Campus Crime Information

Crime Statistics

For the latest reported campus crime and fire statistics, please use the Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Cutting Tool or refer to the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report.

Note: These statistics represent all crimes reported to the Georgia College & State University Department of Public Safety, University Housing, Student Affairs, local law enforcement agencies and other Campus Security Authorities.  This does not necessarily mean these crimes actually occurred. Some of these crimes may eventually be determined to have been unfounded or inaccurately reported.

Daily Crime & Fire Log

Georgia College & State University Public Safety in accordance with federal law provides daily logs summarizing our daily police reports.

View the Daily Crime & Fire Log

Case Log Final Dispositions

  1. Closed By Arrest:  The subject(s) has been arrested by GCPD.
  2. Closed By Citation: The subject(s) has been issued a citation by GCPD.
  3. Exceptionally Closed: No further action taken by GCPD. Case has either been resolved between parties involved, deemed non-prosecutable due to uncooperative victim or deceased offender, warrant(s) issued on subject not in custody, juvenile offender(s) turned over to guardian, or otherwise administratively closed.
  4. Active- Under Investigation: The case is currently being investigated by GCPD.
  5. Closed- No Suspects or Witnesses: Case has no solvability.
  6. Closed- All Leads Exhausted: One or more suspects or witnesses have been identified but the case lacks probable cause for arrest.
  7. Closed- Student Affairs Referral: The case has been forwarded to the Dean of Student Affairs. That office is responsible for reviewing the case and for determining whether or not the student(s) involved will be charged with a violation(s) of the Student Honor Code or Code of Conduct.
  8. Closed- Housing Judicial Referral: The case is being handled by University Housing who initiates disciplinary action which may result in student conduct sanctions.
  9. Turned Over to Another Department: The case is being handled or investigated by either the Milledgeville Police Department, Baldwin County Sheriff’s Office, Georgia Bureau of Investigation, another law enforcement agency, or turned over to another campus department.
  10. Closed- Unfounded:  The case is determined through investigation to be false or baseless.  No offense occurred nor was attempted.

CAMPUS Crime Alerts 

The Department of Public Safety in conjunction with University Communications is responsible for issuing timely warnings in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act, 20 U.S.C. 1092(f). Timely warnings will be issued in response to reported crimes committed either on campus or, in some cases, off campus that, in the judgment of the University, constitute an ongoing or continuing threat to students and employees.

When a determination is made that a timely warning should be issued, the Department of Public Safety in cooperation with University Communications will take appropriate steps to ensure timely notification of the campus community. Timely warning notifications are disseminated via campus-wide emails from GCSU Public Safety.

The warnings will include some or all of the following information: the date, time and location of the reported crime; a summary of the incident; a description of the suspect and/or vehicle, if available; and any other special instructions or incident specific safety tips. All timely warnings within the last three years will be listed below.

Robbery Near Campus 8/30/21

The Georgia College Department of Public Safety has been informed that local law enforcement is investigating a strong arm robbery that occurred near campus. Around 5:30 pm today (08/30/2021), individuals met on Tattnall Street (at Bonner Park, across from the gravel lot near The Depot) to conduct a sale of goods from a cyber exchange. Two suspects, one male and one female, used brute force to rob the seller of the goods they intended to sell. The suspects fled North on Tattnall Street in a burgundy car. 

All campus community members are encouraged to use caution while buying and selling goods from cyber transactions. Please report any suspicious activity or persons to Public Safety by dialing (478) 445-4400, or by calling 911 to notify local law enforcement. 

If you have any information regarding this incident, please call Public Safety at (478) 445-4400 to be referred to the investigating agency. 

 Thank you for staying safe by being informed.

