League Rules

Archery Tag

Players, Field and Equipment

Team Rosters

- Each game(coed included) begins with 5 players competing on a side; others will be available as substitutes.
- Substitutes may enter the game only between games or in the case of injury.
- A team must have a minimum of four players or a maximum of five players on the court at the start of the game. A team with less than four players will automatically forfeit the game. 

*In order to participate in any intramural contest, all students, faculty and staff must present a valid GC photo ID to the supervisor prior to playing in the game*


1) During play all players must remain within boundary lines: the black basketball court sidelines and endlines.
2) Players may pass through their end line only to retrieve arrows.
3) When retrieving an arrow, the player must also immediately re-enter the playing court only through their end line. Note:  A player not immediately re-entering the playing area may be declared out.
4) A player may be handed an arrow from out of bounds, provided the player receiving the arrow remains completely within their team's field boundary. Players may not be handed an arrow while standing out of bounds.

A player shall not:

1) Have any part of their body contact the playing surface touching on or beyond a sideline.
2) Exit or re-enter the court through their sideline.
3) Leave the playing field (sideline or end line) to avoid being hit by, or attempt to catch an arrow.
4) Have any part of their body cross over the centerline and contact the ground on their opponents’ side of the court.

*Due to limited visibility from the mask and limited spatial awareness, officials are encouraged to refrain from calling players out for a marginal step on a boundary line unless a definite advantage is gained by the action. Ruling is at the complete discretion of the game official.


- Competitors are required to use the bows and arrows provided by the GC Wellness and Rec Staff.
- Participants must wear close toed shoes, shirts and shorts/pants suitable for athletic activity.

- All clothes/uniforms are considered part of the player’s body.

Game Play

Matches will begin with a coin flip.

-The team winning the coin flip will have a choice of sides to begin the match.

The object of the game is to eliminate all opposing players by getting them OUT.  An out is scored by:

 a. Hitting an opposing player's body or bow/arrow with a live shot arrow (head shots count).

 b. Catching a live arrow shot by an opponent before it hits the ground. (Opponent is out) 

     - *A teammate does NOT get to come back in if an arrow is caught*

 c. An opposing player stepping out of bounds.

 d. A player holding the arrow more than 20 seconds without a shooting the arrow in order to stall. All players must continuously attack throughout the game.

 e. A live arrow that strikes or is caught by an opposing player without/before contacting the ground, another player, a non-held ball, official or other object.

*Once a live arrow strikes a bunker, the floor, the ceiling, the backboard, etc. it is considered dead. Players are NOT out if a live arrow strikes any of these objects first before hitting a player/player's bow/arrow

*Bunkers are on the field to hide behind, not to lean against*

Timing, Time-outs, & Substitutions

- Teams will play as many games as possible within 20 minutes.

*There must be at least 1 minute 30 seconds on the game clock to begin a new game*

- There are no time outs.  Stoppages allowed only in the event of an injury.

- Only the court official's whistle starts and stops the clock.

*If time expires during the middle of a game, the team with the most players remaining in the game will receive the win for that unfinished game*

Beginning the Game

Prior to beginning a game, half of the competition arrows will be placed on each team's side near the centerline.

Players then take a position behind their end line to prepare for the opening rush.

Following a signal by the official, teams may approach the centerline to retrieve the arrows.  Teams may only retrieve arrows placed on their half of the playing court within their boundary lines.

Opening Rush Rule (Just like dodgeball)

Each/every arrow retrieved at the opening rush must first be taken beyond the attack line and into the team's backcourt before it may be legally shot at an opponent.

Arrows don’t become live until they cross behind the attack line.

Attack line restrictions end when all arrows have been taken into the backcourt following the Opening Rush.

New Life Targets

Each side will have a target board placed near the centerline with 5 circular black or white punch out targets. One eliminated player may rejoin the game for each punch out target that is punched out by a legal live arrow.

Declaring a Winner

The first team to legally eliminate all opposing players will be declared the winner.


Team Composition  

  1. Badminton is played as a singles or doubles match 
  2. Co-Rec must have one male and one female 


  1. We will provide all equipment  
  2. Players may provide their own rackets. 

Game Play 

  1. Each match will consist of a 25 – minute time limit 
  2. Teams will play as many games to 15 as they can during the time limit. Win by 2. If both teams reach 20, the next point will win. Rally Scoring (whichever team wins a rally will get the point).
  3. If a game has started the team-leading when time expires will get credit for the win as long as 7 total points have been scored 
  4. Doubles
    1. A side has only one service
    2. At the beginning of the game and when the score is even, the server serves from the right service court. When the team score is odd, the server serves from the left service court.
    3. If the serving side wins a rally, the serving side scores a point and the same server serves again from the alternate service court.
    4. If the receiving side wins a rally, the receiving side scores a point. The receiving side becomes the new serving side.
    5. The players do not change their respective service courts until they win a point when their side is serving. 
    6. A correct serve consists of the shuttle starting in an upward motion from the server's racket to pass over the net. 


  1. Teams are limited to number of former varsity student player(s) they can register. A former varsity player is defined as a student who has been listed on a “school's varsity squad list” for any 2-year or 4-year college/university team for more than one academic year.
  2. Teams may only have one former varsity player on their roster (Faculty/Staff is not included since they cannot compete at the state tournament)
  3. Anyone that appears on this academic year's roster cannot participate in intramural basketball this year.

Team Composition

Each team consists of five (5) players. Each team must have a minimum of four (4) players in order to begin a game.


  1. Teams are encouraged to bring their own basketball’s to warm up and play with. Basketballs will not be provided by Rec Sports.
  2. Men shall use a regulation-sized basketball. The intermediate (women’s) basketball shall be used for Women’s play. For coed play, the intermediate (women’s) basketball will be used, however if both teams agree, a men’s regulation-sized basketball is allowed.  
  3. Jerseys: Each team is required to wear numbered shirts of one distinguishable color. Numbers must be clearly legible on the front and/or back of each jersey. No taped-on numbers will be allowed. Any team not dressed in shirts of one color may wear the colored jerseys provided by Rec Sports.
  4. Shoes: Basketball and/or athletic shoes are the recommended footwear. No black-soled shoes that may mark the floor are permitted. Sandals, street shoes, or boots are not allowed. No player will be allowed to participate in bare feet.
  5. Jewelry: No jewelry or any other item deemed dangerous by the Intramural Staff may be worn during play. Any player wearing exposed permanent jewelry (i.e. body piercings) will not be permitted to play.
  6. There will be no hats, bandanas, or hard barrettes worn during play. Cloth (elastic) bands may be used to control the hair.
  7. Players may wear soft, pliable pads or braces on the leg, knee, and/or ankle. Braces may not have any exposed metal and/or screws. Braces made of any hard material (including plastic) must be covered with a padded sleeve or at least one-half inch padding for safety reasons. Under no circumstances will a player wearing a cast or splint be permitted to play.
  8.  If eyeglasses are worn, they must be unbreakable. Each player is responsible for the safety of his/her own glasses.


  1. Games will consist of four (4) 10-minute quarters. The clock will run continuously until the last 30 seconds of the first three quarters, and the last minute of the fourth quarter. There will be a 30 second intermission between quarters.
  2. Each team receives three (3) timeouts per game. All timeouts are one 1 minute in length. Only players on the floor or coaches (who are recognized prior to the beginning of the game) may call timeouts.
  3. Ties will stand during the regular season. For the playoffs, a 3-minute overtime period will be played. Each team will be granted one 30-second timeout. The game clock will stop under 1 minute on every whistle. 

Start of Game

  1. A captain’s meeting will take place between the team captains and referees at center court.
  2. A jump ball will occur only at the beginning of the game and any overtime periods. The team not gaining possession on the initial jump ball will be awarded the ball when the next held ball situation arises. Thereafter on held balls and to begin the 2nd half, teams will alternate possession.

Game Play

  1. Two point field goals and three point field goals will be used.
  2. Coaches will be recognized only if they are present in the pre-game captains meeting. They will be allowed to call timeouts from the sideline.
  3. A player will be disqualified (foul out) when he/she has accumulated five (5) fouls (any combination of personal or technical). A technical foul is registered as a personal foul.
  4. Violations include traveling, double dribble, carrying / palming the ball, intentionally kicking the ball with the leg, excessively elbow swinging (without contact), five-second closely guarded count in the frontcourt, ten seconds in the backcourt, three seconds in the lane, basket interference, and goaltending.
  5. After any violation, the ball is awarded out of bounds for a throw-in at the spot nearest to where the violation occurred. Two (2) or three (3) points are also awarded on goaltending depending on the position of the shooter at the time of the shot.
  6. After any called time-out, the ball is awarded out of bounds for a throw-in at the spot nearest where the ball was on the court at the time the time-out was called.
  7. The throw-in count ends when the ball is released by the thrower. It is a violation if the thrower does not release the ball within 5 seconds.

Free-throw shooting

  • 5th team foul: Two free throws will be awarded for each common foul (except for a player- control and team-control foul) committed by a player of a team beginning with that team's 5th foul in a quarter. Team fouls will reset per quarter.
  • All shooting fouls with a missed basket will result in two or three free throws depending on the location of the shooter when he or she was fouled.
  • All shooting fouls with a made basket will result in two (or three) points and one bonus free throw.
  • Players may not enter the lane until the ball has hit the rim.

Technical Fouls

On all technical fouls, an automatic two (2) points will be awarded to the offended team, plus the ball at the division line for a throw-in. Technical fouls are counted towards each player disqualification total (five fouls) and the team’s bonus situation.

  • Two (2) unsportsmanlike technical fouls charged to any individual (player or coach) will result in his/her ejection from the game and the facility.
  • Three (3) unsportsmanlike technical fouls charged to any team will result in forfeiture of the game by that team.
  • Any technical foul assessed to the bench, manager, any coach, or an obvious fan of a team will also be charged to the head coach/team captain.

Intentional Fouls

Two (2) points and possession of the ball at the spot nearest the foul will be awarded to the offended team for all intentional fouls during an unsuccessful two-point try.

  • An intentional foul during an unsuccessful three-point try will result in three (3) free throws and possession of the ball.
  • For a successful two-point or three-point try, the basket will be counted and two (2) free throws and the ball will be awarded.

Flagrant Fouls

On all flagrant fouls, the offended team will be awarded two (2) points and possession of the ball at the division line for a throw-in. The offending player will be ejected from the game.

Mercy Rule

The game is declared over when a team is ahead by 35 or more points with five (5) minutes remaining or 20 or more points with two (2) minutes or less remaining in the game.


  • A substitute must report to the scorekeeper and be recognized by a game official before he/she may enter the game.
  • A substitute can only enter the game during a dead-ball situation.
  • In a multiple free throw situation, a substitute may only enter immediately before or after the last free throw attempt.

Failure to properly report will result in a technical foul being assessed to that player.

CoRec Modifications

  1. Each team will consist of five (5) players (2 men and 3 women or 3 men and 2 women). Four players (2 men and 2 women) are required to start the game.
  2. Substitutions do not have to be on a male-for-male or female-for female basis. However, at no time may the difference in the number of males and females on the court for a team exceed one.
  3. Field goals scored by a male shall be worth 2 points each (3 points for a field goal made beyond the three-point line). Field goals scored by a female shall be worth 3 points each (4 points for a field goal made beyond the three-point line). Free throws will be worth 1 point for both males and females.
  4. The Mercy Rule: when a team is ahead by 35 or more points with five (5) minutes remaining in the game 25 or more points with two (2) minutes or less remaining in the game.
Basketball Pong

Team Composition

  1. Game play is 2v2. Teams must have two players to play
  2. Co-Rec Modifications teams will have a male and female player


  1. All Equipment is provided by the Department of Wellness and Recreation


  1. Games will consist of a 25-minute time limit. The winner of the match will be the team who wins the most games in the 25-minute time period.
  2. If neither team has eliminated all trash cans from their side when time expires in the current game, the team with fewer amount of trash cans will get credit as a game won.
  3. No overtime in regular season
  4. Overtime in the playoffs will be a three trash can per side.


  1. Players will play Rock, Paper, Scissors to determine who goes first.
  2. There will be 6 trash cans placed in a triangle formation on the volleyball white line.
  3. The players will take turns shooting the ball into trash cans
  4. If it lands in the trash can, that trash can is removed.
  5. Every shot must be taken from behind the line that extends from the back can.
  6. Players are allowed only one “rerack” per round and can be used at any moment.
  7. First player to remove all their opponents cans during a round, wins the round.
  8. If 2 or less of the opposing teams’ cans remain, redemption shots are allowed.
  9. Games will be best of however many rounds can be finished in 25 minutes. If in the middle of the round the time has been reached, the team with the most cans left wins that round. 
3 on 3 Basketball

Team Composition

Game play is 3 on 3. Teams must have 3 players to start the game.


  • Basketballs will not be provided. Each team must bring their own.


  • Game length is 20 minutes or the first team to 21+ points. The clock will run continuously throughout the whole game.
  • The clock will only stop of injuries.
  • No timeouts.
  • Overtime will be 1 minute in length.

Start of the Game

Starting possession will be determined by a method of the refs choosing (i.e. rock- paper-scissors, odd/even, coin flip, etc.)

Game Play

  • All normal violations will be in effect except no 5 second count on ball handlers. The start of each new possession to start the game and following a made basket must be passed in first.
  • Made baskets within the 3-point line will be worth 1 point. Made baskets outside the arch are worth 2 points.
  • All technical fouls are automatically 2 points. Any player who obtains 2 technical fouls is ejected from the game. Any team with 3 technical fouls forfeit the game.
  • All defensive fouls result in 1 point unless the player fouled was in the act of shooting a 2-pointer in which case 2 points will be awarded. All offensive fouls result in change of position but no points.
  • No make it take it. Teams alternate possession after every made basketball. 
  • Ball must be taken back out past the 3-point line after ANY change of possession. A player must have possession of the ball and at least one foot over the 3-point line to have legally taken the ball back.
  • After a made basket, the ball must be taken to the top of the three point arc and "checked in". The ball must be given to the defense, who will immediately give it back, and then the ball must be passed in to begin the possession. 
    • If the referee determines that the defense is stalling to pass the ball back in immediately, it is up to their discretion to add time back on the clock, give a warning, or give a technical foul. 

Substitution Rule

Teams may substitute during any dead ball within the first 15 minutes. During the final 5 minutes, only the losing team may initiate a substitution. If the losing team initiates a substitution then the winning team may sub.

Beach Volleyball


  1. Teams entering intramural competition may have no more than two (2) players on the roster composed of Sport Club members at one time.
  2. Teams may only have one former college volleyball player
  3. Teams may not have any current college players on the roster. (Played this academic year)

NOTE: It is the team’s responsibility to bring eligibility issues to the attention of intramural staff.

Team Composition

Each team consists of four (4) players. Each team must have a minimum of three (3) players in order to begin a game


  1. Teams are encouraged to bring their own volleyballs to warm up with. Rec Sports will provide a game ball.
  2. Shoes: are optional 
  3. Jewelry: No jewelry or any other item deemed dangerous by the Intramural Staff may be worn during play. Any player wearing exposed permanent jewelry (i.e. body piercings) will not be permitted to play.

Game Play

  1. Each match will consist of a 25 minute time limit. All games will be played to 15 points. There is not a set number of games that will be played each time. If there is time left on the clock teams should start another game.
  2. At the end of the 25 minutes the teams with the most games won wins the match. If a game starts, the team who is ahead when time expires will receive the point for that match. The team ahead must at least score 3 points for the game to count. Any score less than 3 will revert back to the previous game.


Rally scoring is the method used. A point shall be scored by the opponent each time a team commits a fault. If the serving team wins the rally, they score a point and continues to serve. If the receiving team wins the rally, they score a point and gains the serve.


No timeouts except for injuries.

Between Games

The teams shall change sides of the court for the second game. Teams shall not change sides of the court in the middle of the game.


  • A team shall continue to serve until a loss of rally is awarded to the opponent or the game ends.
  • The serve alternates to the opponent when a point/loss of rally is awarded to the opponent.
  • Let Serve, a served ball that hits the net without touching the antenna and continues across the net into the opponent's court is playable live ball.
  • It is illegal to block a serve or attack (spike a serve).


Teams must rotate positions before each serve. They cannot stay in the same position for the whole game. 


Players may make a substitution when play is stopped following a fault resulting in that team gaining the serve. A substitute must enter the serving rotation at the server's position. 


  • A team must serve the ball within 10 seconds of the ball being at their disposal.  
  • Failure to serve within 10 seconds results in forfeiture of the serve and a point awarded to the opposing team. 

Playing the ball

  • Teams may only hit the ball 3 times to advance it over there net. A block does not count as a hit.
  • Teams may not contact the net at any time. (The Scorekeeper will call the net)
  • Teams must rotate positions before each serve. They cannot stay in the same position for the whole game.

Co-Rec Modifications

  1. Each team shall consist of four (4) players comprised of 2 men and 2 women. 
  2. Substitutions must be male for male and female for female.
  3. The serving order and positions on the court shall alternate male and female. (Exception: A team playing with 3 players)
  4. There are no restrictions on males or females at the net.

Overtime Procedure

  1. One extra game will be played to 7 first to 7 wins. (Do not need to win by two)
Bucket Golf

Team Composition 

  1. Bucket golf is a doubles event, and each team must have two players to play. 


  1. Recsports will provide all equipment 

  2. Players cannot bring their own clubs, balls, etc. 

Game Play 

  1. Each match will be a 9-hole match 

  2. The score will be kept in Match Play format.  

  3. Match play is how many holes a team wins. Example: If the winning team wins 5 holes and loses 4 holes the score should be 5 to 4.  

  4. The format is a scramble. Each player will hit his/her tee shot to begin each hole. The team will choose the best shot and each player will hit their second shot from that spot. This format will continue until the hole is finished. 


  1. Every hole is a par 3 

  2. Each player can use one club for the match. 

  3. Hitting any part of the bucket completes the hole; chipping your ball inside the bucket deducts one stroke from your score on that hole. (Hitting the flag stick and not the bucket does not count) 

  4. If a team hits a ball into an unplayable area (over the fence, into bushes, etc.) they must take a drop no closer to the hole from where the ball went out and a 1 stroke penalty.  



  1. All matches MUST be played at the Wellness and Recreation Center 

  2. Chess boards are available for checkout, or you may bring your own. 

  3. If an agreement is not made on the chess board, you MUST use the WRC’s board.


  1. Rock, paper, scissors to determine who chooses what color pieces they would like to play with.  

  2. One match will be played to determine a winner. 

  3. In the regular season, if a game ends in a stalemate, the result of the game will be a tie. 

  4. If a player's time runs out, that player will lose the game.  

  5. Upon completion of the game, report the result to the check-in-table. 


  1. Each player will have 12 minutes to play the match. 

  2. A chess clock app must be used with a 12-minute timer  

Movement of the Pieces 


  1. The rook moves in a straight line, horizontally, or vertically.  

  2. The rook may not jump over other pieces, that is: all squares between the square where the rook starts its move and where the rook ends its move must be empty. (As for all pieces, when the square where the rook ends his move contains a piece of the opponent, then this piece is taken. The square where the rook ends his move may not contain a piece of the player owning this rook.) 


  1. The bishop moves in a straight diagonal line. 

  2. The bishop may not jump over other pieces. 


  1. The queen has the combined moves of the rook and the bishop. 


  1. The knight makes a move that consists of first one step in a horizontal or vertical direction, and then one step diagonally in an outward direction.  

  2. The knight jumps: allowed in that the first square the knight passes over is occupied by an arbitrary piece. For instance, white can start the game by moving his knight from b1 to c3. The piece that is jumped over is further not affected by the knight: as usual, a knight takes a piece of the opponent by moving to the square that contains that piece. 


  1. The pawn moves differently regarding whether it moves to an empty square or whether it takes a piece of the opponent. 

  2. When a pawn does not take, it moves one square straight forward.  

  3. When this pawn has not moved at all, i.e., the pawn is still at the second row (from the owning players view), the pawn may make a double step straight forward. For instance, a white pawn on d2 can be moved to d4. 

  4. When taking, the pawn goes one square diagonally forward. 

  5. Taking en-passant. When a pawn makes a double step from the second row to the fourth row, and there is an enemy pawn on an adjacent square on the fourth row, then this enemy pawn in the next move may move diagonally to the square that was passed over by the double-stepping pawn, which is on the third row. In this same move, the double-stepping pawn is taken. This taking en-passant must be done directly: if the player who could take en-passant does not do this in the first move after the double step, this pawn cannot be taken anymore by an en-passant move. 

