirements are landscape or portrait no larger than 36" tall by 48" wide or 48" tall x 36" wide. Poster stands are provided by the GURC.
Day of the Event Requirements
- Arrive on the Capitol Grounds by 12:30 p.m. on presentation day. Please be ready to begin your presentation at 1 p.m.
- Bring your approved poster.
- Refrain from discussing politics while at the Capitol.
- No expenses are covered by the GURC for poster printing or any travel-related expenses related to the GURC Posters at the Georgia State Capitol. Contact your institution for support.
- Be dressed in proper business casual or business professional attire ProfessionalDressforSuccess.pdf (emory.edu)
- Engage the attendees who stop to view your poster.
- This is YOUR research and the attendees want to hear from you, the undergraduate presenters, not your mentor.
- Mentors are encouraged to attend. We request that mentors allow the student researchers to present their findings to the attendees, as the purpose of this event is to highlight the work of the students. Please feel free to circulate through the presentations and allow your students the opportunity to learn through this experience.