Emergency Notifications  

Upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on campus, Georgia College will initiate notification procedures. Means of notification options may include all or some of the following within the GCSU notification systems: phone voice call, text message, outdoor emergency notification system, campus-wide emails, Alertus desktop alert or a posting on the main university site located at

Annual Crime Report

The Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act (originally known as the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act) was enacted by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by former President George Bush in 1990. It is named in memory of 19-year-old Lehigh University freshman Jeanne Ann Clery who was assaulted and murdered while asleep in her residence hall in 1986. This law requires us and all institutional officials with significant responsibility for campus and student affairs to publicly disclose three years of campus crime statistics. 

By Oct.1 each year, the GCSU Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is compiled and prepared by the Georgia College Department of Public Safety in compliance with the Clery Act. It is intended to make you aware of the safety and security policies, which have been instituted, at Georgia College to provide a safe academic environment. It includes crime statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred On Campus; in or on certain Non-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by GCSU; and on Public Property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, fire safety policies/statistics and other matters. 

Note: These statistics represent all crimes reported to the Georgia College Department of Public Safety and surrounding local law enforcement agencies. This does not necessarily mean these crimes actually occurred. Some of these crimes may eventually be determined to have been unfounded or inaccurately reported. 

You will need Adobe Reader in order to open the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. Click on the link below to get it for free.

View the 2024 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

Missing Student Notification

Students will be informed each academic year that each student, age 18 or above, has the option to identify a person designated as a confidential contact to be contacted by Georgia College no later than twenty-four (24) hours after the time the student is determined to be missing.  The confidential contact may be a person designated by the student in addition to the emergency contact listed with the Office of Registrar. Students who are under age eighteen (18) and are not emancipated will be informed each academic year that the institution is required to notify the custodial parent not later than twenty-four (24) hours after the time the student is determined to be missing.

Notification will be given via information provided in the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report which provides information in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act.

A student may register such confidential contact information during the first two weeks of each semester by filing a form available at the Office of Student Affairs and/or University Housing.

Each student who files a confidential contact registration form is solely responsible for the accuracy of the contact information and the updating of information should the confidential contact person and/or number change.  A student may update information by filing a new form with the Office of Student Affairs and/or University Housing. 

Students will be informed that Georgia College officials will notify the Georgia College Department of Public Safety no later than 24-hours after the time the student is determined to be missing.

Missing Person Procedure

A student is determined to be missing when a report comes to the attention of a Georgia College official and Georgia College Department of Public Safety determines the report to be credible. Circumstances may include, but are not limited to establishing that:

a)    a student is out of contact after reasonable efforts to reach that student by phone calls, emails, and/or in-person attempts to establish contact; 

b)    circumstances indicate an act of criminality involved, even lacking twenty-four (24) hours in time; 

c)    circumstances indicate that a student may be in danger, even lacking twenty-four (24) hours in time; 

d)    circumstances become known that medicine dependence may threaten life or health, even lacking twenty-four (24) hours in time 

e)    existence of a physical / mental disability indicates that the student’s physical safety is in danger, even lacking twenty-four (24) hours in time. 

Any official missing persons report relating to such student requires that the Georgia College Department of Public Safety must be notified immediately to investigate and make a determination that a student who is the subject of a missing report has been missing for more than 24 hours and has not returned to campus.   

The Executive Director of University Housing (if the incident occurs within University Housing) and the vice president of Student Affairs will be informed by the Georgia College Department of Public Safety after the officer’s initial attempt to contact the student does not successfully establish contact or leads to information that results in actual contact being made with the student.  In no circumstances should the notification to the vice president of Student Affairs after an initial report to Georgia College Department of Public Safety exceed 24 hours in time.  During business hours, the vice president of Student Affairs may also involve other Georgia College faculty, staff or administrators to assist in establishing contact or avenues to pursue contact. The vice president of Student Affairs will be notified by Georgia College Department of Public Safety as the investigation of the incident progresses.

The emergency contact listed with the Office of the Registrar as well as any confidential contact listed with the Office of Student Affairs will be notified as part of the investigation in attempting to establish contact with the student reported missing. In the case of a student under the age of eighteen (18) and not emancipated, the contact will be with the custodial parent. The contact will be initiated by the Georgia College Department of Public Safety.