  6. When a player moves a pawn to the last row of the board, they replace the pawn by a queen, rook, knight, or bishop (of the same color). 


  1. The king moves one square in any direction. 

  2. The king is the most important piece of the game, and moves must be made in such a way that the king is never in check 


  1. The following conditions must be met : 

  2. The king that makes the castling move has not yet moved in the game. 

  3. The rook that makes the castling move has not yet moved in the game 

  4. The king is not in check 

  5. The king does not move over a square that is attacked by an enemy piece during the castling move, i.e., when castling, there may not be an enemy piece that can move (in case of pawns: by diagonal movement) to a square that is moved over by the king. 

  6. The king does not move to a square that is attacked by an enemy piece during the castling move, i.e., you may not castle and end the move with the king in check.  

  7. All squares between the rook and king before the castling move are empty.  

  8. The King and rook must occupy the same rank (or row). 

  9. When castling, the king moves two squares towards the rook, and the rook moves over the king to the next square, i.e., white's king on e1 and rook on a1 move to: king c1, rook d1 (long castling), white's king on e1 and rook on h1 move to: king g1, rook f1 (short castling), and similar for black. 

Check, Mate, and Stalemate 


  1. When the king of a player can be taken by a piece of the opponent, one says that the king is in check. 

  2. It is not allowed to make a move, such that one's king is in check after the move. 

  3. If a player accidently tries to make such a move, he/she must take the move back and make another move 


  1. When a player is in check, and he/she cannot make a move such that after the move, the king is not in check, then he/she is mated.  

  2. The player that is mated has lost the game. 


  1. When a player cannot make any legal move, but he/she is not in check, then the player is said to be stalemated. In a case of a stalemate, the game is a draw.   


The higher seed chooses what color piece they want to play with.

If a draw occurs in playoffs: 

  1. Reset the board 

  2. Switch the colors you are playing with. (White becomes black & black becomes white) 

  3. Put 2 minutes per player on the clock and play. 

  4. Continue this process until a winner is determined by Checkmate or time runs out. 

Corn Hole

Team Composition

Corn hole is a doubles event and each team must have two players to play.


RecSports will provide all equipment.

Game Play

  1. Each game will have a 25 minute time-limit
  2. During the 25 minute time-limit you will play as many games as possible.
  3. Games will be played to 15.
  4. Games that start but not finished as time expires will count as a game if the winning team has more than 5 total points scored.
  5. The boards will be placed 27 feet from the front edge of each board.
  6. Teams will alternate throws during each round.
  7. The team last to score will throw first each round.
  8. After each game a player from one team must switch sides. (This allows for players to play against both team members from the opposite team)
  9. When throwing the bags players must stand behind the front edge of their board.
  10. At the end of the time-limit the team with the most wins will receive the victory. (Games ended in a tie will remain a tie in the regular season)


  1. Bags that land on the board will receive one point
  2. Bags that land in the hole will receive three points.
  3. Scoring will be the difference in the teams points. (Ex. if team A scores 6 points and team B scores 5 points on the same throw team A will receive one point and throw first next round)
  4. Teams are allowed to go over the 15 score mark.
  5. Bags that bounce on the ground then onto the board will not count and should be removed before the next throw.


In the playoffs if the game is tied teams will play to 7 in a tiebreaker game to see who advances to the next round.

Disc Golf

Georgia College Intramural Disc Golf Scramble Rules

  1. Competition will be a 2-person scramble.
  2. Each match will consist of holes #1-#9.
  3. Scramble: Each team member will throw from or behind the tee box on each hole. From that point, the team will choose the best shot from the previous throw and use the same spot to throw for each player. This procedure will continue until the disc is holed out. Only one score per hole per team is to be recorded.
    1. Scramble Score Example: Players A and B are teammates. Players A and B both tee off and decide that player B had the better drive (shot 1). Players A and B both throw from the location of player B’s drive (shot 2). They decide player A had a better 2nd shot so for the next shot, Player A throws and misses but Player B throws and makes it in the Disc Basket (shot 3). They will receive a score of 3 on that hole.
  4. All putts must be holed out.
  5. No Mulligans are allowed.
  6. If a team decides to use a player’s shot that went out of bounds, it will result in a one stroke penalty. Out of bounds disc can be throws from the fairway at the point that it entered out of bounds. Out of bounds a disc that lands in a tree, or is from an unthrowable spot (heavy brush with no clear throwing lane).
  7. In the regular season, a score ending in a tie will stand. In the playoffs the teams will return to hole number one and continue play until one team wins a hole.

Additional Rules

  • Teams are encouraged to use their own disc sets.
  • Disc sets can be checked out from the Wellness and Recreation center with a Bobcat ID.
  • All discs must be returned to the WRC within 3 hours of check out.
  • There will be a fee for late returns or lost discs.
  • Scores must be emailed to wellness.recreation@gcsu.edu

Team Composition

  1. Game play is 7 on 7. Each team must have a minimum of four (4) players to begin a game.
  2. The roster limit per team is 20.


Dodgeballs will be provided by the Rec Sports staff at the game site.


  2. Each match will be 25 minutes in length. The winner of the match will be the team who wins the most games in the 25 minute time period.
  3. If neither team has been completely eliminated when time expires in the current game, the team with the greater number of remaining players is the winner.
  4. No overtime in regular season.
  5. Overtime will be a 4v4 game with a three minute timer. One player will be eliminated per overtime period. After the first overtime it will go 3v3 then 2v2 then 1v1 with a three minute timer. 

Game Play

All games will have two RecSports Staff members officiate the game

Getting Out

Players must leave on their own when hit by a ball or one of their thrown balls is caught.  If they do not leave on their own the game will be stopped, the player will be removed and issued a technical foul, and the opposing team will gain possession of all the Dodgeballs. There is absolutely no kicking the ball, kicking the ball will result in an immediate out.

The player may return at the end of that individual game, but during the rest of the game their team will have to play a person down.  If the removed player has a 2nd infraction, he/she will be removed from the entire match.

The Rush

  • The Rush occurs at the beginning of each game or reset.
  • Upon the official's signal, both teams rush to center court and attempt to retrieve as many balls as possible.
  • There is no limit to how many balls an individual player may retrieve.
  • Players may not slide or dive head or feet first into the neutral zone or they will be out.
  • Crossing over the other team’s entire neutral zone (white line) will result in an "out." Players may cross the middle (green) line on the rush.
  • Players may not physically grab and pull another player across the neutral zone or prevent them from returning to their side of the court.

Putting a Ball in Play

The player and the ball must go completely behind the attack line (white line).  Any ball retrieved on the rush must be returned behind the attack line before it may be thrown at an opponent.  

  • A ball that has not crossed the attack line is considered a dead ball, any hits or catches are voided plays. Once the ball has been cleared anyone from the other team is eligible to be hit wherever they are on the court inbounds; this includes inside the neutral zone (in between the white and midline). There are several ways to put a ball into play following a Rush: 
  • A player carries the ball across the attack line. 
  • A player passes the ball to a teammate who is behind or carries it across the attack line. 
  • A player rebounds the ball off the back wall of a closed court. 


  • A live ball is defined as any thrown ball by the opposing team. The ball remains live until it hits the floor, roof, or backboard.
  • A player shall be deemed "out" when a live ball hits any part of the player's body and/or clothing and then the ball hits the floor, roof, or backboard.
  • If a player is hit by a live ball rebounding off another player or ball used for blocking and then the ball hits the floor, roof, or backboard.
  • If a thrown ball hits a held ball and the held ball is dropped the person holding the held ball is out.
  •  If a thrown ball hits a held ball and deflects off of the held ball and hits the holder and/or another player before it hits the ground the holder and/or the other player or out.
  • Any thrown ball that is caught in bounds (must have 1 foot in, and no feet touching out) before it hits the ground results in the thrower being out. The team who caught the ball is allowed one player back in. 
  • A catch can be made off any deflection of dodgeballs or ball.  As long as the ball has not yet hit the ground, roof, or backboard and is caught with at least one foot in bounds the player who threw the ball is out. And the team that catches gets an added player
  •  If any live ball is caught the player who throw it is out and the team who catches the ball gets to add a player.
  • Kicking the ball in any way shape or form.


  • Players can defend themselves by blocking the ball in flight with another ball but must retain control over the ball they are blocking with. A player dropping or losing possession of the blocking ball is deemed "out."
  • Any blocked ball rebounding off another ball is considered live. Any player hit by the rebounding ball is deemed "out."

Out of Bounds Rule

  • If any part of the player's body touches the endlines or the mid line, the player is out.
  • Players who catch the ball with one foot inbounds then falls out of bounds will be out. The player who threw the ball will be out since the catch was made legally and the team that catches the ball will add a player then the player that crossed out of bounds will now be consider out.


  • Stalling is the act of intentionally delaying the game.
  • All players must throw the ball within ten seconds they cannot hold the balls.
  • The team cannot sit the ball just over the division line to try and force the other team to come get the ball.


  • If subs are available they must be the only retrievers. Players still in the game cannot go out of bounds to retrieve a ball.
  • If teams only have 7, and they are all still in only 1 designated person may retrieve. The player must leave from the baseline of the court and reenter through the baseline of the court.

The Rainmaker Shot

Each court will have 2 basketball goals. Players will have the opportunity to make a shot any time during a game. A made shot will result in the return on all eliminated players to the team who made the shot.

Substitutions/Reentry Rule

  1. Each team may only have 7 players to start the game. Those 7 players are the only ones allowed to play that game. Substitutes must switch every other game but not during unless a player is injured.
  2. In single gender games, any player who is out can reenter the game if a teammate catches a ball.
  3. In Co-ed games, reentry must go guy-girl-guy-girl, if available. There can still never be more than 4 of the same gender on the court at one time.
  4. All player entering the court must enter through the baseline of their side of the court. If a player enters from the side of the court they will be considered out and must go to the back of the reentry line.

CoRec Modifications

Team Composition

  • Game play is 8 on 8. (6 on 6 during the 5v5 season) 
  • Teams must have a minimum of three (3) women to begin a game and one (1) male 
  • Teams can have a maximum of four (4) men at one time. 
  • During the 5 on 5 season, you must start the game with at least two females. 
Flag Football

Team Composition

The game is played between two (2) teams of seven (7). Each team must have at least five (5) players on the field in order to begin the game.


  1. SHORTS CANNOT HAVE POCKETS. Participants from either team with pockets/any holes in shorts may participate but cannot wear flags. Players without flags with possession of the ball will be considered “down” by a one hand touch between the shoulders and knees, including the arms and hands.
  2. Shirts must be long enough to tuck in so that they remain tucked in the pants/shorts during the entire down or short enough so there is a minimum 4" from the bottom of the shirt to the player’s waistline. Shirts may not contain knots, have frayed sleeves or edges, or an opening more than 4” bellow the armpit. Flag belts must remain outside of the shirt/jersey during play
  3. Jewelry: No jewelry or any other item deemed dangerous by the Intramural Staff may be worn such as bracelets, earrings, necklaces, etc. Any player wearing exposed permanent jewelry (i.e. body piercings) will not be permitted to play.
  4. Shoes: Regulation rubber-soled cleats and tennis shoes are the only permissible footwear. Sandals, street shoes, boots, or metal spikes are not allowed. No player will be allowed to participate in bare feet. No steel cleats.
  5. Headwear: Players may wear a knit or stocking cap (no caps with bills) and/or soft, pliable, nonabrasive gloves. Bandanas and other head gear which are tied with a knot are not permitted.
  6. Players may wear soft, pliable pads or braces on the leg, knee, and/or ankle. Braces may not have any exposed metal and/or screws. Braces made of any rigid material (including plastic) must be covered with a padded sleeve or at least one-half inch padding for safety reasons. Under no circumstances will a player wearing a cast or splint be permitted to play. Elbow pads are not permitted.
  7. Tape or bandages of the hand, wrist, forearm, or elbow are prohibited except to protect an injury. This must be approved by the Intramural Supervisor before the game begins. Players may wear a soft, pliable wrist/forearm band that contains plays.
  8. If eyeglasses are worn, they must be unbreakable. Each player is responsible for the safety of his/her own glasses. Sunglasses may be worn as long as they are pliable and are not rigid.
  9. Foreign Substance: Any slippery or sticky substance of a foreign nature on equipment, clothing, or an exposed part of the body is illegal.
  10. Men will use the regular size, NCAA or NFHS football, while women and CoRec may use either a regular or intermediate-size football. Game balls will not be provided as teams must use their own footballs. Officials will not handle the football; the offense is responsible for the ball at all times.
  11. Playbooks are allowed; however, they may not be worn or placed in a position that is not visible to other participants or officials.


A game shall consist of two halves with a two-minute intermission. Each half shall consist of twenty (20) minutes with the clock stopping at the two-minute warning of both halves. The clock will stop at two minutes left in the game and under for the following reasons:

Penalties/Inadvertent whistles (may start on referee's ready-to-play whistle)

Scoring plays

  • Incomplete passes/out of bounds
  • Injured players (this is an officials timeout)
  • First downs (until the ball is set in play by referee)
  • Official and team time-outs

Change of possession

Delay of Game: After a ball is declared ready for play, the offensive team has twenty-five (25) seconds after the referee has sounded the whistle to put the ball in play.

  1. Each half may be extended by an untimed down if the clock expires during a down and the following happen:
    1. There is an accepted live ball foul that does not carry a loss of down for the offense
    2. A touchdown
    3. A double foul
    4. An inadvertent whistle.
  2. Each team is allowed two (2) timeouts per game.
  3. Game time is forfeit time. A team must have a minimum number of players to start a game. If there is fewer than the required number of players, the opposing captain has the option of taking the win or waiting for the minimum number of players to show. If a team chooses to wait, it will be required to wait until the opposing team has the minimum number of players present or a maximum of ten (10) minutes. The game clock will start at the time the game was scheduled for and run continuously until both teams are ready for play or the 10 minute wait has been elapsed.


There are no overtime periods during the regular season. Regular season game may end in a tie. However, overtime periods will occur if necessary for playoff games. An overtime period consists of a series of four (4) downs by each team from the 10-yard line, the object of which is to score a touchdown. If a touchdown is not scored in four (4) downs it is a turnover. If the score remains tied after one overtime period, play will proceed to a second period and so on until a winner is determined. All overtime periods are played toward the same goal line and are untimed except for the 25 second play clock initiated before each play. Offense, defense and direction of play for the first overtime will be decided in a coin toss similar to the one at the start of the game. Only one coin toss shall take place in overtime, options shall alternate between teams if there are any additional overtimes needed.

Start of Game

  1. A captains meeting will take place before the game. A method of deciding choice will be determined by the head official of the game (i.e. coin toss, odd or even, rock/paper/scissors, etc.).
  2. The winner of the pre-game decision shall have the first choice of options:
    1. Offense/defense
    2. Which goal to defend
    3. To defer the choice of A or B until the second half
  3. After possession and direction have been established, the ball will placed at the 14-yard line and the game play clock will be initiated on the referee’s whistle.

Game Play

Series of Downs:

A team in possession of the ball shall have four (4) consecutive downs to advance to the next zone by scrimmage.

Zone Line to Gain:

The zone line to gain in any series shall be the zone in advance of the ball, unless distance has been lost due to penalty or failure to gain. In such case, the original zone in advance of the ball at the beginning of the series of downs is the zone line to gain (double stakes). The zones formed by the marking of the twenty and forty yard lines are used to determine the distance to be gained.

Line of Scrimmage:

Offensive and defensive lines of scrimmage are separated by two (2) markers (pucks) approximately one (1) yard apart. The offense is required to have at least one (1) players on the line of scrimmage for the line to be set and ready for play. There is no requirement for defensive players to line-up along the line of scrimmage.


One offensive player may be in motion at a time. At the time of the snap the player may only move parallel with the line of scrimmage and not laterally down field. The player in motion must remain behind the line of scrimmage. Exception: Players may avoid this penalty by coming set for one full second prior to the snap.


  • The ball must be snapped backwards off the ground. Both of the center’s feet must remain behind the line of scrimmage before and during the snap. The ball may be snapped between the center’s legs or off to the side. The snap must be one quick continuous motion backwards. Once the ball has left the ground the defense may rush.
  • The player receiving the snap must be at least two (2) yards behind theoffensive line of scrimmage.


  • All players are eligible to catch a forward pass. The passer’s feet must be behind the line of scrimmage when the ball leaves the passer’s hand.
  • Only one (1) forward pass can be thrown per down.
  • One foot must touch the ground in-bounds for a pass to be completed.

NOTE: An offensive player may run across the line of scrimmage, then run back behind the line of scrimmage and throw a forward pass OR toss the ball backward to another player who can then throw a forward pass as long as such pass abides by the provisions of this section.


On fourth down, the referee will ask the offensive team captain to select if they wish to punt or try to reach the zone-line-to-gain (go for it). Once a decision is reached, the referee will announce the decision to the defense. If the offense declares to punt, then wants to change their decision, they may do so after a charged timeout or an accepted penalty in which the down is to be replayed.

  • The kicker must catch and kick the ball immediately in one continuous motion.
  • The kicking team must have one (1) player on the line of scrimmage during a punt.
  • Neither team may advance beyond their respective scrimmage line until the ball is kicked. 
  • Punts that have not been touched by a player are NOT dead while bouncing on the ground. When a punt touches a player from either team and then hits the ground, it is dead at that spot and belongs to the receiving team. If a punt is muffed by the receiving team and caught in the air by the kicking team, it is dead at that spot and the kicking team retains possession, first and line-to-gain. If caught in the air by the receiving team, they may advance the ball.
  • Punts may not be returned out of the endzone.
  • There are no fair catches. Fair catch signals shall be disregarded.


A fumble is dead at the point the ball touches the ground, if fumbled backwards, or at the spot where the fumble occurred if fumbled forward. The ball goes to the team who last had possession with the resulting loss of down. A fumble that lands in or behind the goal line results in a touchback or safety.


Handing of the ball is allowed forward or backward at any time. The offensive is responsible for retrieving the ball after every play. In case of inclement weather, a towel may be used. The towel must be kept in between the field markers (pucks) at the line of scrimmage before and during the play.


All touchdowns are worth six (6) points. The player who scores must be deflagged by a referee before the points are awarded. Illegally secured flag belts will result in a penalty and no touchdown. Belts removed by players and not officials will be considered illegally secured.

  • After the touchdown the offense will have options of extra point attempts. One (1) point from the 3-yard line, two (2) points from the 10 yard line, and three (3) points from the 20-yard line. Once the offense has declared their choice they may change their decision only with a charged timeout for either team. A team’s choice cannot be changed if a penalty occurs. If the defensive team intercepts a pass the play is now over and the try is no good.
  • A safety occurs when a runner carries the ball from the field of play to across his/her own goal line, and it becomes dead there in his/her team’s possession. A safety results in two (2) points for the defense and possession of the next offensive series.
  • Penalties during a scoring play on the defense: If the defense commits a live ball penalty the offense may take the penalty during the try (half the distance to the goal) or take the penalty from the succeeding spot (the 14 yardline after the try).

NOTE: Penalties on the defense during the scoring may not be taken on the onside kick attempt. They must be either enforced on the extra point try or following the onside kick conversion attempt (whether successful or unsuccessful.


Screen blocking is allowed and shall take place without contact. Any use of the hands, arms, legs, elbows or body to initiate contact by an offensive player is illegal. Players also must allow one full step when setting a block behind a stationary opponent and may not stop to set a block so close to an opponent that he or she cannot stop or change direction to avoid contact.


Defensive players must maneuver around the offense’s screen block. They may not use their hands and arms to initiate contact to gain an advantage on the blocker.

