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Students who want to attend another institution to take courses that will count toward their degree at Georgia College & State University

  • must be in good standing
  • must complete the Transient Permission Form available from the Office of the Registrar
  • must obtain the approval of their department Chairperson and their faculty advisor prior to enrolling at the other institution. The form must specify the course or courses to be taken at the other institution.
  • The student must request that an official transcript be sent to the Office of Admissions at Georgia College & State University immediately upon completion of the course.

Ordinarily, students are permitted to be transient students for only one semester. Students approved for Academic Renewal are not eligible to take transient coursework. Transient students attempting to satisfy the core areas A-E must take courses equivalent to Georgia College & State University courses.

Georgia College & State University will accept only the credit hours from transient courses that are passed, and not the quality points. Grades earned in these courses will have no effect on the student’s regents’ cumulative or institutional grade-point average at Georgia College & State University. Retaking a course that was originally taken at GCSU at another institution will not affect your GCSU institutional grade point average.

Georgia College & State University • 231 W. Hancock St. • Milledgeville, GA 31061 • 1-800-342-0471 ; (478)445-5004 •