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Graduate Catalog

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The Master of Arts in Teaching: Kinesiology/Physical Education provides initial teacher preparation at the master's degree level for qualified candidates who hold a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution in a related discipline such as kinesiology, health education, exercise science, health promotion, outdoor education, and human performance. The degree program is designed for college graduates whose undergraduate degrees did not include coursework or learning experiences necessary to meet NCATE/NASPE national accreditation standards and the Georgia Performance Standards in health and physical education necessary for Health & Physical Education P-12 teacher certification.  The program is a one-year, full-time, experience that begins in summer semester and is completed the following spring.  It is possible to complete the program on a part-time basis over an extended number of semesters to accommodate an approved course sequence that includes six hours per semester. Students take courses and complete field experiences and are guided during the period of study by a professor skilled in advising, supervising, and implementing best teaching practices.


The Master of Arts in Teaching: Kinesiology/Physical Education is accredited through the College of Education by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, the National Association for Sport and Physical Education, and meets the Georgia Performance Standards for Health & Physical Education P-12 teacher certification.


The following formula is used to determine eligibility for regular admission:

  • GRE score (verbal + quantitative) + [GPA (upper division major coursework) X 100] = 1200 or more
  • MAT score (minimum 385) + [GPA (upper division major coursework) X 100 = 700 or more

In addition to meeting the formula for admission, applicants must:

  • Have an undergraduate GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale in the upper division major courses
  • Have successfully completed essential pre-requisite requirements
  • Submit a letter of application indicating why you have chosen a career in teaching health and physical education, teaching/professional philosophy, and how the program of study meets your career goals
  • Provide a current resume; copies of any relevant, current training certificates or certification cards
  • Provide 2 letters of reference signed by the referee
  • Complete an in-person or telephone interview


Students will be eligible for provisional admission in the following circumstances:

GRE score (verbal + quantitative) + [GPA (upper division major coursework) X 100] = 1100 to 1199

MAT score + [GPA (upper division major course work) X 100] = 660 to 699

To gain regular admission, provisional students must complete 9 hours of graduate coursework at GCSU with no less than a "B" in each course approved by the Department of Kinesiology Graduate Coordinator and the advisor. The 9 semester hours must include KINS 6803: Research Methods in Kinesiology I.


Applicants who apply too late for full consideration for admission and/or have not submitted all required documents for evaluation may be assigned conditional admission status for one semester only with permission of the Graduate Coordinator in the Department of Kinesiology. This option is discouraged because students failing to submit all required documents or not meeting admission requirements will be required to withdraw from the University. After one semester on conditional status, students must have achieved regular admission.


A graduate student will be placed on graduate academic probation if the student's institutional graduate grade point average falls below a 3.00 at any point during his or her graduate studies.

A graduate student will be dismissed if the student is placed on academic probation for more than one semester, receives more than one C during his or her graduate studies, or fails to comply with policy, procedures, and expectations as defined in current versions of the Outdoor Education Policy and Procedures Manual, The Facilitator Handbook, and the Student Handbook.


Up to 9 semester hours of graduate coursework with grades of B or better may be accepted from other institutions at the discretion of the Department of Kinesiology Graduate Coordinator and the advisor.


The requirements for the degree program must be completed within a period of 6 years from the date that the student begins taking courses at GCSU. Courses completed more than 6 years prior to completion of the requirements for the Master's degree will be regarded as outdated and will not be applied toward the degree program. This includes courses that may be transferred from other institutions. Outdated courses may be updated through appropriate means at the discretion of the Department of Kinesiology Graduate Coordinator and the advisor.

KINS 6803

Research Methods in Kinesiology I

(3 semester hours)

EDIT 5202

Instructional Technology for Teachers

(3 semester hours)

EDFS 5209

Culture and Schooling

(3 semester hours)

EDFS 5203

Field-Based Learning & the Learner

(3 semester hours)

KINS 6703

Pedagogical Applications in Physical Education

(3 semester hours)

KINS 6713

Program Assessment and Evaluation in Health & Physical Education

(3 semester hours)

KINS 6553

Coordinated School Health Programs

(3 semester hours)

KINS 6743

Program Design & Implementation in Elementary HPE

(2 semester hours)

KINS 6753

Clinical Field Experience in Elementary HPE

(4 semester hours)

KINS 6723

Program Design & Implementation in Secondary HPE

(4 semester hours)

KINS 6733

Clinical Experience in Secondary HPE

(4 semester hours)


Approved graduate level KINS elective

(3 semester hours)


  1. Submit a completed application to graduate study and all supporting documents to the Graduate Admissions Office
  2. Consult with the faculty advisor to develop a program of study
  3. Complete courses with a GPA of 3.0 or better
  4. Satisfactory evaluation of electronic teaching portfolio
  5. Submit the completed application to graduate by the date specified in the official university calendar
  6. Schedule the GACE Content Area Assessment in the areas of certification (115 & 116).
  7. Submit passing scores on the GACE Content Area Assessment, the College of Education Recommendation for Certification Form; and all other necessary documentation to the College of Education Certification Officer.
Georgia College & State University • 231 W. Hancock St. • Milledgeville, GA 31061 • 1-800-342-0471 ; (478)445-5004 •