Other Player Restrictions:

  1. No player shall make contact with an opponent that is deemedunnecessary. (Illegal Contact 10 yards.)
  2. No clipping or tripping. (Illegal Contact 10 yards.)
  3. No pulling or removing flag belts from an offensive player who is not in possession of the ball. (Illegal Contact 10 yards.)
  4. The ball carrier may not run through a defensive player but must make an effort to evade the defense. (Illegal Contact 10 yards.)
  5. No flag guarding. The ball carrier may not guard their flag by blocking with their hands/arms or the ball, thereby denying the opponent the opportunity to pull the flag. (Flag Guarding 10 yards.)
  6. No stiff arms are allowed by the ball carrier. (Illegal Contact 10 yards.)
  7. No stripping the ball by the defense from an offensive player who is in control of the ball. (Illegal Contact 10 yards.)
  8. No tampering with flag belts. Flag belts must be fastened around the waist using the end of the clip. (Illegally securing flag belt 10 yards, loss of down, player ejection)
  9. Any player involved in a fight or who leaves the bench during a fight will be ejected without question.
  10. Captain or on field spokesman should be ready to render a decision following any penalty on the opposing team.
  11. Teams may designate a coach for each game. The coach must be present at the captain’s meeting. The coach is allowed to be on the field in between plays but must clear the field before play begins. Only one coach for each team may be on the field at a time.
  12. Coaches are allowed to call timeouts.

ONSIDE KICK RULE (NEW) - With 2:00 or less remaining on the clock, the losing team may elect to try for an "Onside Kick" following a scoring play. Once declared after a scoring play, the losing team will attempt a scrimmage play scenario, "4th & 12" from the A28 Yard Line.

  • Team electing the onside kick may not punt the ball. 
  • The down will be a regular timed down, the clock will start on the snap.    
  • An unsuccessful "onside kick" try will be a turnover on downs, the ball will be placed at the spot where the “onside kick” was downed.  
  •  Following a successful try, Team A will retain possession of the ball from the end of the "onside kick" try. 
  • All penaltieon the prior scoring play AND onside kick play will be enforced as a regular scrimmage play.

Mercy Rule 

If a team is ahead by 19 points at the two-minute warning in the second half, the game is over.


  • Substitutions are allowed at any time the ball is dead.
  • Players entering the game must be ready for play with correct equipment.

CoRec Modifications

Team Composition:

  1. A total of eight (8) players, four (4) men and four (4) women, may be on the field at one time.
  2. A team may also participate with seven (7) or six (6) players in a combination of:
    1. Three (3) men and three (3) women
    2. Four (4) men and two (2) women.
    3. Two (2) men and four (4) women
    4. Four (4) men and three (3) women.
    5. Four (4) women and three (3) men.


Each team may use either a regular, intermediate, youth or junior size football may be used.

Game Play

  1. Each series will begin with an "open" play. Once a male to male forward pass is completed, the following plays will be "closed" until a male to female, female to male, or female to female forward pass is completed. This completion must result in positive yards. Once this condition is met, play is "re-opened" with another "open" play permitted.
  2. Open and closed plays are determined by the action of a legal forward pass and catch. Therefore, throughout a play there may be multiple possessions by males or females but the status of the next play is determined by the initial pass and catch.
  3. A penalty does not negate any passes on a play concerning open and closed. 
    1. Ex. A male to male completion called back for any reason other than illegal forward pass will still result in a closed play to follow.
  4. The "open/closed" status of a play is not affected when a team scores a touchdown. The PAT's status is determined by the previous play that scored the touchdown.
  5. A male runner cannot be the first player to advance the ball through the lineof scrimmage unless they receive a legal forward pass prior to advancement (Illegal Male Advancement, 5 yards from the previous spot). There are no restrictions concerning runs by females.
  6. Once a legal forward pass is completed, there are no restrictions for male or female runners. The status of the next play for “open” or “closed” is always dependent on the initial pass and catch, as well as a result in positive yards.
  7. All touchdowns are six (6) points.
  8. PATs count the same regardless of who scores, one (1) point from the 3-yard line, two (2) points from the 10-yard line, and three (3) points from the 20-yard line.

Mercy Rule

If a team is ahead by 19 points at the two-minute warning in the second half, the game is over.

Explanation of General Penalties

  1. Delay of Game (dead ball foul, 5 yards from the previous spot): The ball must be put in play properly and legally and any action or inaction by either team which tends to prevent this is illegal delay of game. This includes:
    1. Interrupting the 25 second count for any reason, except for a time-out allowed by the referee.
    2. Consuming more than 25 seconds in putting the ball in play after it is marked ready for play.
    3. Deliberately advancing the ball after it has been declared dead.
    4. Snapping the ball prior to the ready to play.
  2.  Encroachment/Offsides (dead ball foul, 5 yards from the previous spot): Following the ready-to-play whistle and prior to the snap, no player on defense may encroach, touch the ball, or contact an opponent in any way. It is encroachment for any player to break his/her scrimmage line plane. It is a foul as soon as the player initially enters the neutral zone.
  3. False Start (dead ball foul, 5 yards from the previous spot): No offensive player shall simulate a charge or start of a play.
  4. Illegal Formation (live ball foul, 5 yards from the previous spot): The player who receives the snap must be at least two (2) yards behind the offensive scrimmage line.
  5. Illegal Motion and Shift (live ball foul, 5 yards from the previous spot): Only one offense player may be in motion, but not in motion towards the opponent's goal line (or line of scrimmage), at the time of the snap. After a huddle, all offensive players must come to a stop and remain stationary for 1 second before an offensive player may go in motion. If two or more players shift/go in motion simultaneously prior to the snap, both must come to a stop and reset prior to the snap.
  6. Flag Guarding (live ball foul, 10 yards from the spot of the foul & replay the down OR from the end of the run): The ball carrier shall not protect his/her flags by blocking with his/her arms or hands in order to deny the opponents the opportunity to remove them.
  7. Illegal Contact by the Ball Carrier (live ball foul, Personal foul, 10 yards from the spot of the foul): The ball carrier must run to avoid tacklers. The ball carrier may spin or jump around defenders to avoid deflagging; however, the ball carrier must remain in control of his/her body during such moves.
  8. Illegal Contact by the Defense & Tackling (live ball foul, 10 yards from the end of the run): If a defensive player reaches across the body of the ball carrier to pull the flag and contact is made, the responsibility of the contact lies with the defensive player. A runner shall not be thrown to the ground. Deliberate tackling of an opponent is also carried with an automatic ejection.
  9. Holding (live ball foul, 10 yards from the end of the run-defense, 10 yards from the spot of the foul-offense): Holding is grasping or encircling an opponent with the hand or arm in any way that impedes the player’s movement. A defensive player may not hold, push, or knock the ball carrier down in an attempt to remove the flag. Similarly, an offensive player may not hold an opponent to prevent a deflagging.
  10. Roughing the Passer (live ball foul, automatic first down, 10 yards from previous spot, if incomplete pass thrown; 10 yards from end of run following completed pass): Defensive players must make a definite effort to avoid charging into a passer. Contact with the passer shall be avoided except in cases where the defensive player is attempting to deflag the passer. Contact with a thrown ball (hitting the ball then the passer in the same motion) does NOT affect this rule and roughing the passer may still be called. Roughing the passer does not apply on illegal forward passes; however, illegal contact may be called.
  11. Illegal Forward Pass & Intentional Grounding (live ball foul, 5 yards from the spot of the foul and loss of down): A pass thrown in violation of the legal pass guidelines listed above is considered illegal. A pass that is intentionally thrown to the ground or out of bounds to avoid a loss of yardage is also illegal.
  12. Offensive Pass Interference (live ball foul, 10 yards from the previous spot): Pass interference occurs when a player contacts another eligible receiver who is beyond the line of scrimmage. Restrictions exist for the offense from the time that the ball is snapped until it has been touched by a receiver.
  13. Defensive Pass Interference (live ball foul, 10 yards from the previous spot): Restrictions exist for the defense from the time the pass is thrown until it has been touched by a receiver. Face guarding with no intent to catch, intercept, or bat the ball is also considered pass interference. Contact or interference by the defense prior to when the pass is thrown is still considered illegal and will be penalized as a personal foul.
  14. Other Personal Fouls (10 yards from the end of the run [defense], 10 yards from the spot of the foul [offense]): Any act of unnecessary roughness is a personal foul.
  15. Unsportsmanlike Conduct (all enforced from dead ball spot, 10 yards): No player shall commit unsportsmanlike acts during play or intermission including:
    1. Using words similar to an offensive audible or quarterback cadence prior to the snap in an effort to interfere with the offense's signals or movements.
    2. Intentionally kicking the ball (other than a punt)
    3. Intentionally kicking an opponent or swinging an arm, hand or fist at any opposing player or official.
    4. Disrespectfully addressing an official or indicating objections to an official's decision.
    5. Using profanity, taunting, insulting or vulgar language or gestures.
    6. Fighting or leaving the sidelines and entering an alternation.
      1. NOTE: Two unsportsmanlike fouls by the same player or non-player results in an ejection. A player or non-player can be disqualified following the first unsportsmanlike/personal foul according to its severity and discretion of the referees and staff.
  16. In the case of multiple live ball fouls on one team their opponent may elect to accept only one of the penalties.
  17. A double foul is when both teams commit live ball fouls during the same down. In this case the penalties offset and the down will be replayed from the previous spot.
  18. Dead ball fouls will be administered in the order they occurred following the administration of live ball fouls.
  19. Anything not specifically addressed in the flag football section will be governed according to current NIRSA Flag and Touch Football Rules.
4 on 4 Flag Football

Team Composition

The game is played between two (2) teams of four (4). Each team must have at least three (3) players on the field in order to begin the game.


  1. Shirts must be long enough to tuck in so that they remain tucked in the pants/shorts during the entire down or short enough so there is a minimum 4" from the bottom of the shirt to the player’s waistline. Shirts may not contain knots, have frayed sleeves or edges, or an opening more than 4” bellow the armpit. Flag belts must remain outside of the shirt/jersey during play. Teams must wear similar colors.
  2. Jewelry: No jewelry or any other item deemed dangerous by the Intramural Staff may be worn such as bracelets, earrings, necklaces, etc. Any player wearing exposed permanent jewelry (i.e. body piercings) will not be permitted to play.
  3. Shoes: Regulation rubber-soled cleats and tennis shoes are the only permissible footwear. Sandals, street shoes, boots, or metal spikes are not allowed. No player will be allowed to participate in bare feet. No steel or screw-in cleats.
  4. Headwear: Players may wear a knit or stocking cap (no caps with bills) and/or soft, pliable, nonabrasive gloves. Bandanas and other head gear which are tied with a knot are not permitted.
  5. Players may wear soft, pliable pads or braces on the leg, knee, and/or ankle. Braces may not have any exposed metal and/or screws. Braces made of any rigid material (including plastic) must be covered with a padded sleeve or at least one-half inch padding for safety reasons. Under no circumstances will a player wearing a cast or splint be permitted to play. Elbow pads are not permitted.
  6. Tape or bandages of the hand, wrist, forearm, or elbow are prohibited except to protect an injury. This must be approved by the Intramural Supervisor before the game begins. Players may wear a soft, pliable wrist/forearm band that contains plays.
  7. If eyeglasses are worn, they must be unbreakable. Each player is responsible for the safety of his/her own glasses. Sunglasses may be worn as long as they are pliable and are not rigid.
  8. Foreign Substance: Any slippery or sticky substance of a foreign nature on equipment, clothing, or an exposed part of the body is illegal.
  9. Men will use the regular size, NCAA or NFHS football, while women and CoRec may use either a regular or intermediate-size football. Game balls will not be provided as teams must use their own footballs. Officials will not handle the football; the offense is responsible for the ball at all times.
  10. Playbooks are allowed; however, they may not be worn or placed in a position that is not visible to other participants or officials.


  1. A game shall consist of two halves of 10 minutes each with a no half time. The clock will stop the last one (1) minute of each half for the following reasons:
    1. A. Penalties/Inadvertent whistles (may start on referee's ready-to-play whistle)
    2. B. Scoring plays
    3. C. Incomplete passes/out of bounds
    4. D. Injured players (this is an officials timeout)
    5. E. First downs (until the ball is set in play by referee)
    6. F. Official and team time-outs
    7. G. Change of possession.
    8. H. 5 second sack rule (Until the ball is snapped on the next play)
  2. Delay of Game: After a ball is declared ready for play, the offensive team has fifteen (15) seconds after the referee has sounded the whistle to put the ball in play.
  3. There is no half time. Field position and team possession will change accordingly as soon as the first half is over and play will continue immediately. However, each half may be extended by an untimed down if:
    1. A. There is an accepted live ball foul that does not carry a loss of down for the offense
    2. A touchdown
    3. A double foul
    4.  An inadvertent whistle.
  4. Each team is allowed one (1) timeout per game.
  5. Game time is forfeit time. A team must have a minimum number of players to start a game. If there is fewer than the required number of players, the opposing captain has the option of taking the win or waiting for the minimum number of players to show. If a team chooses to wait, it will be required to wait until the opposing team has the minimum number of players present or a maximum of ten (10) minutes. The game clock will start at the time the game was scheduled for and run continuously until both teams are ready for play or the 10 minute wait has been elapsed.


There are no overtime periods during the regular season. Regular season game may end in a tie. However, overtime periods will occur if necessary for playoff games. An overtime period consists of a series of three (3) downs by each team from the 10-yard line, the object of which is to score a touchdown. If a touchdown is not scored in three downs it is a turnover. If the score remains tied after one overtime period, play will proceed to a second period and so on until a winner is determined. All overtime periods are played toward the same goal line and are untimed except for the 25 second play clock initiated before each play. Offense, defense and direction of play for the first overtime will be decided in a coin toss similar to the one at the start of the game. Only one coin toss shall take place in overtime, options shall alternate between teams if there are any additional overtimes needed.

Mercy Rule  

For men's and women's is 19 points with one (1) minute remaining in the second half.

Start of Game

  1. A captains meeting will take place before the game. A method of deciding choice will be determined by the head official of the game (i.e. coin toss, odd or even, rock/paper/scissors, etc.
  2. The winner of the pre-game decision shall have the first choice of options:
    1. Offense/defense
    2. Which goal to defend
    3. To defer the choice of A or B until the second half
  3. After possession and direction have been established, the ball will placed at the 5 yard line and the game play clock will be initiated on the referee’s whistle.

Game Play

Series of Downs

  • A team in possession of the ball shall have three (3) consecutive downs to advance to the next zone by scrimmage. Failure to advance will result in a turnover on downs.
  • The field is divided into two 20-yard zones. A first down results when the ball is declared dead, any part of which is on or above the next zone line, and a live ball penalty does not bring the ball behind the first down zone.
  • No punting. There will be no option to punt the ball on third down.


One offensive player may be in motion at a time. At the time of the snap the player may only move parallel with the line of scrimmage and not laterally down field. The player in motion must remain behind the line of scrimmage. Exception: Players may avoid this penalty by coming set for one full second prior to the snap.


  • The ball must be snapped backwards off the ground. Both of the center’s feet must remain behind the line of scrimmage before and during the snap. The ball may be snapped between the center’s legs or off to the side. The snap must be one quick continuous motion backwards. Once the ball has left the ground the defense may rush.
  • The player receiving the snap must be at least two (2) yards behind theoffensive line of scrimmage.


  • The offense has 5 seconds from the time of the snap to release the ball. If the ball has not been released at the end of this time period, the play shall be blown dead. If this occurs, it will be a loss of down and the ball will be placed at the previous spot.
  • All incomplete backward passes shall be marked down at the point of ground contact.
  • Only 1 forward pass may be attempted from behind the line of scrimmage on a given play.
  • All forward passes must be completed beyond the line of scrimmage. (Penalty: illegal procedure, 3 yards from previous spot replay the down)
  • A forward pass is illegal if:
    • It is thrown from beyond the line of scrimmage. 
    • It is intentional grounding.
    • It is thrown after a change of possession.
    • The passer catches his/her untouched forward/backward pass.
    • It is the second forward pass during a play.
  • All players except the passer are eligible to receive a pass.
  • A player must have complete possession of the ball and land with the first part of their body inbounds, normally one foot, to be a legal reception.
  • A pass intercepted in the end zone may be advanced.
  • If an offensive player goes out-of-bounds on their own volition and returns inbounds, it is an illegal participation foul.

Running the Ball

  • An offensive team runner may not advance the ball through the offensive scrimmage line. Prior to a change of possession and before the ball has been in player possession beyond the neutral zone, NO PLAYER may run the ball from behind to
    beyond the neutral zone. The penalty for this infraction is an illegal procedure. 4-on-4 is designed to be a passing game. There are no restrictions after a change of possession or once a legal forward pass has been touched beyond the offensive scrimmage line.
  • A ball carrier may not hurdle a player to avoid deflagging. Hurdling is interpreted as an attempt by a runner to jump over a player still on their feet with the feet or knees of the runner foremost.
  • If a player inadvertently loses their flag belt or it is pulled by the opposition before gaining possession of the ball, the play will continue and the player must be downed by a one-hand touch, between the shoulder and knees, including the hand and arm.
  • A player will be ruled "down" when any part of the body other than the hand or foot touches the ground.
  • When an inadvertent whistle occurs, the offensive team will have the option of taking the play with the ball spotted at its location when the whistle blew or replay the down. If the ball is loose following a backward pass or fumble, the team will have the option of taking the ball at the spot where possession was lost or replay the down. During a legal forward pass or a legal kick, if an inadvertent whistle occurs, the ball is returned to the previous spot and the down replayed.


A fumble is dead at the point the ball touches the ground, if fumbled backwards, or at the spot where the fumble occurred if fumbled forward. The ball goes to the team who last had possession with the resulting loss of down. A fumble that lands in or behind the goal line results in a touchback or safety.


  • Handing of the ball is allowed forward or backward at any time.
  • The offense is responsible for retrieving the ball after every play. In case of inclement weather, a towel may be used. The towel must be kept in between the field markers (pucks) at the line of scrimmage before and during the play.


Screen blocking is allowed and shall take place without contact. Any use of the hands, arms, legs, elbows or body to initiate contact by an offensive player is illegal. Players also must allow one full step when setting a block behind a stationary opponent and may not stop to set a block so close to an opponent that he or she cannot stop or change direction to avoid contact.


NO RUSHING ALLOWED. QB will have 5 seconds to throw the ball.


Point values will be as follows:

  1. Touchdown: 6 points
  2. Safety: 2 points
  3. PAT from 3-yard line: 1 point
  4. PAT from 10-yard line: 2points
  5. PAT from 20-yard line: 3 points
  6. Defensive players cannot return extra points.
  • Players must be deflagged by an official after a score. Illegally secured flag belts will result in a penalty and no touchdown or PAT. Belts removed by players and not officials will be considered illegally secured.
  • A safety occurs when a runner carries the ball from the field of play to across his/her own goal line, and it becomes dead there in his/her team’s possession. A safety results in two (2) points for the defensive and possession of the next offensive series.
  • Captain or on field spokesman should be ready to render a decision following any penalty on the opposing team.
  • Teams may designate a coach for each game. The coach must be present at the captain’s meeting. The coach is allowed to be on the field in between plays but must clear the field before play begins. Only one coach for each team may be on the field at a time. Coaches are allowed to call timeouts.


  • Substitutions are allowed at any time the ball is dead.
  • Players entering the game must be ready for play with correct equipment.

CoRec Modifications

  1. Teams consist of two (2) males and two (2) females. A team may play with uneven numbers of men and women so long as the number of either gender does not exceed two (2). A minimum of three (3) players are needed to begin and continue play
  2. The regular, intermediate, junior or youth sized football may be used. The offensive team is responsible for getting the desired ball in play.
  3. The offensive team must have one (1) player on the line of scrimmage.

Game Play

  • Each series will begin with an "open" play. Once a male to male forward pass is completed, the following plays will be "closed" until a male to female, female to male, or female to female forward pass is completed. This completion must result in positive yards. Once this condition is met, play is "re-opened" with another "open" play permitted.
  • Open and closed plays are determined by the action of a legal forward pass and catch. Therefore, throughout a play there may be multiple possessions by males or females but the status of the next play is determined by the initial pass and catch.
  • A penalty does not negate any passes on a play concerning open and closed. A male to male completion called back for any reason other than illegal forward pass will still result in a closed play to follow.
  • The "open/closed" status of a play is not affected when a team scores a touchdown. The PAT's status is determined by the previous play that scored the touchdown.
  • PATs count the same regardless of who scores, one (1) point from the 3-yard line, two (2) points from the 10-yard line, and three (3) points from the 20-yard line.
  • All touchdowns will result in six points.
  • There is no running in CoRec. . An offensive team runner may not advance the ball through the offensive scrimmage line. Prior to a change of possession and before the ball has been in player possession beyond the neutral zone, NO PLAYER may run the ball from behind to beyond the neutral zone. The penalty for this infraction is an illegal procedure.

