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The International Education Center organizes study opportunities abroad and then advises and assists students to participate in the various approved study, exchange and internship programs abroad offered by GCSU, the University System of Georgia and other accredited academic institutions. Studying abroad enables students to increase knowledge of a foreign language, provides the opportunity to gain insight into and appreciation for the cultures and institutions of other peoples, facilitates the development of relevant career skills and contributes to personal maturity, a sense of independence, self-knowledge, and confidence.

To participate in study abroad, a student must be in good standing. Semester exchange students must have at least a 2.75 GPA. With prior written approval from the Assistant Vice President for International Education and the student’s advisor, credit for study abroad can be applied toward core or major degree requirements for graduation. Students will be advised exactly how they should register for their courses abroad. The specific study abroad or exchange program will be tailored to fit each student’s course of study. The number of credits awarded will be determined in advance of registration and study. Grading will be based on evaluation reports of the exchange institution or study abroad program.

Many summer, semester and academic year study opportunities are available in Africa, Asia, the Americas, Australia and Europe. In addition, the Colleges of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Business, Education and Health Sciences have specific programs geared toward the needs of their own students. For further information contact the International Education Center in 223 Lanier Hall or telephone (478) 445-4789.

Regular federal and state financial aid can often assist students to study abroad. For details contact the Financial Aid Office in 103 Parks Hall or telephone (478) 445-5149. In addition, special study abroad scholarships available through the International Education Center in 223 Lanier Hall or telephone (478) 445-4789 can enable students who could not otherwise participate in study abroad.

Study abroad program and scholarship information is available from the International Education Center Web site at /international.

Students enrolling in approved study abroad programs that do not otherwise require their registering for coursework at GCSU will register for INST 2985: Study Abroad Seminar, a one credit-hour course. Students will register for the course for the semester they plan to study abroad, but must attend sessions during the final weeks of the semester prior to their departure and receive an “incomplete” until final requirements for the course are met after their return to GCSU. The course will be offered on a Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory basis. If students do not complete the Study Abroad Seminar, they risk forfeit one of any GCSU scholarship, which may have been awarded, and will need to repay it.

Georgia College & State University • 231 W. Hancock St. • Milledgeville, GA 31061 • 1-800-342-0471 ; (478)445-5004 •