Georgia College's Student Government Association (SGA) serves the campus community by addressing student concerns, promoting understanding within the college community and administering all matters which are delegated to the student government by the university president.
The responsibility for the governing of the student body is vested in the students themselves.
All students are members of the SGA upon their enrollment and officers and senators are elected on a yearly basis
- SGA has representation on most university-wide councils and committees
- SGA sets aside a portion of its monies to encourage organizations to sponsor activities which can benefit all students
- SGA allocates funds each year to assist students in traveling to professional conferences to present research findings in conjunction with Georgia College faculty
Mission Statement
Acting as the voice of all students enrolled at Georgia College, the Student Government Association will actively work to improve the quality of life for the student body, along with the university community as a whole. Believing in the right of self-governance, all students enrolled at Georgia College shall be a member of the Student Government Association and be entitled the rights, privileges, and protections thereof.
Core Values
Student-Driven Results
We value ensuring that decisions made at Georgia College that impact student success and life are steered by student perspective.
We value ensuring that balance is in place to maintain a proactive organization that serves our student body and institution.
We value ensuring the effectiveness of our servant leadership and use of deliberative rhetoric and trusted information to support responsible decision-making.
Champion of the 3 R's
We value upholding and protecting the 3 R's of Georgia College.
We value the cultivation and preservation of relationships among our fellow students, faculty, staff, administration, and members of the community. Through meaningful engagements, we strive to promote a campus climate that prioritizes social awareness and embraces diversity.
About SGA
The SGA first emerged in 1936 on Georgia College’s Milledgeville campus. The organization was founded to serve as a vehicle through which students can have their concerns addressed by elected student representatives. Since its inception, the SGA has had an industrious and successful tenure. The organization has offered a legitimate voice to the University administration, championing students’ interests, and partially funding various speaking events, campus structures, student organizations and students attending academic conferences.
Similar to the United States Government, the SGA is composed of three separate and distinct branches, which work cooperatively but operate independently.
The Executive Branch
The Executive Branch is headed by the Student Body President who serves as a representative and advocate for the student body. With the assistance of the Executive Board, the Student Body President works to implement Student Senate legislation and coordinate the activities of Student Government.
The Student Senate
SGA's main legislative body is the Student Senate, which conducts most of our business and fills the committees. Senate positions are all elected at the fall of each year and serve a one-year term. The requirements to represent your fellow students are to simply be an enrolled student at any branch of Georgia College, have a Grade Point Average of at least 2.75 or higher and be in good academic standing.
The Judiciary
The Judicial Branch is headed by the Attorney General with the assistance of the Assistant Attorney General. The Judicial Board, students appointed by the SGA President, is in charged with interpreting and enforcing all policies of the Student Government Association and having original jurisdiction in any cases concerning Student Government Association policies, laws, and activities, including elections.
SGA Cabinet
In addition to the three branches, the SGA President appoints a number of staff members that serve as special advisors to the president and is managed by the Chief of Staff.
The SGA is in charge of managing the Student Activity Fee through the Student Activity Budget Committee. The fee funds the Department of Campus Life, intramural field maintenance, the GIVE Center, homecoming activities, Campus Activity Board (CAB), and student organizations on campus.
Through the University Students’ Council, made up of registered student organization presidents, the SGA keeps students informed on the latest happenings on campus and helps them to address issues.
Regular meetings of SGA are held in order to carry out the responsibilities of initiating all legislation concerning the welfare of the student body, supporting the functions and activities of the student body, vesting authority to student organizations, investigating any appeal made to it by any student concerning problems of general student welfare or well-being, assuming financial responsibility for SGA funds, and reviewing the financial records of all registered student organizations. The SGA President presents resolutions passed by the Student Government Association to administrators who discuss the implementation of student requests. These resolutions are not taken lightly and are utilized to the benefit of students whenever possible. SGA strives to create, maintain, and regulate beneficial customs and traditions at Georgia College & State University.