Mercy Rule

For CoRec is 19 points with one (1) minute remaining in the second half.

Overtime Procedure

  1. Each team will have a chance to score. Coin toss will determine who starts on offense and defense.
  2. Possession will start on the ten yard line.
  3. 3 downs to score a touchdown. During the first two overtimes teams can choose to go for one or two points. After the second overtime you must go for two.
  4. You cannot return an interception for touchdown during any overtime period the play is dead.

Enforcement of Penalties

  1. All 10-yard penalties are 5 yards and all 5-yard penalties are 3 yards.
  2. Penalty Enforcement at the basic spot:
    1. Pass play or during the punt (see exception below) – basic enforcement spot is the scrimmage line (where ball was snapped).
    2. On all running plays - basic enforcement spot is the end of the run.
    3. All fouls are marked from the basic enforcement spot (Exception: An offensive foul behind the basic enforcement spot which becomes a spot foul, or the “all but one principle”.)
    4. The only exception to the above regulations is roughing the passer; this penalty will be added on to the end result of the play.
    5. If there is a foul by the offensive team, other than unsportsmanlike or non-player, during a down which results in a successful touchdown or try, the acceptance of the penalty nullifies the score.
    6.  If there is a foul by the defensive team during a down that results in a successful touchdown or try, including unsportsmanlike conduct, the scoring team may choose to have the foul enforced from the succeeding spot (enforced on the try) or the 5-yard line (after the try).

Summary of NIRSA Football Penalties

Loss of 3 yards:

  • Required Equipment Worn Illegally
  • Delay of Game (Dead Ball Foul)
  • Eligible Substitutions
  •  Illegal Substitution
  • Encroachment (Dead Ball Foul)
  • False start (Dead Ball Foul)
  • Illegal Snap (Dead Ball Foul)
  • Offensive Player Not Within 10 Yards of the Ball
  • Illegal Formation (Minimum Line Players)
  • Player Out-of-Bounds When the Ball is Snapped
  • Illegal Motion
  • Player receiving the snap within 2 yards of Scrimmage Line
  • Illegal Shift
  • Illegal Advancement by a Male Runner (Co-Rec only)
  • Intentionally throwing backward pass or fumble out of bounds (Loss of Down, if by Team A)
  • Illegal Forward Pass (Loss of Down, if by Team A)
  • Intentional Grounding (Loss of Down)
  • Illegal Forward Pass - 2 Consecutive Male-to-Male Forward Pass Completions (Loss of Down) (Co-Rec only)
  • Illegal Forward Pass – Male Catches Pass and Runs Beyond Scrimmage Line (Loss of Down) (Co-Rec Only)
  • Helping the Runner

Loss of 5 Yards:

  • Illegal Player Equipment
  • Two or more consecutive encroachments during same interval between scrimmage downs
  • Offensive Pass Interference (Loss of Down)
  • Defensive Pass Interference (Automatic 1st Down)
  • Illegally Secured Flag Belt on Touchdown (Loss of Down and Disqualification if Offense) (Automatic First Down and Disqualification if Defense)
  • Unsportsmanlike Player Conduct (Disqualification if Flagrant)
  • Spiking, kicking, or throwing ball during dead ball (Disqualification if Flagrant)
  • Unsportsmanlike Conduct by Coaches, Substitutes, or Others (Disqualification if Flagrant)
  • Illegal Contact
    • Strip or Attempt to Strip the Ball
    • Contact With Opponent on Ground
    • Throw Runner to the Ground
    • Hurdling Any Player
    • Contact Before or After Ball is Dead
    • Unnecessary Contact of Any Nature
    • Drive or Run Into Player
    • Position Upon Shoulders or Body of Teammate
    • Tackle Runner (Disqualification)
    • Fight an Opponent
    • Roughing the Passer (Automatic 1st Down)
    • Defensive Use of Hands
    • Holding the Runner
  • Illegal Offensive Screen Blocking
  • Interlocked Interference
  • Stiff Arm
  • Flag Guarding
  • Batting a Loose Ball
  • Illegal Participation
  • Illegal Substitute/Replaced Player
  • Pretended/Unfair Substitution
  • Illegal Flag Belt Removal
  • Intentionally Contacting an Official (Disqualification)
  • Flagrant Personal Fouls (Disqualification

Team Composition

Teams will consist of two players


  1. Teams will have one week to play each match.
  2. Teams will agree on a time to play on imleagues


No current GCSU golf will be allowed to play

Game Play

USGA Rules will govern play unless amended by local course rules or Intramural Sports modifications.

  1. All golf games are match play. 
  2. Teams will play all 18 holes even if there is not a way for one team to win. 
  3. Teams will report the score on imleagues
  4. The score is how many holes a team wins. (Example if the wining team wins 9 holes, ties 4 holes, and loses 5 holes the score should be 9 to 5. This is how you will input your score into imleagues)
  5. The format is a scramble. Each player will hit his/her tee shot to begin each hole. The team will choose the best shot and each player will hit their second shot from that spot. This format will continue until the hole is finished. 
  6. All putts must be holed out. No “gimmies”.
  7. Teams may concede a hole at any time.
  8. Each team must mark the spot of each selected shot with a golf tee or divot repair tool. At that time, both members may lift, clean, and place their golf ball according to the stipulations below. 
    1. Fairway: The ball may be placed one club length from the sport of the selected ball no nearer the hole. When placed, the ball must remain in the fairway.
    2. Rough: The ball may be placed one club length from the spot of the selected ball no nearer the hole. The placement of the ball may improve the team's stance, swing, and line of sight but must not be placed outside the one-club length limit. When placed, the ball must remain in the same cut of rough that the selected ball came to rest in.
    3. Hazard: The ball may be placed one club length from the spot of the selected ball no nearer the hole. The placement of the ball may improve the team's stance, swing, and line of sight but must not be placed outside the one-club length limit. When placed, the ball must remain in the same hazard the selected ball came to rest in. In regards to sand traps, the trap may be raked before placement of the ball
  9. No Mulligans are allowed
  10. The game can end in a tie. Playoff games will be sudden death starting with hole number one (1).
  11. Game will be played from the white tees

Corec Modifications

Ladies will play from the red tees


Team Composition 

Game play is 6 on 6. Each team must have a minimum of four (4) players to begin a game. 


  1.  Handballs will be provided by the staff at the game site. 

  2. The goalkeeper must wear a different color jersey than either team on the field. Pennies will be available at the game site for teams without like-colored shirts. 

  3. The goalkeeper can wear goalkeeper gloves but those will not be provided by staff.  

  4. Jewelry: No jewelry or any other item deemed dangerous by the Intramural Staff may be worn such as bracelets, earrings, necklaces, etc. Any player wearing exposed permanent jewelry (i.e. body piercings) will not be permitted to play. 

  5. Players may wear soft, pliable pads or braces on the leg, knee, and/or ankle. Braces may not have any exposed metal and/or screws. Braces made of any rigid material (including plastic) must be covered with a padded sleeve or at least one-half inch padding for safety reasons. Under no circumstances will a player wearing a cast or splint be permitted to play. Elbow pads are not permitted. 

  6. All players must wear appropriate athletic footwear. Open toe shoes, heels, sandals, or flip-flops may not be worn.  

  7. Hats or caps may not be worn; bandanas may be worn without a knot. 


  1. All games will consist of two 20-minute halves with a running clock. The clock will only stop for injuries and time outs.  

  2. There is no overtime in the Regular season. 

  3. Each team is permitted one timeout per half. Time-Outs are permitted at any time except for being on defense in a live ball situation. 

  4. If a team is awarded a penalty throw or free throw as time expires, they will have the opportunity to take the throw.  

Mercy Rule 

  1. The game will end if a team is ahead by 20 or more goals at any time in the second half.  

  2. The game will end if a team is ahead by 10 or more goals with 5 minutes or less remaining in the game.  

Overtime Procedure 

Game will go straight into penalty throws; each team has 5 throwers. 

The Playing Court 

  1. The boundary of the court is the Multipurpose Basketball Court Lines. 

  2. During play, all players must remain in the boundary lines. 

  3. Field players may not enter the shooting arc (3-point line) unless their momentum carries them into the area. If this happens, they must immediately leave the shooting arc. Field players can jump and shoot from outside of the shooting arc. If jumping into the area, the ball must be released before touching the ground and the player must immediately leave the arc. If a rebound is gained by an offensive team and is scored while an offensive player is within the arc, the goal is not scored.  


The goal area 

  1. Only the goalkeeper is allowed in the goal area (3-point arc). 

  2. The goalie is allowed to leave the goal arc when not in possession of the ball. Once the goalie has left the arc, they are held to the same rules of all position players in the field. the goalie may not Receive a pass from a field player while in the goal area. When the goalie throws the ball into play, the pass may not cross the half court line. If so, Possession will be given to the opposing teams.  

  3. Goal Throw: The goalie takes the throw inside of the goal area when the ball rebounds off the goalkeeper over the endline or the ball is thrown over the endline by the opposing teams.  

  4. During a penalty/free throw, the goalie must stay on the goalie line until the ball is thrown. 

Game Play 

  1. First possession will be determined by a coin toss, rock/paper/scissors, and the goalie will start with the ball.  

  2. There is no shot clock- However, if a team fails to show forward progress, they will be given a verbal warning followed by a delay of game, which will result in change of possession.  

  3. A throw-in is awarded to a team when the ball is knocked out of bounds by the opposing team. If the goalie was the last to touch while making a save, the goalie will retain possession of the ball.  

  4. Defensive players are allowed to use their body to obstruct an opponent with possession of the ball. Defensive players that displace an offensive player by tripping, pushing, holding or hitting will be issued a common foul or shooting foul, which will count towards the team foul count.  


  6. Fouls will be called if a player: 

    1. Endangers an opponent with the ball 

    2. Uses arms or legs to obstruct, push, hold, trip, or hit an opponent. 

    3. Pulls, hits, or punches the ball out of the hands of an opponent. 

    4. Contacts the ball below the knee (excluding the goalie). 

    5. Dives on the floor 

    6. A defender pushes or jumps into an attacker. 

    7. An attacker charges through a defender that has established a defensive position.  

  7. A player is allowed to: 

    1. Run with the ball for 3 steps 

    2. Hold the ball for 3 seconds 

    3. Unlimited dribble with 3 steps allowed before and after dribbling (no double dribble). 

  8. Free-Throw: For common defensive fouls, a free-throw is awarded to the opponent from the goalie arc in line of where the foul occurred.  The person who was fouled must take the free-throw attempt. A free-throw will be the same as a direct free kick. A shot or pass can be performed.  

  9. Penalty throw: The throw will be taken from the top of the 3-point arc and the shooter cannot run up to take the shot. One foot must remain on the ground at all times during the penalty throw. Any player may take the penalty throw. All others must be outside the goal arc when the penalty-throw is being taken. The player taking the throw must throw the ball within 3 seconds of the referee's whistle. 

  10. Penalty throws will be awarded when:

    1. A foul prevents a clear chance to score. 

    2. The goalie carries the ball back into their own goal area. 

    3. A player intentionally plays the ball to his/her own goalie inside of the goal area and the goalie touches the ball. 

    4. A defensive player enters his/her goal area to gain an advantage over an attacking player in possession of the ball.  

  11. Yellow Cards: The result of a yellow is a warning and possession will be given to the goalkeeper of the opposing team.

    1. High intensity fouls 

    2. Pulling down an opponent 

    3. Fouls to the head, throat, or neck 

    4. Unsportsmanlike Conduct 

  12. Red Cards: A red card will result in an ejection and the team will play a person down the remainder of the game. A red card may occur after two yellow cards or be given directly. It is up to the discretion of the official. 


  1. The number of flying substitutes made during a match is unlimited. A player who has been replaced may return to the court as a substitute for another player. A "flying substitution" is one that is made when the ball is still in play; however, the player leaving the court must do so before the player replacing him/her enters the playing surface. 

CoRec Modifications 

  1. Co Rec will also play 6 on 6 with three males and three females. 

    1. A minimum of 2 males and 2 females must be present to play the game.

  2. Substitutions must be made male for male and female for female. 

  3. When a female scores the score is counted as two goals 



Team Composition

Horse is a singles event

Game Play

  1. Horse will be played in in three segments
  2. First segment is a free throw shooting contest, each player will shoot 10 free throws the player take makes the most wins a point (if players tie both players receive a point)
  3. Second segment is a three-point contest, each player will shoot five three pointers the player take makes the most wins a point (if players tie both players receive a point)
  4. The final segment is a traditional horse game. The player with the most points through the first two segments will shoot first. They can shoot anywhere on the court. If the make their shot the next player has to attempt the same shot, if they miss the receive a letter.
    1. If the first person misses, the second player can shoot anywhere on the court.
    2. The winner of the traditional horse game is worth two points.
  5. At the end add up total points. The player with the most wins the match. If there is a tie in points after the horse game and time permits players will play a game of PIG. The total time limit is 25 minutes.
Indoor Soccer


  1. If a player is currently on the women's soccer roster they are not eligible to play. Current roster means this academic year. If they played in the fall they are not eligible to participate. No more than one (1) ex-varsity player may be on the field at one time. If a participant has played varsity soccer within the past five (5) years of the current season they are considered one (1). If a participant played varsity soccer more than five (5) years prior to the current season they are considered half a player (0.5).
  2. No more than two (2) club soccer players can be on the roster at one time.

NOTE: It is the team’s responsibility to bring eligibility issues to the attention of intramural staff.

Team Composition

Game play is 6 on 6. Each team must have a minimum of four (4) players to begin a game.


  1.  Indoor Soccer balls will be provided by the RecSports staff at the game site.
  2. Players are encouraged to use shin guards but RecSports does not supply them.
  3.  It is suggested that team members wear similar colored jerseys and bring another colored jersey (i.e. one dark-colored and one light-colored jersey). The goalkeeper must wear a different color jersey than either team on the field. Pennies will be available at the game site for teams without like-colored shirts.
  4. Jewelry: No jewelry or any other item deemed dangerous by the Intramural Staff may be worn such as bracelets, earrings, necklaces, etc. Any player wearing exposed permanent jewelry (i.e. body piercings) will not be permitted to play.
  5. Players may wear soft, pliable pads or braces on the leg, knee, and/or ankle. Braces may not have any exposed metal and/or screws. Braces made of any rigid material (including plastic) must be covered with a padded sleeve or at least one-half inch padding for safety reasons. Under no circumstances will a player wearing a cast or splint be permitted to play. Elbow pads are not permitted.


  1. All games will consist of two 20-minute halves with a running clock. The clock will only stop for injuries and time outs. 
  2. There is no overtime in the Regular season.
  3. Each team is permitted one timeout per half.
  4.  If a team is awarded a Direct Free Kick and time expires they will still be allowed to take the free kick

Mercy Rule

All Leagues: A game shall be called if a team is ahead by 5 goals with two (2) minutes or less remaining in the game or if they are ahead by 10 goals with five (5) minutes or less remaining in the game.

Overtime Procedure

Game will go straight into PKs each team has 5 kickers.

The Playing Court

  1. Goal Box/Penalty Area: The goalie box will use the two green lines and extend to the baseline of the basketball court.
  2. Penalty Mark: The official will walk off 12 yards from each goal line.

Game Play

  1.  Kickoff Procedure
    1. A coin toss before the beginning of the game will determine which team kicks off and which has the choice of ends. The team not receiving the ball first will have possession to begin the second half.
    2. On the referee's signal, the game shall start or resume following a goal with a kick from the center of the field.
    3. All players shall be within his/her half of the field. Opponents of the kicking team must be outside of the center circle until the ball is kicked. A teammate of the kicker may be anywhere within his/her half of the field.
    4. The ball must be kicked forward, one revolution, for the ball to be in play. If the ball is not passed forward across the midfield line, the same team will re-kick.
    5. The kicker shall not play the ball a second time until another player (of either team) has touched the ball. The penalty for this violation is an indirect free kick.
    6. A goal CAN be score directly from a kickoff.
  2.  Coin Toss
    1. A coin toss at the beginning of the game shall determine which team has the choice of a goal to defend or kicking off first. The loser of the toss shall have the remaining option.
  3. Definition of a Goal
    1. A goal is scored when the entire ball passes legally beyond goal line inside the wall boundaries of the recessed goal, provided that is has not been carried, thrown, or propelled by the hand or arm.
  4. Goalkeeping
    1. The goalkeeper has possession (control) of the ball when he or she is touching the ball.
    2. From the moment the keeper takes control of the ball with his/her hands within his own penalty area, he/she is to be penalized if he/she takes more than six seconds without releasing the ball into play.
    3. A keeper may not, after releasing the ball into play, touch the ball again with his hands before it has been touched by another player of the same team outside the penalty area or by an opposing player either inside or outside the penalty area. If the goalkeeper plays the ball to a teammate and the teammate passes the ball back to the goalkeeper, he/she may not use his/her hands to play the pass. Penalty for violation of this rule is an indirect free kick.
    4. The goalkeeper shall not touch the ball with his/her hands via a throw-in from his/her own team or a deliberate kick by a teammate. Penalty is an indirect free kick.
    5. On a goalkeeper's throw the ball must hit the ground before the half court line of the basketball court. The goalkeeper cannot throw the ball the full length of the floor.
  5. Slide Tackling
    1. There is NO SLIDE TACKLING. This rule applies to all players including the goalkeeper.
  6. Fouls and Misconduct
    1. There will be no offside penalty.
    2.  A player shall be penalized if he/she:
      1. Handles the ball with his/her hands or arms. This does not apply to the goalkeeper within his/her own penalty area, provided he/she releases the ball within the prescribed six seconds.
      2. Trips an opponent, including throwing or attempting to throw an opponent by the use of the legs.
      3. Pushes or holds an opponent with the hand or with any part of the arm or body.
      4. Plays dangerously (kicks, strikes, attempts to kick or strike, jumps at an opponent, charges in a violent or dangerous manner, kicks dangerously high in front of opponent).
      5.  Illegally obstructs an opponent by interfering with an opponent’s movement without the ball.
    3.  A penalty shall also be assessed should two or more defensive players simultaneously make contact with the player who has control of the ball.
    4. A player or coach will be cautioned (yellow card) for the following:
      1. Entering the field of play without the permission of an official.
      2. Persistent infringement of any of the rules of the game.
      3. Verbal objection or action indicating dissent toward the official.
      4. Unsportsmanlike conduct, which will be at the discretion of the official.
      5. Slide tackling an opponent.
    5. A player or coach will be ejected (red card) for the following:
      1.  Exhibiting violent conduct or committing serious foul play and including, but not limited to, deliberately handling a ball to prevent it from going into the goal or committing a foul against an opponent who is moving toward his/her goal with an obvious opportunity to score.
      2.  Use of vulgar, profane, foul or abusive language.
      3.  Fighting.
    6.  An ejected player cannot be replaced by a substitute and that team must play short-handed.
    7. Players may not place hands on wall to balance or gain leverage on another player.
  7. Free Kicks
    1. An indirect free kick is a free kick from which a goal may not be scored unless the ball is touched by another player from either team.
    2.  A direct free kick is a free kick from which a goal may be scored against the offending team.
    3. The free kick may be taken by any player of the offended team on the field of play at the time of the offense.
    4. When a direct or indirect free kick is awarded, all opposing players must be at least ten yards away from the spot where the free kick is to be taken, unless they are standing on their goal line between the goal posts.
    5. When a player is taking a free kick from within his defensive penalty area, the ball must be kicked beyond the penalty area and all opponents must be outside the penalty area.
    6. The ball must be stationary when a free kick is taken. The kicker shall not play the ball again until it has been touched by another player (either team). The ball may be kicked in any direction.
  8. Penalty Kicks
    1. A penalty kick is awarded after a serious or intentional rule infraction takes place in the penalty area by the defensive team. A penalty kick can be awarded regardless of the position of the ball, if the infraction by the defending team is committed in the penalty area. It is not awarded for infractions that call for an indirect free kick.
    2. The penalty kick shall be taken from anywhere on the penalty mark, twelve yards from the goal line.
    3. The penalty kick may be taken by any player of the offended team on the field of play at the time of the offense. (Co-Rec) The person taking the penalty kick must be of the same gender as the person who was fouled originally.
    4. All players except the goalie must stay outside the penalty area and at least 10 yards from the penalty mark
    5. The goalkeeper must stand on the goal line and may not move forward until the ball is kicked. The goalkeeper may move laterally.
    6. The kicker must wait for the official to start the play. The kicker must kick the ball forward. If the ball is not put into play properly, the kick will be retaken. Any action to deceive the goalkeeper by the kicker is illegal.
    7. Following the kick, the ball shall be deemed in play if it remains on the field of play; however, the kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has touched another player (either team).
    8. For any infringement by the defending team, the kick shall be retaken if a goal has not resulted. For any infringement by the attacking team other than by the kicker, the kick shall be retaken if a goal has resulted.


