Georgia College and State University » STUDENT SERVICES » OIED » STUDENT AFFAIRS
Student life at Georgia College & State University offers students a wide range of opportunities to become involved in University programs, services, and activities. Learning that takes place outside the classroom is an integral part of personal and educational development.
The educational mission of Georgia College & State University is the advancement of student learning both within and outside the classroom. The persons and offices which comprise the Division of Student Affairs contribute to this mission by providing programs and services which facilitate student learning, enhance student success, and teach responsible community membership. This Division is committed to helping students meet their full potential through providing co-curricular experiences that complement the University’s academic experiences. In order to help students progress toward their educational and career goals, a number of student services, programs and activities are provided by the Student Affairs Office which is responsible for leadership, management and supervision of the operations of all departments within the Division. Counseling Services, Athletics, University Housing, and Campus Life are coordinated by this office.
The Student Affairs office administers the University’s disciplinary code of conduct and student's rights and responsibilities; assuring due process procedures for students accused of misconduct. The University’s Honor Code and disciplinary policy is administered by the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students. The office also represents student interests and concerns to the faculty, staff, and administration of Georgia College & State University.