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Undergraduate Catalog

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(Students aged 62 and older)

Pursuant to the provisions of the Georgia Constitution, the University System of Georgia establishes the following rules with respect to enrollment in units of the University System of persons 62 years of age or older. To be eligible for enrollment under this provision such persons:

Must be residents of Georgia, 62 years of age or older at the time of registration, and shall present a birth certificate or other comparable written documentation of age to enable the institution to determine eligibility.

May enroll as a regular or auditing student in courses offered for resident credit on a "space available" basis without payment of fees, except for supplies, laboratory or technology fees.

Shall meet all undergraduate or graduate admission requirements; however, Georgia College & State University may exercise discretion in exceptional cases where circumstances indicate that certain requirements such as high school graduation and minimum test scores are inappropriate. In those instances involving discretionary admission, Georgia College & State University will provide diagnostic methods to determine whether or not participation in Learning Support will be required prior to enrollment in regular credit courses. Reasonable prerequisites may be required in certain courses.

Must meet all System, institution, and legislated degree requirements if they are degree-seeking students.

May not enroll in Dental, Medical, Veterinary, or Law Schools under the provisions of this Policy.

Georgia College & State University • 231 W. Hancock St. • Milledgeville, GA 31061 • 1-800-342-0471 ; (478)445-5004 •