  1. The number of flying substitutes made during a match is unlimited, except in the case of the goalkeeper, who can only be replaced when the ball is not in play. A player who has been replaced may return to the court as a substitute for another player. A "flying substitutions" is one that is made when the ball is still in play; however, the player leaving the court must do so before the player replacing him/her enters the playing surface.
  2. Substitutions must sit on the glass side of the court.

CoRec Modifications

  1. CoRec will also play 6 on 6 with three males and three females.
  2. Substitutions must be made male for male and female for female.
  3. When a female scores the score is counted as two goals
Indoor Volleyball

Team Composition

Each team consists of six (6) players. Each team must have a minimum of four (4) players in order to begin a game.


Teams entering intramural competition may have no more than two (2) players on the roster composed of Sport Club members at one time.

NOTE: It is the team's responsibility to bring eligibility issues to the attention of intramural staff.


  1. Teams are encouraged to bring their own volleyballs to warm up with. Rec Sports will provide a game ball.
  2. Shoes: Basketball and/or athletic shoes are the recommended footwear. No black-soled shoes that may mark the floor are permitted. Sandals, street shoes, or boots are not allowed. No player will be allowed to participate in bare feet.
  3. Jewelry: No jewelry or any other item deemed dangerous by the Intramural Staff may be worn during play. Any player wearing exposed permanent jewelry (i.e. body piercings) will not be permitted to play.
  4. There will be no hats, bandanas, or hard barrettes worn during play. Cloth (elastic) bands may be used to control the hair.
  5. Players may wear soft, pliable pads or braces on the leg, knee, and/or ankle. Braces may not have any exposed metal and/or screws. Braces made of any hard material (including plastic) must be covered with a padded sleeve or at least one-half inch padding for safety reasons. Under no circumstances will a player wearing a cast or splint be permitted to play.
  6. If eyeglasses are worn, they must be unbreakable. Each player is responsible for the safety of his/her own glasses.

Game Play

Each match will consist of a 25-minute time limit. All games will be played to 15 points, win by two unless time runs out. There is not a set number of games that will be played each time. If there is time left on the clock teams should start another game. At the end of the 25 minutes the teams with the most games won the match.  

If a game starts the team who is ahead when time expires will receive the point for that match. The team ahead must score at least 5 points for the game to count. Any score less than 5 will revert to the previous game. 
Indoor Volleyball is self-officiated. The scorekeeper of the game does not hold responsibility for decisions on scoring.

  1. Scoring
Rally scoring is the method used. A point shall be scored by the opponent each time a team commits a fault. If the serving team wins the rally, it scores a point and continues to serve. If the receiving team wins the rally, it scores a point and gains the serve.
  2. Timeouts
No timeouts are permitted.
  3. Between Games
The teams shall change sides of the court after each consecutive game. Teams shall not change sides of the court in the middle of the game.
  4. Service: 
    1. A team shall continue to serve until a loss of rally is awarded to the opponent or the game ends.
    2. The serve alternates to the opponent when a point/loss of rally is awarded to the opponent.
    3. Let Serve, a served ball that hits the net without touching the antenna and continues across the net into the opponent's court is playable live ball.
    4. It is illegal to block a serve or attack (spike a serve).
    5. Stalling Rule: A team must serve the ball within 10 seconds of the ball being at their disposal. Failure to serve within 10 seconds results in forfeiture of the serve and a point awarded to the opposing team.
  5.  Substitutions: Players may make a substitution when play is stopped following a fault resulting in that team gaining the serve. A substitute must enter the serving rotation at the server's position. 
  6. Playing the ball- It is the opposing teams responsibilities to call illegal hits. 
    1. Teams may only hit the ball 3 times to advance it over there net. A block does not count as a hit.
    2. Players may not strike the ball with a "cupped" hand.
    3. Teams may not contact the net at any time. 
  7. Rotation
Teams must rotate positions before each serve. They cannot stay in the same position for the whole game.

Co-Rec Modifications

  1. Each team shall consist of six (6) players comprised of 3 men and 3 women. 
  2. Substitutions must be male for male and female for female.
  3. The serving order and positions on the court shall alternate male and female. (Exception: A team playing with 5 players) 
  4. The server must be the player that rotates into the service position, unless they are subbed out by another player. 
  5. The teams must rotate before each change of server. 
  6. There are no restrictions on males or females at the net.

Overtime Procedure

One extra game will be played to 7 first to 7 wins. (Do not need to win by two)

Inner Tube Water Polo

Team Composition

Game play is 6 on 6. Each team must have a minimum of four players to begin a game.


  1. All players must wear appropriate swimwear. All players must follow the WRC Pool guidelines in order to participate. 
  2. Players may not wear a t-shirt in the pool (cotton), sports bra’s, shorts (cotton, basketball shorts, running shorts, etc.)
  3. Players can wear a form fitting shirt on their upper body. (Ex. Under Armour)
  4. Tubes and balls will be provided by RecSports
  5. All players must play from an inner tube and must be seated in the inner tube with arms and legs over the side. A field player may not leave his/her inner tube during play.


  1. Each game will consist of two 10-minute halves with a running clock. The clock will stop in the last minute of the 2nd half on time-outs, out of bounds, fouls, and goals scored. 
  2. Each team is permitted two time outs per game.
  3. Around the five minute mark in each half the official will stop play and allow substitutes to enter the game.
  4. No overtime in regular season play.

Game Play

  1. A coin toss at the beginning of the game shall determine which team has the choice of a goal to defend. Between halves, each team shall exchange goals.
  2. Each half will begin with all members of each team touching the wall by its own goal. The official will toss the ball into the center of the playing area and sound the whistle to begin play. At the official's signal, players may move to secure the ball. Pushing of the wall is legal.
  3. Players must remain seated in their inner tube.
  4. One point is awarded for each goal legally thrown into the opponent's goal. Ball must hit the blue part of the goal to count.
  5. Each team will advance the ball toward the opponent's goal by throwing, carrying, or pushing the ball. Players dribble the ball by pushing it in the water, holding it between their knees, holding it with one or both hands, holding it against their body, or holding it in their lap. 
  6. Only a player in possession of the ball may be dumped from his/her tube by a defensive player. If dumped, the player must immediately release the ball and attempt to get back in their tube. Defensive players may push on the offensive player's tube. They may not pull handles or use their feet to dump an opponent.
  7. A player may not:
    1. Intentionally splash another player
    2. Intentionally make contact with another player's body
    3. Knock the ball from the possession of a player holding the ball
  8. A team may not stall and the goal must be attacked throughout the game. If the official determines that a team continues to stall after being warned, a violation will be assessed and possession will be awarded to the opponent.
  9. A ball deflected out of the pool will be awarded to the opposing team's goalie to restart play.
  10. All restarts will come in from each goalie, out of bounds and goals scored
  11. Teams may only have one goalie, a goalie will be defined as a player within the first racing block of the pool. Only the goalie is allowed to be that close to the goal.
  12. Goalies may use the side of the goals to stable themselves but cannot touch the top of the goal.
  13. Players will get one courtesy foul then the second foul they will be removed from play for two minutes. Teams may sub if a player is removed.
  14. The third team foul and every foul after or an extreme foul will result in penalty shot.


Substitutions must be made during the 5 min stoppage in each half or if a team uses a timeout. Only other subs can be made when a player is removed.

Mercy Rule

A game shall be called if a team is ahead by 10 goals with 2 minutes or less remaining in the game.

CoRec Modifications

  1. Teams will consist of 6 on 6 (3 women and 3 men)
  2. Game play is the same but women goals count as two.
Kan Jam

Game Play 

  • Kans will be placed 36 feet from each other.  
  • Opponents will play as many games to 15 as possible within 25 minutes.  
  • The team with the most overall games won within 25 minutes will be declared the winner.  
  • When time expires during an unfinished game, the winning team must score at least 5 points for the game to count. In the event of an unfinished game, both teams must still receive an equal number of opportunities throwing the disc.  

Object of the Game 

  • Partners stand at opposite goals, alternating throwing and deflecting.  
  • One partner throws the flying disk, and the other partner redirects it toward or into the goal.  
  • After both partners complete one throw each, the flying disk is passed to the opposing team.  
  • The game continues alternating team turns until an exact score of 15 is reached or there is an Instant Win scored.  
  • Kan-Jam is fast paced, and play is continuous. 

Kan-Jam Scoring 

  • 1 point: Redirected Hit- Deflector redirects thrown disk to hit any side of the goal    
  • 2 points: Direct Hit- Thrower hits the side of the goal, unassisted by partner. 
  • 3 points: Slam Dunk- Deflector redirects the thrown disk and it lands inside the goal. 

INSTANT WIN: Direct Entry- Thrower lands the disk inside the goal, unassisted by partner. The disk can enter through the slot opening on the side or through the top of the goal. When an Instant Win occurs, the throwing team is declared the winner and the opposing team does not receive a "last toss" option. 

General Rules 

  • Players must remain behind the goal when throwing. No points are awarded if the player crosses the line. 
  • There are no points awarded when a throw hits the ground before striking the goal. 
  • Deflectors can move anywhere within the playing area to redirect the disk. 
  • No score will result if a deflector double hits, catches, or carries the disk. 
  • Three points will be awarded if an opponent interferes with play or defends the goal. If the score is 13 or 14, 1 or 2 points are awarded. 
  • A team must reach an exact score of 15 points to win. If a given throw results in points that raise a team's total score above 15, the points from that play are deducted from their current score and play continues. For example, if a team has 14 points and scores a "BUCKET" (3 points), their score is reduced to 11. 
  • Teams must complete an equal number of turns before the game is over. Except when an Instant Win is thrown, the team with "the hammer"(last toss) will always get to throw last 
  • In the event of a tie game, the winner is decided in a tiebreaker method of overtime. Each team completes one round of throws and the team with the most points wins. Overtime rounds continue until the tie is broken. 

Team Composition

A team consists of 7 players for single gendered games and 8 for Coed games. A minimum of six (6) is required to start and continue a game. Roster size is limited to 20 players.


  1. Jewelry: No jewelry or any other item deemed dangerous by the Intramural Staff may be worn such as bracelets, earrings, necklaces, etc. Any player wearing exposed permanent jewelry (i.e. body piercings) will not be permitted to play.
  2. Shoes: Regulation rubber-soled cleats, plastic cleats, detachable rubber cleats that screw into the shoe, and tennis shoes are the only permissible footwear. Sandals, street shoes, hiking boots, combat boots, or metal spikes are not allowed. No player will be allowed to participate in bare feet. No steel cleats or shoes with detachable steel cleats that screw onto the shoes may be worn.
  3. Kickballs will be provided by the Rec Sports staff at the game site.


  1.  Each game has a 40-minute time limit. There is no minimum or maximum number of innings. When time expires, the team currently losing must be given a chance to finish their turn kicking in that current inning.
  2. All playoff games will continue into extra innings until a winner is determined.

Start of Game

A captains meeting will take place before the game. A method of deciding home and away will be determined by the umpire/supervisor of the game (i.e. coin toss, odd or even, rock/paper/scissors, etc.). The home team will kick last in the inning.

Game Play

  1. Game Field
    1. Will be played on a normal softball field. Painted lines in the outfield will be for homeruns.
  2. Pitchers/Pitching
    1. Teams will pitch to their own kickers.
    2. Pitchers (of the kicking team) will not be responsible for playing defense. If the pitcher is struck by a kicked ball the kicker will be called out and runners must return to the base occupied at the time of the at bat. In all other situations, the pitcher must move clearly out of the way of a defender making a play or the potential path of a throw.
    3. The pitcher shall stand with at least one foot in contact with the pitcher’s line until the ball leaves the pitcher's hand.
    4. If the ball hits home plate it will be a re-pitch.
  3. Kicking 
    1. Each kicker will receive a maximum of two (2) pitches. If the kicker has not put the ball in play after two (2) pitches he/she will be called out.
    2. There will be a kicking line behind “home plate”. If the kicker crosses the line before the ball is kicked he/she is out.
    3. Each team will have 3 outs per inning.
    4. Balls that go over the painted line in the outfield is consider a homerun.
    5. Balls roll past the painted line will be considered a triple. All runners will score.
    6. Bunting: If a kick comes to rest and it is not at least halfway to first base, the pitcher’s mound, or third base it will be considered foul (umpire’s judgment). A bunting line shall be painted halfway to 1st and 3rd base to help the umpire’s judgment.
    7. Teams must maintain the same kicking lineup throughout the game.
  4. Running
    1. No leading off or stealing is allowed. Base runners may leave the base when the ball is kicked.
    2. The base path for a runner is the direct line between the player and the base to which he/she is advancing at the time a play is being made on that specific base runner and the three feet to either side of that direct path.
      1. Note: this path may be different from the straight line connecting two bases. For example: a player who has run past 1st base a distance of about 10 feet decides to run for second. His/her base path for any tag plays is the direct line from where he/she made his turn towards 2nd base (10 feet down the line from 1st) and 2nd base. This is different from the direct line from 1st to 2nd base. For plays between home plate and 1st base, the runner shall run in the 3-foot lane of the foul side of the foul line.
  5. Fielding
    1. Teams must have 2 players at all times in the outfield, all players must be behind the bunting line until the ball is kicked.
    2. The kicker is out in situations similar to softball (force outs, flyouts, etc). In addition, a runner is out when he/she is hit by a thrown ball anywhere on the body. C. There is no infield fly rule.
    3. Fielders must stay behind the bunt lines.

Mercy Rule

If a team is up by 20 or more runs with under 10 minutes left, or 15+ runs under 5 minutes left the game will be over.


  1. All Players will be in the lineup once signing in and can substitute on defense at any time during a dead ball.
  2. All players not playing defense must stand behind the kicking line out of the field of play, and away enough not to obstruct the kicker in any way.

CoRec Modification

  1. Each team must have a minimum of six (6) players (at least 3 males and 3 females) in order to begin a game. Teams may bat their whole roster, however, the batting order must alternate male and female. If a consecutive gender bats back-to-back an out will be recorded.
  2. The defensive team may be set in any alignment but must not have more than 4 of each gender on the field with a maximum of 8 players.
  3. Substitutes may only enter for their own gender.
Outdoor Soccer


  1. If a player is currently on the current academic year women's soccer roster, they are not eligible to play. No more than one (1) ex-college player may be on the field at one time. If a participant has played college soccer within the past five (5) years of the current season they are considered one (1).
  2. No more than two (2) club soccer players can be on the roster at one time. 
    1. NOTE: It is the team’s responsibility to bring eligibility issues to the attention of intramural staff.

Team Composition

Each team consists of seven (7) players, one of whom is the goalkeeper. A team must have five (5) players to begin a game.


  1.  It is suggested that team members wear similar colored jerseys. The goalkeeper must wear a different color jersey than either team on the field. Pennies will be available at the game site for teams without jerseys.
  2. Teams must provide their own soccer balls for warm up and game. The captains for each team will agree on a game ball to use.
  3. Shin guards are not required but are permitted.
  4. Jewelry: No jewelry or any other item deemed dangerous by the Intramural Staff may be worn such as bracelets, earrings, necklaces, etc. Any player wearing exposed permanent jewelry (i.e. body piercings) will not be permitted to play.
  5. Shoes: Regulation rubber-soled cleats, plastic cleats, detachable rubber cleats that screw into the shoe, and tennis shoes are the only permissible footwear. Sandals, street shoes, hiking boots, combat boots, or metal spikes are not allowed. No player will be allowed to participate in bare feet. No steel cleats or shoes with detachable steel cleats that screw onto the shoes may be worn.
  6. Headwear: Players may wear a knit or stocking cap (no caps with bills) and/or soft, pliable, nonabrasive gloves. Bandanas and other head gear which are tied with a knot are not permitted.
  7. Players may wear soft, pliable pads or braces on the leg, knee, and/or ankle. Braces may not have any exposed metal and/or screws. Braces made of any rigid material (including plastic) must be covered with a padded sleeve or at least one-half inch padding for safety reasons. Under no circumstances will a player wearing a cast or splint be permitted to play. Elbow pads are not permitted.


  1. A game will be divided into two (2) periods of twenty (20) minutes each. Time runs continuously unless there is an injury or unexpected interruptions. At the conclusion of each half, the teams reverse ends. There are no time outs. Time shall be extended to allow a penalty kick to be taken. Game time will be kept on the field by a referee or scorekeeper.
  2. Regular season games that are tied at the end of regulation time will remain tied. 

Start of Game

A captains meeting will take place before the game. A method of deciding choice will be determined by the umpire/supervisor of the game (i.e. coin toss, odd or even, rock/paper/scissors, etc.). This will determine which team has the choice of goal to defend or kicking off first. The loser of the toss will have the remaining option.

