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The Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity provides institutional leadership on all matters of diversity and equity.

Our prevention work serves to ensure that agents of the university do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status or any other irrelevant non-bona fide qualification in the administration of educational and employment programs, or any other activity administered by the university.   

Georgia College's primary goal is to prevent discrimination and harassment and stop such behavior if it occurs.  To that end, the University has adopted informative and formal processes through which discrimination and harassment (including sexual harassment) complaints can be resolved through OIED. 

For more information, visit /equity/multicultural.htm

OIED's Services:

The Women's Resource Center (WRC)

The Women's Resource Center is a place where anyone can come and find out about gender issues. Two former GCSU students created the WRC in 2005 because women should be able to live life free from fear of partner violence, sexual assault, and sexual harassment; because women should be paid equitably, enjoy healthy self-esteem, and have confidence that comes from within. For more information, please contact us at 478-445-4233 or visit /womenscenter/index.htm.

Disability Services

The mission of Disability Services, in partnership with the university community, is to create an accessible, inclusive campus where faculty, staff and students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to fully participate in and benefit from all aspects of an academic environment. Accommodations, programming, resources, and other related services to GCSU faculty, staff and students with documented disabilities to fulfill our institutional commitment of equal access to employment, courses, programs, and activities.

Disability-related services include accommodations, alternative testing, and assistive technology.

For more information, please contact us at 478-445-4233 or visit /equity/disability.

Diversity and Cultural Programming

Diversity and Cultural Programming works to ensure that there are adequate programs and initiatives which provide support and advocacy for cultural and minority populations, enhance awareness and appreciation of cultural and racial diversity and promote a campus climate that celebrates all differences. We work collaboratively with student organizations such as Black Student Alliance, Inter-Views, Latino Student Alliance, NAACP, and Pride Alliance, faculty, staff and the local communities to integrate an appreciation of diversity into university and civic life. For more information, please contact us at 478-445-4233 or visit /equity/diversityprogramming.htm

Minority Support Programs – Student Oriented Activities and Resources (SOAR); Mentoring African Americans for Leadership and Education (M.A.L.E.)

Minority Advisement Programs were established in 1983 by the University System of Georgia to address findings from various studies that have shown that minority students on Predominantly-White Campuses face unique barriers that often include lack of familiar networks, inadequate relationships with faculty, resulting in meager use of campus resources that are important to their retention and successes. The programs at GCSU are designed as mentorship that matches incoming minority students with upper-class peer mentors, professional mentors from GCSU faculty and staff, and community mentors, forming a network of resources and support to ensure the student's successful transition and completion of their collegiate experience. For more information please contact us at 478-445-4233 or visit /equity/mapsoar.htm.

Georgia College & State University • 231 W. Hancock St. • Milledgeville, GA 31061 • 1-800-342-0471 ; (478)445-5004 •