Game Play

  1. 1. Kickoff Procedure
    1.  A coin toss before the beginning of the game will determine which team kicks off and which has the choice of ends. The team not receiving the ball first will have possession to begin the second half.
    2. On the referee's signal, the game shall start or resume following a goal with a kick from the center of the field.
    3. All players shall be within his/her half of the field. Opponents of the kicking team must be outside of the 8-yard center circle until the ball is kicked. A teammate of the kicker may be anywhere within his/her half of the field.
    4. The kicker shall not play the ball a second time until another player (of either team) has touched the ball. The penalty for this violation is an indirect free kick.
  2. Out of Bounds, Offsides, Restarts
    1. A goal is scored when the ball wholly crosses the goal line, between the goal posts and under the cross bar.
    2.  After the ball has wholly crossed the sidelines, either on the ground or in the air, the team that did not touch the ball last shall be awarded the throw-in.
      1.  The thrower must face the field of play and have both feet touching the ground out of bounds or on the touch line when the throw is made.
      2. The thrower must use both hands equally and shall deliver the ball from behind and over the head.
      3. A goal cannot be scored directly from a throw-in. An improper throw will result in the award of the throw to the other team.
    3. A goal kick is awarded when the ball crosses the goal line, either on the ground or in the air, and was last touched by an offensive player. The ball is then placed anywhere within the goal area (box).
      1. The ball is not in play until it has gone outside the penalty area. In this instance, the ball must be re-kicked by the kicking team.
      2. The player taking the goal kick cannot retouch the ball until another player has touched it.
    4.  A corner kick is awarded when the ball crosses the goal line, either on the ground or in the air, and was last touched by a defensive player. The ball must be placed on the ground on the quarter circle near the corner post.
      1. A goal may be scored directly from a corner kick. The opposing team must be ten yards away at the time the ball is kicked.
      2. The kicker cannot retouch the ball until it is touched by another player (either team).
      3. Corner posts (flags or cones) cannot be removed to take a corner kick.
    5. Any ball striking a referee, goal post, or corner post and remaining on the field is in play. After the ball has wholly crossed the sideline or goal line, or whenever the game has been stopped by the referee, the ball is out of play.
    6. There is NO offsides in intramural recreational soccer.
    7. When restarting the game after a temporary suspension of play (i.e. injury), except on a free kick or throw-in, the team that was clearly in possession of the ball at the time of the suspension shall be awarded an indirect free kick from the spot the ball was at the time of the suspension.
      1.  If neither team was in clear possession of the ball, the referee shall drop the ball at the place where it was when play was suspended, and the ball is in play when it touches the ground. If play was stopped with the ball in the goal area, the ball is dropped at the nearest point outside the goal area.
  3. Throw-in
    1. A throw-in shall be awarded when the opposing team last touches or plays the ball before the entire ball passes
      beyond the touchline either in the air or on the ground.
    2. The ball shall be thrown in any direction from the point where it crossed the touchline by a player who is facing the
      field of play and has both feet on the ground on or behind the touchline. The thrower shall use both hands with equal
      force and shall deliver the ball from behind and over the head in one continuous movement.
    3. On a throw-in, the ball is playable by either team when it has left the hands of the thrower and any part of it breaks
      the plane of the touchline.
  4. Goalkeeping
    1.  The goalkeeper has possession (control) of the ball when he or she is touching the ball.
    2. From the moment the keeper takes control of the ball with his/her hands within his own penalty area, he/she is to be penalized if he/she takes more than six seconds without releasing the ball into play.
    3. A keeper may not, after releasing the ball into play, touch the ball again with his hands before it has been touched by another player of the same team outside the penalty area or by an opposing player either inside or outside the penalty area. If the goalkeeper plays the ball to a teammate and the teammate passes the ball back to the goalkeeper, he/she may not use his/her hands to play the pass. Penalty for violation of this rule is an indirect free kick.
    4. The goalkeeper shall not touch the ball with his/her hands via a throw-in from his/her own team or a deliberate kick by a teammate. Penalty is an indirect free kick.
  5. Slide Tackling
    1. There is NO SLIDE TACKLING. This rule applies to all players including the goalkeeper. The referee is warranted to issue an immediate yellow card and in extreme cases, a red card to any player who slide tackles.
  6. Scoring
    1. A goal is scored when the entire ball passes beyond the goal line, provided that it has not been carried, thrown, or propelled by the arm.
    2. A goal may be scored during play directly from a:
      1.  Kickoff
      2. Direct Free Kick
      3. Goal Kick
      4.  Penalty Kick
      5. Corner Kick
      6. Drop Ball
      7. Goalkeeper’s throw, punt, or drop-kick
    3. A goal MAY NOT be scored during play directly from a:
      1. Indirect free kick
      2. Throw-in
      3. Free kick into a team’s own goal
  7. Fouls and Misconduct
    1. There will be no offside penalty.
    2. A player shall be penalized if he/she:
      1. Handles the ball with his/her hands or arms. This does not apply to the goalkeeper within his/her own penalty
        area, provided he/she releases the ball within the prescribed six seconds.
      2. Trips an opponent, including throwing or attempting to throw an opponent by the use of the legs.
      3. Pushes or holds an opponent with the hand or with any part of the arm or body.
      4.  Plays dangerously (kicks, strikes, attempts to kick or strike, jumps at an opponent, charges in a violent or dangerous manner, kicks dangerously high in front of opponent).
      5. Illegally obstructs an opponent by interfering with an opponent’s movement without the ball.
    3.  A penalty shall also be assessed should two or more defensive players simultaneously make contact with the player who has control of the ball.
    4. A player or coach will be cautioned (yellow card) for the following:
      1.  Entering the field of play without the permission of an official.
      2. Persistent infringement of any of the rules of the game.
      3. Verbal objection or action indicating dissent toward the official.
      4. Unsportsmanlike conduct, which will be at the discretion of the official.
      5.  Slide tackling an opponent.
    5. A player or coach will be ejected (red card) for the following:
      1. Exhibiting violent conduct or committing serious foul play and including, but not limited to, deliberately handling a ball to prevent it from going into the goal or committing a foul against an opponent who is moving toward his/her goal with an obvious opportunity to score.
      2. Use of vulgar, profane, foul or abusive language.
      3. Fighting.
    6. An ejected player cannot be replaced by a substitute and that team must play short-handed.
  8.  Free Kicks
    1. An indirect free kick is a free kick from which a goal may not be scored unless the ball is touched by another player from either team.
    2. A direct free kick is a free kick from which a goal may be scored against the offending team.
    3. The free kick may be taken by any player of the offended team on the field of play at the time of the offense.
    4. When a direct or indirect free kick is awarded, all opposing players must be at least ten yards away from the spot where the free kick is to be taken, unless they are standing on their goal line between the goal posts.
    5. When a player is taking a free kick from within his defensive penalty area, the ball must be kicked beyond the penalty area and all opponents must be outside the penalty area.
    6. The ball must be stationary when a free kick is taken. The kicker shall not play the ball again until it has been touched by another player (either team). The ball may be kicked in any direction.
  9. Penalty Kicks
    1. A penalty kick is awarded after a serious or intentional rule infraction takes place in the penalty area by the defensive team. A penalty kick can be awarded regardless of the position of the ball, if the infraction by the defending team is committed in the penalty area. It is not awarded for infractions that call for an indirect free kick.
    2. The penalty kick shall be taken from anywhere on the penalty mark, twelve yards from the goal line.
    3. The penalty kick may be taken by any player of the offended team on the field of play at the time of the offense.
      (Co-Rec) The person taking the penalty kick must be of the same gender as the person who was fouled originally.
    4. All players except the goalie must stay outside the penalty area and at least 10 yards from the penalty mark
    5. The goalkeeper must stand on the goal line and may not move forward until the ball is kicked. The goalkeeper may move laterally.
    6. The kicker must wait for the official to start the play. The kicker must kick the ball forward. If the ball is not put into play properly, the kick will be retaken. Any action to deceive the goalkeeper by the kicker is illegal.
    7. Following the kick, the ball shall be deemed in play if it remains on the field of play; however, the kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has touched another player (either team).
    8. For any infringement by the defending team, the kick shall be retaken if a goal has not resulted. For any infringement by the attacking team other than by the kicker, the kick shall be retaken if a goal has resulted.
  10. 10. Overtime and Shootout
    1. Overtime will consist of one five (5)-minute “golden goal” period. The first team to score a goal will win the game. The choice of ends and the kickoff will be decided by a coin toss.
    2. If the game remains tied at the end of the overtime period, the game will proceed into a five (5)-person shootout.
    3. A coin toss will occur to determine which team shall kick first in the shootout. The winner of the coin toss shall have the option of shooting first or last.
    4. Each team captain shall designate five (5) players to shoot for his/her team. The designated players must have been on the field of play (in the game) at the end of the overtime period. The goalkeeper may be one of the shooters.
    5. Goalkeeper changes may occur only at the beginning of the shootout and as long as the new goalkeeper was a player on the field at the end of the overtime period.
    6. Each team has a total of five (5) shots. Teams will alternate after each shot. Each shot shall follow the procedure for a penalty kick as outlined above.
    7. If the score is tied after five (5) shots the shootout will resume with any remaining players yet to shoot from each team. Penalty shots will continue until a winner is determined.

Mercy Rule

  1. If a team is up by five (5) or more goals at two (2) minutes left in the second half the game will be over.
  2. If a team is up by ten (10) or more goals with five (5) minutes or less left in the second half the game will be over.


  1. Unlimited substitutions are permitted. Players must be called on by the referee. Players entering and leaving the field must do so at the halfway line.
  2. Any player ejected from the game may not be replaced.

CoRec Modifications

  1. Each Co-Rec team will consist of eight (8) players (4 men and 4 women). At no time may the difference between males and females on a team be greater than one. Each team must have a minimum of six (6) players in order to begin a game.
  2. Substitutions must be male for male and female for female (Exception: goalkeeper). A team that begins a game with fewer than seven (7) players may add players to bring the team to its full complement, as is permitted by substitution rules.
  3.  Position requirements are as follows:
    The difference between male and female players who are playing in the field (excluding the goalkeeper) may not exceed one (1). When participating with an odd number of players (ex: 7 players), the gender that has the greater
    number of players must play the goalkeeper position.
  4. If a female scores a goal the goal is worth 2 points. (excluding penalty kicks IN OVERTIME)


  1. We will provide equipment.
  2. Players may provide their own paddles or pickleballs. Both teams must agree on the ball being played with. 

Game Play

  1. Each match will consist of a 40-minute time limit kept by the scorekeeper
  2. Teams will play as many games to 11 as they can during the time limit. Win by 2. Only the serving team can receive points.
  3. The team leading when time expires will get credit for the win as long as seven (7) total points have been scored. Total meaning the combined score of both teams. 
  4. Teams must serve underhanded across box and should not let the ball bounce as they serve.
  5. Each team must let the ball bounce once on each side before they can attack the ball in the air (volley)
  6. A player cannot volley a ball while being in the non-volley zone (kitchen).  Note: It is a fault if the player touches the kitchen on a volley follow-through.
  7. The server will stay the same until a fault is made by the serving team. After the first fault is made by the serving team, the second server will serve until a fault is made. The server swaps position every time the receiving team faults. Teams will change possession of serve after the second server faults. Exception: The first serving team only gets to let one player serve. After a fault is made the possession will go to the other team. 
  8.  The server should announce the following before every point: Own Score- Opponents Score- Who is Serving. 3-4-1 would mean the score is 3 to 4 and the first server is serving. 4-3-2 would mean the score is 4 to 3 and the second server is serving. The last number will always be 1 or 2.


  • Hitting the ball into the net on a serve or return.
  • Allowing the ball to go out of bounds from your hit.
  • Failing to hit the ball before it bounces twice on your side of the court.
  • If you allow yourself or anything connected to you (paddle or clothes, for example) to touch the net while the ball is in play.
  • If the ball hits a permanent object (like a tree or light post) before landing on the court.
  • Violating the kitchen rules, which include returning or initiating a volley from the no volley zone.
  • If the service is made after bouncing on the court (it must be served out of the air).
  • If a player hits a ball before it passes the net.
  • If the ball strikes a player or anything he or she is wearing. However, an exception to this rule is if the ball hits a player’s paddle hand on the wrist or lower.
Ping Pong

Team Composition

Ping Pong is a singles event and each team will only consist of one person.


  1. Players may check out paddles will the WRC Supervisor.
  2.  Players may bring their own paddle.
    1. The paddle may be of any size, shape, or weight, but the blade shall be flat and rigid and shall be made of wood.
    2. The side of the blade used for striking the ball shall be covered with either ordinary pimpled rubber with pimples outward having a total thickness including adhesive of not more than 2mm, or sandwich rubber with pimples inwards or outwards having a total thickness including adhesive of not more than 4mm.
  3. Players may bring their own balls. (Players must agree on what ball to play with)

Game Play

  1. Each match will consist of a 25-minute time limit. Teams can play as many games as they can get in the time limit.
  2.  The first player scoring 21 points (win by 2) will be declared the winner of each game. If a game is not finished when time expires the team leading will get credit for the game as long as 7 total points have been played.
  3.  Definition of Terms:
    1. Rally: The period during which the ball is in play.
    2.  Let: A rally, the result of which is not scored.
    3. Point: A rally, the result of which is scored.
    4. Volley: The ball is volleyed if the player strikes it in play when it has not touched his court since last being struck by his opponent.
    5. Obstruction: A Player obstructs the ball he, or anything he wears or carries, touches it in play when it has not passed over his court or imaginary extension of his end line, not having touched his court since last being struck by his opponent.
  4. Service:
    1. The ball shall be placed on the palm of the free hand which must be stationary and above the level of the playing surface.
    2. Service shall commence by the server projecting the ball by hand, without imparting spin, vertically upwards so that it visibly leaves the palm.
    3. As the ball is falling from the highest point of its trajectory the server shall strike it so that it touches first his own court and then, passing directly over or around the net assembly, touches the receivers' court.
    4. If, in attempting to serve, a player fails to strike the ball before it goes out of play, he shall lose a point.
    5. When the ball is struck in service, it shall be behind the end line of the server's court or an imaginary extension thereof, but not farther back than the part of the server's body other than his arm, head or leg which is farthest from the net.
    6. The first server should serve five consecutive points then alternate with the other player and he serves the next 5 consecutive points.
    7. If both players have scored 20 points, the sequence of serving and receiving shall be the same, but each player shall serve for only one point in turn until the end of the game.
    8. The player who served first in a game shall receive first immediately in the subsequent game of the match.
    9. In the last possible game of the match the players shall change ends when first either player scores 11 points.
  5. Order of Play: 
    1. The server shall first make a good service; the receiver shall then make a good return and thereafter server and receiver shall each make a good return.
  6. The ball is in play from the last moment at which it is stationary before being projected in service until:
    1. It touches anything other than the playing surface, the net assembly, the racket held in the hand or the racket hand below the wrist.
    2. The rally is otherwise decided as a let or point.
  7. A rally is a let when:
    1. If in service, the ball in passing over or around the net assembly, touches it, provided the service is otherwise good or volleyed or obstructed by the receiver.
    2. If the conditions of play are disturbed in a way in which it is likely to affect the outcome of the rally.
    3. If the service is delivered when the receiving player is not ready provided that neither the receiver not his partner attempts to strike the ball.
  8. Scoring:
    1. The player fails to make a good service.
    2. The player fails to make a good return.
    3. The ball is struck twice successively.
    4. The ball touches his/her court twice successively.
    5. The player or anything he/she wears or carries touches the net or its supports while the ball is in play.
    6. The player's free hand touches the playing surface while the ball is in play.
Pool Relay

Team Composition

  1. Game play is 4v4. Teams must have three players to play
  2. Co-Rec Modifications teams will have two male and two female players


  1. All Equipment is provided by the Department of Wellness and Recreation


  1. Games will be a three-race match.
  2. Teams will play all three matches even if one team wins the first two for seeding purposes in the regular season
  3. In playoffs if a team wins the first two matches the game is over


  1. The race is a four-leg relay race
  2. The first leg of the race is a 25-yard innertube Swim
  3. The second leg of the race is a 25-yard Freestyle Swim
  4. The third leg of the race is a rubber duck push with a kickboard then a basketball shot
    1. The first shot is from the far lane line, if you miss you must retrieve the ball and move up one lane line, repeat this step until there are no other lane lines
  5. The final leg is a wall climb the first team to touch the piece of tape will win that heat
    1. If neither team can make it up the wall in 45 seconds the team that went the highest will win
  6. The winner of the match is the winner of 2 out of 3 heats

Billiards is a Ladder League Sport and is Governed by our Ladder policies located at Rule 5 Ladder League Policies It is very important that you read these policies for a better understanding of what a ladder league is and how it works.

Team Composition

Billiards is a singles event and will only consist of one player.


  1. Players may check out pool sticks in the DEN
  2. Players may bring their won pool sticks

Game Play

  1. Eight ball is a call shot game
    1. One player must pocket balls of the group numbered 1 through 7, while the other player has 9 through 15.
    2. The player pocketing his/her group first and then legally pocketing the 8-ball wins the game.
    3. Best 2 out of 3 will determine the winner
  2. Call Shot
    1. In call shot, obvious balls and pockets do not have to be indicated.
    2. It is the opponent's right to ask which ball and pocket if he/she is unsure of the shot.
    3. Bank shots and combinations shots are not considered obvious, and care should be taken in calling both the object ball and the intended pocket.
    4. When calling the shot, it is never necessary to indicated details such as the number of cushions, banks, kisses, etc.
    5. Any balls pocketed on a foul remain pocketed, regardless of whether they belong to the shooter or the opponent.
    6. The opening break is not a called shot. Any player performing the break shot may continue to shoot his/her next shot so long as he has legally pocketed any object ball on the break
    7. The Break
      1. Winner of the lag has the option to break
      2. Players will alternate breaking on each subsequent game
    8. Legal break shot:
      1. To execute a legal break, the breaker must either (a) pocket a ball, or (b) drive at least four numbered balls to the rail.
      2. If he/she fails to make a legal break, it is a foul, and the incoming player has the option of (a) accepting the table in position and shooting, or (b) having the balls re-racked and having the option of shooting the opening break him/herself or allowing the offending player to re-break
      3. Scratch on legal break
        1. 1. If a player scratches on a legal break shot, (a) all balls pocketed remain pocketed (exception, the 8-ball; see rule below), it is a foul, and the table is open.
        2. Incoming player has cue ball in hand behind the head string and may not shoot an object ball that is behind the head string.
        3.  If a player jumps an object ball off the table on the break shot, it is a foul and the incoming player has the option of (a) accepting the table in position and shooting, or (b) taking cue ball in hand behind the headstring and shooting.
      4. 8-Ball rule
        1. If the 8-ball is pocketed on the break, the breaker may ask for a re-rack or have the 8-ball spotted and continue shooting.
        2. If the breaker scratches while pocketing the 8-ball on the break, the incoming player has the option of a re-rack or having the 8-ball spotted and begin shooting with ball in hand behind the headstring.
  3. Choice of Group
    1. The choice of stripes or solids is not determined on the break even if balls are made from only one or both groups.
    2. The table is always open immediately after the break.
    3. The choice of group is determined only when a player legally pockets a called object ball after the break shot.  
  4. Legal Shot
    1. On all shots, the shooter must hit one of his/her balls first.
    2. It is permissible for the shooter to bank the cue ball of a rail before contacting his/her object ball.
  5. Illegally pocketed balls remain pocketed and the player loses their turn.
  6. Loss of game occurs when:
    1. Fouls when pocketing the 8-ball
    2. Pockets the 8-ball on the same stroke as the last of his/her group of balls
    3. Jumps the 8-ball off the table at any time
    4. Pockets the 8-ball in a pocket other than the one designated
    5. Pockets the 8-ball when it is not the legal object ball
Racquet Ball

Racquetball is a Ladder League Sport and is Governed by our Ladder policies located at Rule 5 Ladder League Policies It is very important that you read these policies for a better understanding of what a ladder league is and how it works.

Team Composition

Racquetball a singles event and each team will only consist of one person.


  1. Players must provide their own racquet.
  2. Players must provide their own racquetballs (both players must agree on the ball).

Game Play

  1. Players will play the best of three games. The first two games are played to 15 (must win by 2 points). The third game is used as a tiebreaker and goes to 11 (must win by 2 points)
  2. Points and Outs
    1. - Points are scored only by the serving side. 
  3. Serve
    1. Players will play rock paper scissors for the right to serve the first game
    2. The second game will begin by the person who does not serve first in the first game
    3. The player scoring the highest total of points in games one and two will have the option to serve first at the start of the tiebreaker.
    4. The server is started from any place within the service zone. Stepping on, but not over, the lines is permitted. The server may no step over the short line until the ball passes the short line.
    5. The ball must be bounced and hit before it bounces a second time.
    6. There are three types of defective serves: 1) a dead-ball serve which results in no penalty and the server is given another serve (examples, wet spot or broken ball), any fault serve (examples, foot fault, short, long, screen, or three-wall), and 3) an out serve which results in an out (examples, double fault, or server hits self with serve).
  4. Returns
    1. Once a good serve puts the ball into play, the receiver may not enter the marked safety zone until the ball bounces or crosses the plane of the dashed receiving line.
    2. After legal contact with the ball (after the bounce, or behind the line), the receiver's follow-through may carry the racquet or the body past the receiving line.
    3. Failure to return a serve results in a point for the server.
  5. Sideout
    1. A server continues to serve until an out serve
    2. Or two consecutive fault serves
    3. Or a player loses a rally
    4. Or a player commits an avoidable hinder
  6. Rallies
    1. Play initiated after the successful return of serve is called the rally.
    2. Play stops when:
      1. The ball is carried (resting on the racquet long enough that the effect is more of a sling or throw than a hit)
      2. The ball caroms off a player's into a gallery or wall openingA ball obviously doesn't have the velocity or direction to hit the front wall and strikes another player
      3. An avoidable hinder occurs
      4. The ball touches the floor two times before the next player makes contact with it
  7. Hinders
    1. There are two types of hinders
      1. A dead-ball hinder which is replayed without penalty (court hinders, body contact, safety holdup, and screens)
      2. A avoidable hinder which result in the loss of rally by the offender (these are not necessarily intentional, but clearly take away an offensive shot from your opponent, like blocking, making distracting noise, or playing so close as to be hit by the backswing)
Soccer Pong

Team Composition

  1. Game play is 2v2. Teams must have two players to play
  2. Co-Rec Modifications teams will have a male and female player


  1. All Equipment is provided by the Department of Wellness and Recreation


  1. Games will consist of a 25-minute time limit. The winner of the match will be the team who wins the most games in the 25-minute time period.
  2. If neither team has eliminated all trash cans from their side when time expires in the current game, the team with fewer amount of trash cans will get credit as a game won.
  3. No overtime in regular season
  4. Overtime in the playoffs will be a three trash can per side.


  1. Players will play Rock, Paper, Scissors to determine who goes first.
  2. There will be 6 trash cans placed in a triangle formation from white line of the volleyball court.
  3. The players will take turns drop kicking, punting, or kicking two soccer balls trying to land them in one of the trash cans.
  4. If it lands in the trash can, that can is removed.
  5. The balls can be shot using any body part except the hand/arm.
  6. Every shot must be taken from behind the line that extends from the back can.
  7. Players are allowed only one “rerack” per round and can be used at any moment.
  8. First player to remove all their opponents cans during a round, wins the round.
  9. If 2 or less of the opposing teams’ cans remain, redemption shots are allowed.
  10. Games will be best of however many rounds can be finished in 25 minutes. If in the middle of the round, the round is over and the team with the most cans left, wins that round. If tied in all categories.
Soccer Tennis

Team Composition 

  1. .Each team consists of two (2) players. Each team must have a minimum of two (2) players in order to begin a game. 
  2. Game is played on the doubles surface of the tennis court unless agreed upon by both teams to change. 


  1. Teams are encouraged to bring their own soccer balls to warm up with. Intramural Sports Staff will provide a game ball. 
  2. Jewelry: No jewelry or any other item deemed dangerous by the Intramural Staff may be worn during play. Any player wearing exposed permanent jewelry (i.e. body piercings) will not be permitted to play. 
  3. There will be no hats, bandanas, or bard barrettes worn during play. Cloth (elastic) bands may be used to control the hair. 
  4. Players may wear soft, pliable pas or braces on the leg, knee, and/or ankle. Braces may not have any exposed metal and/or screws. Braces made of any hard material (including plastic) must be covered with a padded sleeve or at least one-half inch padding for safety reasons. Under no circumstances will a player wearing a cast or splint be permitted to play. 
  5. If eyeglasses are worn, they must be unbreakable. Each player is responsible for the safety of his/her own glasses. 

Game Play

  1.  Each match will consist of a 35-minute time limit. All games will be played to 15 points. There is not a set number of games that will be played each time. If there is time left on the clock teams should start another game. At the end of the 35 minutes the teams with the most games won wins the match. IF a game starts, the team who is ahead when time expires will receive the point for that match. The team ahead must at least score 3 points for the game to count. Any score less than 3 will revert back to the previous game. 
  2. Scoring: Rally scoring is the method used. A point shall be scored by the opponent each time a team commits a fault. If the serving team wins the rally, it scores a point and continues to serve. If the receiving team wins a rally, it scores a point and gains the serve. 
  3. One player from Team A “serves” the soccer ball to the other side. Once it goes over the net, Team B has, at most, three touches and one bounce to return the ball back to Team A’s side of the court. Team A, then, has three touches and one bounce to keep the rally going. 
  4. The bounce can come at any point during the return. SO, if Team B chooses to let the ball bounce before touching it, they will then have three touches to get it over the net without letting it bounce again. Or, Team B can volley Team A’s serve before it bounces, which means they will then have two more touches and a bounce to get it back to the other side. 
  5. There is no need to alternate touches between teammates, as they’re required to do in volleyball. If one player from Team B gets the serve over the net, it is legal play. However, participation by everyone is encouraged and helpful toward winning a match. 

Between Games

The teams shall change sides of the court for the second game. Teams shall no change sides of the court in the middle of the game. 


  1. A team shall continue to serve until a loss of rally is awarded to the opponent or the game ends. 
  2. The serves alternate to the opponent when a point/loss of rally is awarded to the opponent. 
  3. Let Serve, a served ball that hits the net without touching the antenna and continues across the net into the opponent’s court is a playable live ball. 
  4. It is illegal to block a serve or attack (spike a serve). 

Playing the ball 

  1. Teams may only hit the ball 3 times to advance it over their net. 
  2. Teams may not contact the net at any time. (The Scorekeeper will call the net). 
  3. Teams must rotate positions before each serve. They cannot stay in the same position for the whole game. 

Co-Rec Modifications 

  1. Each team shall consist of two players comprised of 1 man and 1 woman. 
  2. Substitutions must be male for male and female for female. 
  3. The serving order and positions on the court shall alternate male and female. 
  4. There are no restrictions on males or females at the net. 

Overtime Procedure 

One extra game will be played to 7, first to 7 wins. (Do not need to win by two). 


Team Composition

  1. Each team's roster size is limited to 20 players. Ten (10) players will play in the field. Teams may bat their entire line-up (if over 10 players) in a continuous order, but it must be determined prior to the start of the game and must continue to do so throughout the entire game.
  2. A team must have 7 players to start a game. Players who arrive late must be added to the bottom of the line-up.
  3. A team must finish a game with 8 players, except in the event of an injury. If a team starts a game with 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 players and players have to leave with no available substitutes, play will continue as long as 8 legal players are available to play.
  4. When a player leaves a game early for any reason (injury, disqualification, ejection) and no substitutes are available, an out will be recorded when that player is scheduled to bat.
  5. A team may not have current varsity players on their roster. Current varsity players are players who participated with the baseball or softball team this academic year. (Including the Fall Semester)


  1. Softballs will be provided for game use only. Teams must otherwise bring their own equipment (i.e. softballs for warm up, bats, gloves, etc.) to each game as they will not be provided by Rec Sports.
  2. Any bat that is banned by USSSA or ASA is banned by us:
  3. Shoes: Regulation rubber-soled cleats, plastic cleats, detachable rubber cleats that screw into the shoe, and tennis shoes are the only permissible footwear. Sandals, street shoes, hiking boots, combat boots, or metal spikes are not allowed. No player will be allowed to participate in bare feet. No steel cleats or shoes with detachable steel cleats that screw onto the shoes may be worn.
  4. Jewelry: No jewelry or any other item deemed dangerous by the Intramural Staff may be worn such as bracelets, earrings, necklaces, etc. Any player wearing exposed permanent jewelry (i.e. body piercings) will not be permitted to play.


A game will consist of seven (7) innings or 50 minutes, whichever comes first. No new inning will begin once the 50-minute time limit has expired, however, any inning which has been started prior to the time limit expiring will be completed.

Start of Game

  1. A captains meeting will take place before the game. A method of deciding choice will be determined by the umpire(s) of the game (i.e. coin toss, odd or even, rock/paper/scissors, etc.).
  2. The winner will get the choice of home (field first) or away (bat first).
  3. During playoffs the higher seed will be the home team.

Game Play

  1. Any balls hit over the fence in fair territory are home runs.
  2. Any fair ball that goes over the fence after a defensive player touches it is declared a four-bases award and does not count toward the total of over-the-fence home runs.
  3. Home Run Rule
    1. All leagues will have a (3) three homerun limit to each game. After the third homerun everyone after will be a single. Teams may agree to another homerun limit during the captains meeting.
    2. Every homerun hit must be brought back to the umpire before the end of the game. A fee of $5 will be charged for every ball that is not returned or searched for at least 20 minutes. The fee must be paid before the next game.
  4. Batting
    1. Each batter will begin each at-bat with a count of 1 ball and 1 strike.
      1. In ALL leagues there are no walks. Once ball 4 is pitched by the opposing team, the batter will receive 2 pitches from a teammate. If the batter does not hit the ball fair or swing the bat by the second pitch he/she are out.        
    2. Each batter gets one (1) free foul ball after the second strike. Any foul ball following, the batter is out and the ball is dead.
    3. Every ball that is hit directly into the pitching screen is considered a foul ball.
    4. There is no bunting. The batter must take a full swing at the ball. A batter who bunts or chops the ball (fair or foul) is out. A bunted ball that strikes the ground is immediately dead and runners must return to their original base. Bunted balls that are pop-ups may be caught and any runners may by doubled off (put out); runners, however, may not tag up and advance. Bunt pop-ups not caught still result in an out and an immediate dead ball.
    5. If a player unintentionally throws his/her bat, the team will be given a warning. Each subsequent offense will result in the batter being called out and all runners returning to the base they occupied at the beginning of the at-bat. Any player who intentionally throws his/her bat will be called out and ejected from the game.
  5.  Pitching
    1. The pitcher may pitch from the rubber or anywhere behind it as long as he/she is within the same plane as the plate and the rubber. The pitcher will pitch behind the pitching L-screen for protection from batted balls.
    2. A legal delivery shall be a ball that is delivered underhand and a slow to moderate speed. The strike zone is an umpire’s judgment call and cannot be argued.
    3. Any pitch that fails to reach an arc of six feet, exceeds the 12 foot limit, or is thrown with excessive speed in the opinion of the home plate umpire, will be declared an illegal pitch. This will count as a "ball" unless the batter chooses to swing, in which case the ball is live. Once an illegal pitch is swung at, all action following the swing will be legal (a strike, out, hit, etc.) and the "illegal pitch" will be disregarded. Once again these measurements are at the discretion of the umpire and cannot be argued.
    4. The pitcher has 15 seconds between pitches. If he/she exceeds this time, an automatic ball is called.
    5. A ball that slips from a pitcher's hand during his/her back swing, the ball will be dead and a "no pitch" will be declared. If intentional, a ball will be called.
  6. Running
    1. No stealing is allowed. Base runners may leave the base when the pitch is hit. If a runner is off base before the pitch reaches the plate, the runner is called out and a "no pitch" is declared.
    2. The base path for a runner is the direct line between the player and the base to which he/she is advancing at the time a play is being made on that specific base runner and the three feet to either side of that direct path.
      1. Note: this path may be different from the straight line connecting two bases. For example, a player who has run past 1st base a distance of about 10 feet decides to run for second. His/her base path for any tag plays is the direct line from where he/she made his turn towards 2nd base (10 feet down the line from 1st) and 2nd base. This is different from the direct line from 1st to 2nd base. For plays between home plate and 1st base, the runner shall run in the 3-foot lane of the foul side of the foul line.
    3. A player who runs outside his base path (including the 3-foot lanes on either side) in an attempt to avoid a tag shall be declared out.
    4. A fielder has absolute right to any position on the field to field a ball and all runners must avoid a fielder in these cases. When a fielder not in possession of the ball or not in the act of fielding a batted ball impedes the progress of a runner, obstruction will be ruled. This is a delayed dead ball; play continues as normal. Once the play has ended, the umpire shall award the runner and each other runner affected by the obstruction the bases they would have, in the umpire's opinion, reached had there been no obstruction.
    5. On tag plays, the fielder must be in possession of the ball before attempting to block a base or home plate. Blocking a base without the ball at any base or home plate is considered obstruction. It is also obstruction when a fielder without the ball fakes a tag. For a fake tag, bases are awarded as a normal obstruction AND the fielder will be ejected from the game.
    6. Any runner in fair territory and not in contact with a base that is struck by a fair batted ball is out except when (a) the ball has passed an infielder and in the judgment of the umpire, no other fielder had a chance to make an out, (b) when a runner is hit with a fair batted ball over foul territory and no other fielder had a chance to make an out, or (c) when a runner is touched with a fair batted ball after it is touched by any fielder, including the pitcher. In the event of one of these 3 exceptions, all runners must return to their previously occupied base and the batter-runner is awarded first base. If the award of first to the batter-runner causes another runner to be forced, that runner will advance to the next base.
    7. In case of a possible double play, the base runner must slide into the base or get out of the way of the thrown ball. Base runners who fail to get out of the way may be charged with interference resulting in both the base runner and the batter-runner being called out on the play.
    8. When a defensive player has the ball and is waiting for the runner, and the runner remains on his feet and deliberately, with great force, crashes into the defensive player, the runner is declared out. The ball will be declared dead and all runners must return to the last base they legally occupied. If the act is to be judged flagrant by the umpire, the offending player will be declared out and ejected from the game and the runner closest to home will also be called out.
    9. Overthrows that land out of play will result in the following awards:
      1. On an initial overthrow by an infielder, the award is 2 bases from the time of the throw; i.e., batter gets second base, any base runners are awarded 2 bases from where they were at the time of the throw.
      2. On an overthrow by the outfielder, the award is 2 bases from the time the fielder releases the ball, not when it goes out of play; i.e., if a man is one step away from second when the outfielder released the ball, the runner is awarded second and third.
    10.  When a fielder carries the ball over an out-of-play line, the play becomes dead and the base runners are awarded one base (if unintentional) or two bases (if intentional) from the time the fielder carried the ball out of play.
    11. All base awards are based on the position of the lead runner. For example, if two players are between 1st and 2nd at the time of an overthrow which lands out of play, the first runner will be awarded 2nd and 3rd (two bases) and the second runner will receive 2nd base only.
    12.  A courtesy runner may be used for injured players only. The last out of the inning, or previous inning if there are no outs in the current inning, will be the courtesy runner. 
    13. The ball remains alive until the pitcher has possession of the ball in the infield and all immediate play has apparently completed. Runners not advancing return to the last base legally touched. Umpires have the authority to grant timeout when the ball is in possession of another fielder and all immediate play has apparently ended.
    14. A runner on 1st or 3rd base may start in foul territory to avoid being hit by a batted ball, but must retouch the base prior to advancing. The runner will be called out upon an appeal by the defensive team if they do not retouch their base prior to advancing. 
  7.  Sliding
    1. Runners must slide feet first when approaching a new base. A runner sliding head first will be automatically called out.
    2. The only time a runner may slide head first is when they are going back to a bag they have already touched.
  8. Infield Fly Rule
    1. An infield fly occurs with all of the following conditions:
      1. A fair fly ball (not including a line drive) which can be caught by an infielder with ordinary effort.
      2. There are 0 or 1 out in the inning.
      3. There are runners on 1st and 2nd OR runners on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
    2. When all three conditions are met, the umpire will declare an "infield fly" and rule the batter out immediately, whether or not the fly ball is caught. Base runners must tag up if the fly ball is caught. Base runners may advance if the fly ball is dropped, but are not required to run and may not be forced out at the next base.

Mercy Rule

  1. If a team is up by 20 or more runs in the 3rd inning, 15+ runs in the 4th, or 10+ runs from the 5th inning on the game will be over.
  2. As soon as a team begins losing by 25 runs or more, they are given a one time option to end the game.


  1. All substitutes must notify the Home Plate Umpire and the Scorekeeper upon entering the game. Any starting player may re-enter the game once (the player must bat in the same position in the line-up at which he/she started the game). Any substitute (a player who did not start) who is then substituted for is out of the game and cannot re-enter under any circumstances. The starting player and his substitute may not be in the line-up at the same time.
  2. There are free defensive substitutions if a team is doing a continuous batting order.

CoRec Modifications

  1. Teams must alternate males and females in the batting order. If a team bats and odd number of players, an out will be recorded in the line-up where two males or females are batting consecutively. Note that the difference between the number of males and females may not exceed one.
  2.  Any player that takes a position in the field must be listed in the batting order and participate as a batter.
  3. Position requirements are as follows:
    1. The pitcher and catcher must be of opposite sexes.
    2. The infield and outfield must each have two males and two females.
  4. CoRec teams must have at least 8 to start (4 of each gender) and can bat entire roster.
  5. A 200-foot CoRec line (arc) must be maintained in the outfield by the defense during CoRec games. All outfield players must be positioned behind this line during each offensive player’s turn at bat. Outfielders may cross the line once the ball has been contacted by the batter.
5 Person Softball

Below are the rules for 5 person softball all rules not listed you should refer back to regular softball rules.

Team Composition

  1. Teams will consist of 5 players per team. Teams may have up to 15 players. All players can bat if the team chooses to do so.
  2. Teams must have 4 players to start a game.


A game will consist of seven innings or a 45 min time limit. If an inning starts the inning will finish all 3 teams will fight.

Game Play

  1. Each game will consist of three teams. One team of five will hit, one team of five will play the infield and have a pitcher, and one team will play the outfield and have a catcher. All teams must have a pitcher or catcher if they are only playing with 4 players.
  2. The home run limit is 3 home runs per team. (Teams may choose to have unlimited home runs but all three teams must agree)
  3. An inning consist of all three teams batting. Teams will alternate each time a team hits. If you played the infield the first time an opposing team hits you have to be in the outfield the next time that opposing team hits.
  4. RecSports will determine the batting order randomly.
Spike Ball

Team Composition

Spike Ball is a doubles event all teams must have two players to start.


  1. Each match will have a 25 minute time-limit
  2. If a game is not finished an the winning team has scored five points it will count as a full game
  3. At the end of the time the team that wins the most games will be the winner. 
  4. In the regular season games ending in a tie will remained tie
  5. In post season games ending in a tie will be broken by one game to 7 points.

Game Play

  1. Spikeball is a team sport played by two teams of two players. Opposing teams line up across from each other with the Spikeball net in the center. The ball is put in play with a serve—a hit by the server from behind the service boundary into the net to an opposing player. Once the ball is served players can move anywhere they want. The object of the game is to hit the ball into the net so that the opposing team cannot return it. Each team is allowed up to three touches to return the ball. The rally continues until the ball is not returned properly.
  2. Winner of one game of rock, paper, scissors gets to pick side or serve
  3. Opposing players line up across from each other.
  4. Before the ball is served any players not receiving the serve must be 6 feet from the net. The returner can stand at whatever distance they choose.
  5. Once the ball is served players can move anywhere they want.
  6. Possession changes when the ball contacts the net.
  7. Each team has up to 3 hits per possession, but they do not need to use all 3 hits.
  8. When sunlight is a factor, teams should switch sides half way through the match.
  9. When playing on grass, if one team is playing in cleats and the other team is barefoot, paper/rock/scissors is played to determine if both teams need to be barefoot, or if the barefoot team needs to wear shoes. If the barefoot team loses and wants to remain barefoot, they must do so at their own risk.


  1. Rally scoring (points can be won by the serving or receiving team)
  2. Games are played to 15. You must win by two points.
  3. Switch sides after one team reaches 7 points.
  4. Points are scored when:
    1. The ball isn’t hit back into the net within 3 hits
    2. The ball hits the ground
    3. The ball hits the rim (including clips) (Even during a serve--rim shots don't count as a "let")
    4. The ball does not bounce off the net in a single bounce. (It must clear the rim in order to be good)
    5. There is an illegal serve or other infraction 


  1. The receiving team sets their position first. Server stands directly across from the receiving player. Only the designated receiver can field the serve.
  2. The ball must be tossed up from the server’s hand before it is hit. It cannot be hit out of the server’s hand. If the server does not like the toss, they need to let the ball drop to the ground. They will have one more opportunity to toss and serve the ball.
  3. Server's feet must be behind the service line (at least 6 feet away from the net) when the ball is hit. The server can lean over the service line, but their feet may not cross the service line until after the ball is hit. The server may not plant their feet behind the service line and lean/fall forward and hit the ball right by the net.
  4. The server is allowed to take one pivot step or straight on approach steps, but is not allowed to move laterally beyond a pivot. (No lateral approach steps!)
  5. Serves can be as hard or as soft as the server likes, and drop shots are allowed.
  6. Serves must be below the receiver's raised hand. If the ball can be caught by the receiver, it has to be played. If the ball is too high, the receiver must call “let” before their teammate touches the ball. The serving team has one more try to serve. If the serving team cannot hit a legal serve on the second try, they lose the point. If the receiver does not call “let”, continue play.
  7. The ball must come cleanly off the net on a serve. If the ball takes an unpredictable bounce (commonly known as "pocket"), the receiver must call “let” before their teammate touches the ball. The serving team has one more try to give a clean serve. If the serving team cannot hit a legal serve on the second try, they lose the point. If the receiver does not call “let”, continue play.
  8.  If the ball takes an unpredictable bounce, and lands back on the net or the rim, it's the other teams point and a change of possession.
  9. If the ball contacts the rim at any time, it is a point for the other team and a change of possession.
  10. After a server wins the point, they change positions with their teammate so they are directly across from the other member of the receiving team.
  11. The four players serve in the same sequence throughout the match, changing the server each time a rally is won by the receiving team.

Contacting the ball

  1. Hits must alternate between teammates.
  2. The ball must be hit, not be caught, lifted, or thrown. You cannot hit the ball with two hands (this includes putting both hands together while contacting the ball with your hands).
  3. You can use any part of your body to hit the ball and it counts as your hit. (You cannot contact the ball twice in a row regardless of what part of your body it touches)
  4.  If the ball hits any part of the ground or rim it is no good. There are only “lets” on the serve. After the serve, if the ball does not hit the rim, play it regardless of how it bounces.
  5.  If teams cannot determine if the ball hit the rim, replay the point, no questions asked.
  6. Once the ball hits the net, it must bounce off in a single bounce. It must clear the rim in order to be good.


  1. Defensive players must make an effort to get out of the offensive team’s way. If a member of the defensive team is in the way of a play on the ball, the player being blocked must call “hinder” and replay the point. The offensive team must have a legitimate play on the ball to call “hinder.”
  2. If the defensive team gets hit with the ball, call “hinder” and replay the point. The offensive team must have a legitimate play on the pass to call “hinder.”
  3. If a defensive player attempts to play a ball when it is not their turn, they lose the point.
  4. If a player hits a shot off the net then the ball hits their teammate, they lose the point. If a player hits a shot off the net then the ball hits himself/herself, they lose the point.
  5.  If any player makes contact with the Spikeball set that moves the set or affects the trajectory of the ball, they lose the point. If the contact with the Spikeball set does not move the set or affect the trajectory of the ball, play on.
Table Shuffle Board

Table Shuffle Board is a Ladder League Sport and is Governed by our Ladder policies located at Rule 5 Ladder League Policies It is very important that you read these policies for a better understanding of what a ladder league is and how it works.

Team Composition

Shuffle Board is a singles league


All equipment needed will be located in the DEN

Start of Game

Players will choose who starts the game.

Game Play

  1.  Each game will be played to 15
  2. Players will start on the same side.
  3. The first player slides his first Weight toward the opposite end of the board, which becomes
    the scoring end. His opponent then shoots his first Weight in a similar manner, attempting either
    to knock off the other players first Weight, or to out distance it. The two players continue
    shooting their Weights alternately, until all eight Weights have been shuffled. When this has
    been done, one round of play has been completed.
  4. The player who's leading Weight is farthest down the board (away from the players) is the
    winner of the round. The winner's score is then totaled and registered on the scoreboard. All of the winner's Weights that are farthest down the board will be tallied for that round. 
  5. Only one player can score per round
  6. The player who scores will start the next round
  7. The Weight must be completely over the line to count for 1, 2, or 3 points. If the Weight is hanging of the end of the 3 point section it is worth 4 points.
  8. If the Weight doesn't not pass the foul line it is removed and placed in the gutter.

Team Composition

  1. Singles will consist of only one player.
  2. Doubles will consist of two players.


  1. Players must provide their own racket
  2. Players must provide their own tennis balls and agree with their opponent on which tennis balls will be used for play.

Start of Game

Players will meet prior to the game and decide who will serve the first game by a coin toss. 

Game Play

  1. Each match will consist of a 35 minute time limit kept by the scorekeeper. Teams will play as many games as they can during the time limit or until a team wins eight (8) games. The winner of each match will be the team that wins the most individual games. If a game has started, the team leading when time expires will get credit for that game.
  2. The No-Ad scoring method will be used for all matches. Each game will be played to four points. The winner of the game will be the first player to score four points. If both players have three points (deuce), the next point scored will win the game. The receiver shall choose from which court the service is to be delivered on the deciding point.
  3. Games are self-officiated. 

Tie Breaker

In the event of a tie at the end of 35 minutes, a sudden death game will be played. The first team to four (4) points in that game will be the winner.

Coed Doubles

Teams must alternate serving between male and female.


Team Composition

The game is played between 2 teams of 4. Teams can play with one person if they would like

Game Play

  1. Each team member will be provided a buzzer
  2. 25-minute time limit
  3. First round is 20 questions, then a lightening round until time expires
  4. The staff member will read a question, once the question starts teams may buzz in to answer.
  5. The team member that buzzes in must answer the question (no help from other team members)
  6. If a team buzzes in and misses the question the other team may wait until the end of the question to answer, as long as they also did not buzz in after the first team
  7. The team with the most questions answered at the end of the game wins.
Ultimate Frisbee


Teams entering intramural competition may have no more than two (2) players on the roster composed of Sport Club members at one time.

*A club member is any player (male or female) that played in any Club Frisbee tournaments last school year and anyone who is currently practicing or playing in club tournaments the current school year.

NOTE: It is the team’s responsibility to bring eligibility issues to the attention of intramural staff.

Team Composition

Each team consists of seven (7) players on the field at a time. A minimum of five (5) players is necessary to begin and continue play.


  1. Teams are responsible for bringing their own Frisbees. None will be provided by Rec Sports.
  2. Shoes: Regulation rubber-soled cleats, plastic cleats, detachable rubber
    cleats that screw into the shoe, and tennis shoes are the only permissible footwear. Sandals, street shoes, hiking boots, combat boots, or metal spikes are not allowed. No player will be allowed to participate in bare feet. No steel cleats or shoes with detachable steel cleats that screw onto the shoes may be worn.
  3. Players may wear soft, pliable pads or braces on the leg, knee, and/or ankle. Braces may not have any exposed metal and/or screws. Braces made of any rigid material (including plastic) must be covered with a padded sleeve or at least one-half inch padding for safety reasons. Under no circumstances will a player wearing a cast or splint be permitted to play. Elbow pads are not permitted.


  1. Games will consist of two (2) 20-minute periods.
  2. The clock will run continuously except for injuries. The clock does NOT stop for call discrepancies.
  3. When the clock runs out in both halves, "last possession" will be called. At the time "last possession" is called, the period will be extended until the team currently in possession either scores, throws and interception, or drops the disc to the ground.
  4. Overtime is a 5 minute period.

Start of Game

  1. Prior to the game, the two team captains will meet to flip the disc. The winner of the toss will have the following options:
    1. To receive the "throw-off" (pull).
    2. To select which goal to defend.
  2. The loser of the toss will have the same options to start the second half.
  3. Each half begins with a throw-off. Prior to the throw-off, player on each team must take a position within their own endzone. Players are free to move anywhere within their endzone, but may not cross the goal line until the disc is released.
  4. Each team raises a hand to signal readiness; then the disc is thrown.

Game Play

  1. Starting the Game: After the disc has been thrown off, the receiving team takes possession where the disc comes to rest.
    1. The receiving team may try to catch the disc before it lands on the ground, but if they drop it, it is considered a turnover and the throwing team gains possession.
    2. If the disc flies out of bounds before reaching the end zone, the receiving team takes possession at the point where the disc flew out of bounds or take possession in the middle of the field at the point the disc flew out of bounds.
    3.  If the disc flies into the end zone and is either caught thereby the defense or lands there, the player who gains possession (either by catch or picking up the disc) must either establish a pivot foot and throw from that point OR immediately run straight forward to the goal line and begin play from there OR begin play from the middle of the field at the goal line.
    4. If the disc flies out of bounds, through the end zone, the receiving team shall carry the disc to the goal line from the point the disc flew out of bounds OR begin play from the middle of the field at the goal line.
  2. Offense Definitions
    1. Thrower: Offensive player in possession of the disc.
    2. Marker: Defensive player that is guarding the thrower.
    3. Receiver: Any offensive player not in possession of the disc.
  3. Advancing the Disc: The disc may only be advanced by passing. The disc may be passed in any direction by any player.
    1. All players have the right to the space immediately above them. Thus, a player cannot prevent an opponent from making an attempt on a pass by placing his/her arms above an opponent. Should contact occur the player restricting the vertical area is responsible. A player who has jumped is entitled to land at the same spot without hindrance by opponents. The player may also land at another spot provided the landing spot was not already occupied at the time of take-off and the direct path between the take-off and landing spot was not already occupied.
    2. The player’s first contact with the ground after catching the disc determines whether he/she is in or out. The line is out. The first point of contact must be all the way in, this includes the endzone.
    3. A player may never run with the disc. Upon catching the disc a player must stop as soon as possible and establish a pivot foot. Any further movement is considered traveling and can be called by anyone on the field. This causes the disc to be returned to the thrower at the point of the infraction and a disc check takes place.
    4.  In the event of an unsuccessful throw (i.e. out of bounds, dropped, or hits the ground), possession of the disc is turned over to the defensive team. A player may not catch their own throw, unless tipped by a member of the opposing team.
    5. A thrower is allowed 10 seconds to throw the disc, but the stall count cannot begin until the thrower is marked. The marker shall begin a verbal 10-second count (1 to 10). If the disc is not thrown before the 10-second "stall" count is reached, the disc is turned over and the defense gains possession of the disc where the thrower was standing.
    6. No player may establish a position, or move in such a manner, so as to obstruct the movement of any player on the opposing team; to do so is a "pick." In the event of a pick, the obstructed player must immediately call "pick" loudly; play stops and is resumed after a check. When the disc is in the air, players must play the disc, not the opponent.
  4. Defense
    1. Only one marker is permitted to guard the thrower. The marker can be no closer than 18 inches or disc length to the thrower.
      1. No other defensive player may establish a position within 3 yards (9 feet) of the pivot foot of the thrower, unless he/she is guarding another offensive player in that area.
    2. B. Should the thrower recognize a double-team situation, he/she first calls "double-team" as a warning. If the defensive team continues to double-team, the thrower calls double-team again, and it is a violation.
    3. C. No defensive player may touch (strip) the disc while in the hands of the thrower (excluding the check). In the case of a strip, the stall count ceases until the thrower has regained possession, at which point the count resumes. Play does not stop.
  5. Scoring
    1. A goal is scored when an offensive player receives the disc in the defender's end zone. In order for the receiver to be considered in the end zone after gaining possession of the disc, his/her first point of contact with the ground must be completely in the end zone.
    2.  A player must be completely in the end zone AND acknowledge that he/she has scored a goal. If that player plays the disc unknowingly into a turn over, then no goal is awarded.
    3. A player cannot score by running into the end zone with the disc. Should a receiver’s momentum carry him/her into the end zone after gaining possession, she/he must carry the disc back to the closest point on the goal line and put the disc into play from there.
    4. Each goal is worth one (1) point.
    5. The scoring team stays and throws off from this end zone to begin the next point.
  6. Turnovers
    1. An incomplete, intercepted, knocked-down, or out-of-bounds pass results in a loss of possession. A check is not required.
    2. Out of bounds: When the disc goes out of bounds, play is resumed where it crossed the line, if it goes out the back, walk it to the closest spot on the end line. Player in-bounding disc must have pivot foot on the line. A check is not required.
    3. The following actions result in a loss of possession and a check:
      1.  If the marker’s count reaches the maximum number;
      2. If the disc is handed from player to player;
      3.  If the thrower intentionally deflects a pass to him/herself off another player;
      4.  If the thrower catches his/her own throw. However, if the disc is touched by another player during its flight it is considered a complete pass and is not a turnover.
    4. When possession changes in an end zone:
      1. If you gain possession in the end zone you are defending, you may either take the disc where it stopped, or walk it up straight to the goal line and take it there.
      2.  If you gain possession in the end zone you are attacking, you must walk the disc perpendicularly back to the goal line. Play continues, no "check" is required.
    5. To check the disc, the thrower holds the disc and the marker counts down "2, 1, disc in", then taps the disc.
  7. Fouls
    1. It is the responsibility of all players to avoid contact in any way possible. Violent impact with legitimately positioned opponents constitutes harmful endangerment, a foul, and must be strictly avoided. Contact fouls include picking, blocking, and shoving for position.
    2.  A foul can only be called by the player who was fouled. It must be called immediately after the occurrence.
      1.  All players must freeze.
      2.  Stall count goes to zero.
      3. Play resumes after disc is checked.
    3. All fouls result in a re-throw, after a "check" of the disc, EXCEPT:
      1.  If a fouled pass is completed, the foul is automatically declined; Play continues. Call "Play on".
      2. On uncontested catching fouls, the receiver takes the disc as if caught. Check the disc.
      3.  On defensive fouls the "stall" goes back to zero. On offensive fouls or travels, it stays the same or goes back to six, whichever is lower.
    4. If a receiver is fouled in the end zone, it is treated like a catch, but they must walk the disc to the end zone line and start play from there. It is not an automatic point. The disc must be checked in before play can begin.
    5. The defense can contest the call, at which point the disc goes back to the thrower.

Mercy Rule

If a team is up by ten (10) or more points with two (2) minutes remaining the game will be over.


Substitutions can only be made in between points (following a goal and before the throw-off). There are no substitutions while the disc is in play.

CoRec Modifications

  1. A total of eight (8) players, four (4) men and four (4) women, may beon the field at one time.
  2. A team may also participate with seven (7) or six (6) players in a combination of:
    1. Three (3) men and three (3) women
    2. Four (4) men and two (2) women.
    3. Two (2) men and four (4) women
    4. Four (4) men and three (3) women.
    5. Four (4) women and three (3) men.
  3. Teams must have a minimum of five (5) players to begin. At least two (2) of gender must be present with the option of either for the fifth player.
  4. If a woman catches or throws a score it is worth two (2) points.
  5. Mercy Rule is up 14 or more points with two (2) minutes left in the game.
Wiffle Ball

Team Composition

A team consists of 6 players for single-gendered games and 6 for Coed games. Must have 4 to start. Roster size is limited to 20 players.


  1.  Jewelry: No jewelry or any other item deemed dangerous by the Intramural Staff may be worn such as bracelets, earrings, necklaces, etc.
  2. Shoes: Basketball and/or athletic shoes are the recommended footwear. Sandals, street shoes, or boots are not allowed. No player will be allowed to participate in bare feet.
  3. Wiffleball and bats will be provided. Baseball sizes wiffleballs will be used for male hitters. Softball sized wiffleballs will be used for female hitters.  Teams may NOT use other Wiffle balls or bats.
  4. No fielding gloves or other objects can be used to catch a ball. 


  1. Each game has 25-minute time limit. There is no minimum or maximum number of innings. When time expires, the team currently losing must be given a chance to finish their turn hitting in that current inning.
  2. All playoff games will continue into extra innings until a winner is determined.
  3. The last out will begin on second base to begin extra innings.

Start of Game

A captain's meeting will take place before the game. A method of deciding home and away will be determined by the umpire/supervisor of the game (i.e. coin toss, odd or even, rock/paper/scissors, etc.). The home team will hit last in the inning.

Game Play

  1. Game Field
    1. Will be played on Multipurpose Court. 
  2. Pitchers/Pitching
    1. Teams will pitch to their own team.
    2. Pitchers (of the offense) will not be responsible for playing defense. If the pitcher is struck by a batted ball it will be considered a foul ball. In all other situations, the pitcher must move clearly out of the way of a defender making a play or the potential path of a throw. If the pitcher interferes with the defense the batter will be called out.
    3. The pitcher shall stand with at least one foot in contact with the pitcher’s line until the ball leaves the pitcher's hand.
    4. Pitches must be thrown overhanded.
  3. Hitting
    1. Each batter will receive a maximum of two (2) pitches. If the batter has not put the ball in play after two (2) pitches he/she will be called out.
    2. Each team will have 3 outs per inning.
    3. A ball that hits the second level of the WRC in fair territory will be considered a home run. This includes anything above the black speakers. The black speakers are not considered homerun.
    4.  If a ball clears the net in fair territory it will be considered a homerun
    5.  Balls that hit any objects in the ceiling (lights, air ducts, basketball goals, etc) will be a live ball unless they land in foul territory. 
    6. **The Finesse Rule** There is no bunting . A batter who bunts (deliberately stops their swing) is out. All bunted balls are immediately called dead balls and the batter is out. 
    7. Teams must maintain the same lineup throughout the game.
    8. If a player is on base while it is their turn to bat, they must take an out for the runner and go bat. Ghost runners are not allowed.
    9. Homerun rule is 5 home runs per team and then a single. Captains may agree to change the rule but the default will be 5 and a single.
  4. Running
    1. No leading off or stealing is allowed. Base runners may leave the base when the ball is hit.
    2. The base path for a runner is the direct line between the player and the base to which he/she is advancing at the time a play is being made on that specific base runner and the three feet to either side of that direct path.
      1. Note: this path may be different from the straight line connecting two bases. For example, a player who has run past 1st base a distance of about 10 feet decides to run for second. His/her base path for any tag plays is the direct line from where he/she made the turn towards 2nd base (10 feet down the line from 1st) and 2nd base. This is different from the direct line from 1st to 2nd base. For plays between home plate and 1st base, the runner shall run in the 3-foot lane of the foul side of the foul line.
  5. Sliding
  6. Fielding
    1. Teams can play the field with up to 6 players.
    2. The batter is out in situations similar to softball (force outs, flyouts, etc).
    3. There is no infield fly rule.
    4. NO PEGS
    5. No objects can be used to catch the ball besides bare hands.
    6. A ball thrown out of play will allow runners to advance 2 bases from the time of the throw

Mercy Rule

  1. If a team is up by 20 with 10 minutes left, the game will be over after the losing team has had a chance to hit in that inning.
  2.  If a team is up by 10 with 5 minutes left, the game will be over after the losing team has had a chance to hit that inning.


There are free defensive substitutions if a team is doing a continuous batting order.

If a team has substitutes that are not in the batting lineup, they must notify the scorekeeper who they are taking the place of. The original player can substitute back in for the same person that subbed them out, but the player being subbed out is not eligible to return to the game. 

CoRec Modification

Each team must have a minimum of four (4) players (at least 2 males and 2 females) in order to begin a game. Teams may bat their whole roster; however, the batting order must alternate male and female. If a consecutive gender bats back-to-back an out will be recorded.


3v3 Soccer

3v3 Soccer Rules


Field Dimensions: The playing field is 40 yards long by 30 yards wide.

  • No Offsides
  • No Slide Tackling
  • No Timeouts

Goal Scoring: A goal may only be scored from a touch (offensive or defensive) within a team's offensive half of the field (Ball must be completely on the offensive half of the field: Cannot be touching the mid­line). If a player in their defensive end kicks the ball across midline and the ball hits another player (offensive or defensive) and the ball goes in the goal, a goal will be awarded.

The Goal Box: The goal box, eight feet wide by five feet long, is directly in front of the goal. There is no ball contact allowed within the goal box, however, any player may pass through the goal box. If the ball comes to rest in the goal box, a goal kick is awarded regardless of who touched the ball last. Any part of the ball or player's body on the line is considered in the goal box and is an extension of such. Once the ball has broken the plane of the goal box, if the ball is touched by the defensive team, a goal will be awarded. If the offensive player touches after the ball has broken the plane, a goal kick will be awarded. The plane of the goal box extends upward.

Game Duration: The game shall consist of two 12-minute halves separated by a one-minute halftime period OR the first team to reach 12 goals, whichever comes first. A coin toss will determine direction and possession before the start of the game. The team winning the coin toss will choose which goal to defend and the other team will kick. Games tied after regulation play shall end in a tie, except in the playoffs.

Playoff Overtime: Shall consist of a 3­minute "golden goal" overtime period with a coin toss to decide kickoff/direction. The first team to score in overtime is the winner. If no team has scored in the 3-minute overtime, there will be a 2-minute “golden goal” with teams playing 2v2. If no goal is scored, there will be repeated 1-minute periods of 1v1 soccer until a goal is scored.

Penalty Kicks: Shall be awarded if, in the referee's opinion, a scoring opportunity was nullified by an infraction. It is a direct kick taken from the center of the midfield line with all players behind the mid­field line and the player taking the kick. This is a "dead­ball" kick. If a goal is not scored, the defense obtains possession with a goal kick.

Hand Ball Clarification: Deliberate handling of the ball that denies the opposing team a goal or an obvious goal­scoring opportunity will result in the following: ­a penalty kick will be awarded & ­the player committing the foul will be sent off and shown a red card (at referee's discretion).

Cautioned Players (Yellow Card): Players that receive two yellow cards in one game will result in a red card. (Please see Red card rule)

Player Ejection (Red Card): Referees have the right to eject a player or coach from the game for continual disobedience or as a result of an incident that warrants sending off. If the player receiving the red card was on the field of play, the team must complete the entire game a player short. Players that are red carded need to leave the immediate playing area, including the fan and team areas.

Five Yard Rule: In all dead­ball situations, defending players must stand at least five yards away from the ball. If the defensive player's goal is closer than five yards, the ball shall be played five yards from the goal box, in line with the place of the penalty.

Kick­Ins: The ball shall be kicked into play from the sideline instead of thrown in. The ball is considered in play when the ball is touched with a foot and moves one full rotation.

Indirect Kicks: All dead­ball kicks (kick­ins, free kicks, kick­offs) are indirect with the exception of corner/penalty kicks.

Goal Kicks: May be taken from any point on the endline.

Kick Off: May be taken in any direction.

Substitutions: Substitutions may be made at any dead­ball situation, regardless of possession. Teams must get the referee's attention and players are to enter and exit at mid­field.

Delay of Game: Any player may be cautioned with a yellow card if it is deemed by the referee that the player is intentionally time wasting. eg: if a player intentionally kicks the ball long distances away from the playing field in order to waste time.

Athletic trainer and referee must approve players wearing proactive cast, hard cast will not be allowed. Braces will exposed metal will not be allowed. No jewelry will be allowed, including earrings of any type, rope necklaces and bracelets. The only exception will be players wearing medical bracelets.

Coed Modifications: Coed players on the field will consist of 4v4

  • Coed teams cannot have more than 2 women or men on the field at one time.
  • Goals scored by women will result in 2 points.